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三年级第二册英语单词复习(Unit1-3) 班级 姓名 (把表格中的英文单词解释成中文)boyseegreatgirlagainreallyteacherclasshowstudentwefamilythistodayfishthatMissgoosemyMrwatchyoursorryTVfriendcome infunnyIm=I amcome onbignicefather/dadsheantmother/momhewatch outmanlook atmeetwomandrawwelcomemanpicturetoograndmother/grandmabeautifulbackgrandfather/grandpaice-creamnewsistericewherebrotherhow manyfromLets=let us canAmericaeggflyjeeplionnineteenjumplockthirteenkangaroonightfourteenkeynestsixteenguesstwentyeighteenopentwelveseventeenclosefifteenrighteleven(请把下面的句子译成中文。如确定会,不必做。)三年级第一册英语句子复习(Unit1-3) 班级 姓名Unit1 A Lets talk Lets learnGood morning, boys and girls! Watch out!Good morning, Miss White. Oh, no!Class, we have a new friend today.Hi, Im Amy. Im from America.Welcome!B Lets talk lets learnGood afternoon. Come in. Good afternoon, Mr. Black. Im sorry.This is My friend, Amy. Its OK.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.Where are you from?Im from America.Good bye, Mr. Black.Good bye.Unit2 A Lets talkWhos that woman? Shes my mother.Whos that man?Hes my father.Hi, Mom! This is my friend, Amy.Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. B Lets talk Lets learnCome on, Bai Ling. Lets watch TV. What a big fish!Great! Wow!Whos this boy?My brother.Cool!Whos this girl?Shes my sister.Really?Look! This is my mom. And this is my dad.Wow, how funny!Unit3 A Lets talkLook, Amy! I have a new kite.Oh, its beautiful! Lets fly it!OK!How many kites can you see?1,2,3 I can see 12.No, 11. The black one is a bird. Oh! B Lets talkHi, Chen Jie. Look at my new crayons! Oh,how nice!How many crayons do you have?Guess!Twelve?Open it and see!1,2,316! You have 16 crayons!Thats right!
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