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.万圣节中英文主持稿7 / 7.尊敬的家长、老师,亲爱的同学们大家晚上好!Good evening!我是今晚的主持人xxxI am xxx and I am your host tonight.我是今晚的主持人xxxI am xxx and I am your host tonight.我是今晚的主持人xxxI am xxx and I am your host as well.今天是万圣节前夜,很开心能和大家一起在这里度过一个狂欢的夜晚,和大家一起体验万圣节的文化和自由搞怪的精神。让我们玩享受今夜,将哈喽喂晚会进行到底。万圣节晚会现在正式开始,大家一起high起来!We are so thrilled to be here to celebrate Halloween with all of you. Lets go crazy and enjoy the party!一、万圣节介绍相信有很多的家长和同学已经对万圣节文化有所了解,但是不排除有些同学可能对于万圣节的起源以及文化精神没有那么熟悉。还好我们有在加拿大生活多年的艾老师,国外多年的生活体会让他对万圣节有很深入的了解。那么接下来有请我们的艾老师为我们介绍万圣节。大家掌声欢迎!I am sure we all have some knowledge about Halloween but regarding its origin and spirit we are still rather clueless. Luckily we have Seegee here to give us a presentation about Halloween. Please welcome 艾老师! 二、服装秀Costume shows非常感谢艾老师的生动讲解。在万圣节的时候,所有人都会穿上奇装异服,比怪,比吓人,那么在现场,我也看到了大家有很多怪异的面具和美丽的装扮,现在就由全体师生为我们带来一段狂热的服装秀吧!Thats very informative. On Halloween, obviously its a tradition to dress up like monsters to scare people and we can see there are a lot of spooky and fantastic costumes here. Its time for the costume show! 三、鬼故事夜幕已经降下来了,大家是不是都能够听到针掉下来的安静。下面有请Jack同学为大家带来一段鬼故事,请欣赏。The night has fallen and we can hear nothing but silence. Please welcome Jack to share some ghost stories with us.四、节目和游戏1差不多先生Singing 表演者:Jordan、Henry、Jacky、Jack谢谢Jack同学带来的鬼故事,虽然鬼故事挺吓人的,但是我看到Jack今天的装扮就想笑场了。大家给jack一些掌声!接下来,放松一下,请欣赏4位帅哥给我们带来的Hip pop差不多先生。Thank you for sharing your ghost stories, Jack.Its pretty scary but your costume totally cracks me up. Round applause for Jack! Next, Jordan, Henry, Jacky and Jack will perform a rap song 差不多先生.2How longYo-Yo ball playing 表演者:Henry谢谢4位同学的卖力rap。我们学校里有一位小胖,虽然平时玩世不恭但是实力超群,今天就由他来为大家带来一场很特别的表演,有请Henry,YOYO show!That performance was dope! We all know there is a chubby kid at our school. He is a bad boy with awesome talent. Please welcome Henry to show off his awesome YOYO tricks! 游戏环节:知识竞猜10道题 Pop quiz谢谢Henry的精彩表演。接下来到了知识竞猜环节,在场的所有人员都可以参加,抢答者以最快的速度站起来回答,回答正确,可获得精美的奖品。第一题,抢答开始!Thank you, Henry. We are going to have a pop quiz now. Everybody can partake. The first person stands up and answers the question correctly will receive a prize. The first question isBegin!3童年Guitar playing and singing 表演者:Jeff、Julie、Bill每个人都有童年,你的童年里抬头高高的黑板和老师手里的粉笔,是奔跑在无忧无虑的天空下,还是那些单纯的梦想?下面有请Jeff和Julie,带来的他们心爱的吉他一起为我们歌唱童年。Remember when we were kids? Life was so simple and happy. Please welcome Jeff and Julie to sing us a song 童年 accompanied with dual guitars.4土耳其进行曲Piano playing 表演者:Skye很动听的弹唱。不知道大家知不知道我们中有一位钢琴小王子?有请Skye为我们演奏古典主义音乐家贝多芬作品土耳其进行曲。Its so sweet. It totally reminds me of my childhood. Does anyone know we have a piano virtuoso among us? Please welcome Skye to perform MarciaallaTurca by Beethoven.游戏环节:丑小鸭赛跑道具:气球Duckling race?感谢Skye的表演!灵动的手指编织着土耳其进行曲欢快节奏,音乐的魅力果然是无穷的。接下来到我们的游戏环节了,我们的第一个游戏是丑小鸭赛跑,游戏规则:用膝盖夹住气球,进行接力赛跑,先达到终点为胜。大家注意游戏的规则中球不能落地,不能夹破,否则需要从起点重新开始。Thats very classy! Now its game time! The first event is the Duckling race. Here are the rules. You must hold the balloon between your thighs and relay with your teammates to finish the race. Do not drop or pop your balloon otherwise your team must start over. 5明天你好Singing 表演者:Nisland、Helen 人生路上荆棘坎坷,跌掉了,没关系,站起来,拍拍身上的尘土,我们从头再来,带上这份愉悦的心情,带上我们真挚的祝福,去迎接美好的明天吧!下面有请Nisland、Helen为我们演唱明天你好,掌声欢迎!We will come across all kinds of difficulties during our whole life time. When you fail, just lay down the burden and start over. Stay in good mood and chase the beauty of tomorrow with our benediction. Now, lets welcome Nisland and Helen to give their performance. Welcome!6天空之城、平湖秋月 洞箫、古筝、口琴、陶笛 表演者:杨校长、David、King、Aileen老师谢谢Nisland和Helen带来的表演,愿我们走过的时光都是可以被纪念的时光。天空之城是日本导演宫崎骏于1985年推出的一部动画电影,在东南亚上演获得了极大的成功,而平湖秋月是一首具有浓厚的XX音乐特色的乐曲,相传为吕文成在游西湖盛景平湖秋月后创作,乐曲描绘了月下的湖光水色,有淡泊悠远,虚无缥缈的意境。请欣赏由杨校长、David、King、Aileen老师用洞箫、口琴、陶笛、古筝共同演奏这两首作品。Thank you, Nisland and Helen. Valley of the Wind was a very popular animated movie produced by the Miyazaki Hayao in 1985 andAutumn Moon over the CalmMoon is a piece of Chinese traditional music. Please welcome Mark, David, Alileen and King to perform the music with Tonso, ocarina, harmonica and guzheng.游戏环节:抢椅子道具:椅子谢谢老师们的唯美演奏,再次给他们掌声!又到我们好玩的游戏环节了抢椅子,游戏规则:台上置三张椅子,我们会邀请四位参赛者,四人围着椅子一个圈随着音乐绕圈走,当音乐停止时抢坐椅子,未坐到者淘汰;减一椅子,三个人继续以同样的规则游戏,以此类推,最后决出一位胜者。The performance was so beautiful! Another round of applause! Its game time again! We are going to play musical chair! Here are rules: we have three chairs on stage and four people will be invited. As the music plays, the contestants have to walk around the chairs, and as the music stops, everybody has to take a sit, whoever without a seat will be out of the game. One chair will be removed for the next round until the last man standing, or should I say sitting. 7Bang、Bang、Bang dance 表演者:Bill 青春必然少不了热情。当我们想到热情的时候一定会想到激情四射的舞蹈。下面请Bill给大家带来一段Bang、Bang、Bang,让气氛high起来!Its time to unleash your youthful spirit. Bill is going show off his awesome
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