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.课后翻译Lesson 21. Instead of getting big fat curls, I emerged with an uneven mass of crinkly black fuzz.我的头发没有做出我要的大卷花, 而是给我弄成一头乱蓬蓬的黑色小卷毛。2. She checked to see if that might be one way to pronounce “Helsinki” before showing me the answer.在她告诉我答案前, 她对了对手中的杂志,看看赫尔辛基是否能这样发音。3. She seemed entranced by the music, a frenzied little piano piece with a mesmerizing quality, sort of quick passages and then teasing lilting ones before it returned to the quick playful parts.她似乎被这音乐吸引住了。这钢琴曲不长, 但有点狂乱,有着迷人的特点,乐曲一开始时快节奏的,接着是欢快跳动的节拍,然后又回到嬉戏的部分。4. If she had as much talent as she had temper, she would be famous now.如果她的才气和她的脾气一样大,她早就出名了。5. The part I liked to practice best was the fancy curtsy: right foot out, touch the rose on the carpet with a pointed foot, sweep to the side, bend left leg, look up, and smile.我最喜欢练习的部分是花哨的谢幕行礼的动作:先出右脚,脚尖点在地毯的玫瑰图案上,身子侧摆,左腿弯曲,抬头,微笑。精品.6. A chill started at the top of my head and began to trickle down. Yet I couldnt stop playing, as though my hands were bewitched. I kept thinking my fingers would adjust themselves back, like a train switching to the right track.一股凉气从头顶开始, 然后一点点传到全身。 但我却不能停止演奏,双手好像着了魔似的。我不停地想,我的手指会调整好,就像火车会被扳倒正确的轨道上。7. and her face went blank, her mouth closed, her arms went slack, and she backed out of the room, stunned, as if she were blowing away like a small brown leaf, thin, brittle, lifeless.她的脸部失去了表情,嘴巴紧闭,双臂无力地垂下。她退出了房间,神色惊异,好像一小片枯黄的树叶被风吹走了,那样的单薄、脆弱、毫无生气。8. And for the first time, or so it seemed, I noticed the piece on the right-hand side, It was called “Perfectly Contented” I tried to play this one as well. It had a lighter melody but with the same flowing rhythm and turned out to be quite easy. “Pleading Child” was shorter but slower; “Perfectly Contented” was longer but faster. And after I had played them both a few times, I realized they were two halves of the same song.我第一次, 或好像感觉是第一次,注意到右边的乐曲。它的名称是“心满意足”。我也试着弹这首曲子。它的曲调比较轻松,但节奏同样流畅,不是很难。精品.“祈求的孩子”较短、较慢, 而“心满意足”更长、更快一些。 在我弹了几遍后,我意识到,原来这两个曲子是同一首歌的两个组成部分。Lesson 31. Today we are in the throes of a worldwide reformation of cultures, a tectonic shift of habits and dreams called, in the curious vocabulary of social scientists, “globalization”.今天我们正经历着一种世界范围文化剧变的阵痛,一种习俗与追求的结构性变化,用社会科学家奇特的词汇来称呼这种变化,就叫“全球化”。2. Whatever their backgrounds or agendas, these critics are convinced that Western often equated with American influences will flatten every cultural crease, producing, as one observer terms it, one big “McWorld”.不管他们的背景和纲领如何,这些对全球化持反对态度的人深信西方的影响往往等同于美国的影响会把所有文化上的差异一一压平,就像一位观察家所说的,最终产生一个麦当劳世界,一个充斥美国货和美国价值观的世界。3. But I also discovered that cultures are as resourceful, resilient, and unpredictable as the people who compose them.不过我也发现文化就如同构成文化的民族一样,善于随机应变,富有弹性而且不可预测。精品.4. Its really hard to be original these days, so the easiest way to come up with new stuff is to mix things that already exist.现今原创极为困难。因此,最容易的办法就是把现存的东西组合在一起,拿出一个新玩意儿来。5. The Cosmopolitan, plunging necklines and all, is read by 260,000 Chinese women every month.26万中国妇女每个月都在阅读时尚杂志,那些开领低胸的画页及其他内容。6. The lights went out, and for a moment the only sound in the darkness was the whirring of an expensive camera on auto-rewind.灯光熄灭,有一阵子,黑暗中唯一的声音就是一部价格按贵的照相机自动倒卷时发出的声音。7. They received a lot from local cultures, but they also kept their own identity.他们从当地文化吸收了不少东西,但仍然保持了自己的本色。8. Linking humanitys natural impulse, its common destiny。相互联系是人类自有的欲望,是其共同的命运。9. They are the powerful cords of the heart.这种连接靠的是强有力的心灵的纽带Lesson 4精品.1. It was she who used to come between me and my paper when I was writing reviews.就是她,在我写评论时,总是在我和我的写作之间制造麻烦。2. I now record the one act for which I take some credit to myself, though the credit rightly belongs to some excellent ancestors of mine who left me a certain sum of moneyshall we say five hundred pounds a yearso that it was not necessary for me to depend solely on charm for my living.下面我要说说多少是我自己决定做的一件事情,当然做此事的功劳主要还应归功于我的了不起的祖先,是他们给我留下了一笔财产比如说每年五百英镑吧这样我就不必完全靠女人的魅力去谋生了。3. I do not believe that anybody can know until she has expressed herself in all the arts and professions open to human skill.我相信,只有妇女在人类知识所设计的全部艺术和专业领域中用创造形式表达自己的情感后,她们才能知道什么是妇女。4. He wants to see the same facesso that nothing may disturb or disquiet the mysterious nosings about, feelings around, darts, dashes and sudden discoveries of that very shy and illusive spirit, the imagination.他希望在他写作时,他每天见的人,读的书,做的事都是相同的,这样任何事物都不会打破他生活的幻想,也不会搅乱他的四处探求以及对那令人难以捉摸的东西想象力的突然发现。精品.5. Be that as it may, I want you to imagine me writing a novel in a state of trance.尽管如此,我请你想象我在迷睡的状态中写小说。6. The consciousness of what men will say of a woman who speaks the truth about her passions had roused her from her artists state of unconsciousness.她意识到男人们会如何议论一个敢讲有关激情真话的女人,这使她从艺术家的无意识状态中惊醒了。7. Inwardly, I think, the case is very different; she has still many ghosts to fight, many prejudices to overcome.从内心精神方面看,情况颇为不同。妇女还要与许多鬼怪展开斗争,还有许多偏见需要去克服。8. To dis
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