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外 研 版 , 初 中 , 英 语 , 八 年 级 , 下 册 , 教 学 设 计 ,Book,Book 4 Module 1 Feelings and impressionsUnit1Itsmellsdelicious一、教学内容:Unit1Itsmellsdelicious二、课型: Listening and speaking三、教学目标:1. 通过本课的学习,学生能够正确运用下列单词和词组:smell,salt,sour,soft,cookie, pizza, lovely, done, try, have a try, pie, sound, sweet tooth, jam, ear2. 能够听懂用表感觉和知觉的系动词所表述的内容,并能与图片匹配。3. 能够使用感官动词 smell 、taste 、feel 、look 、sound 等词,对食物的味道进行评论,正确表达自己的喜好。四、教学重难点:能利用系表结构的句子对事物的味道、印象等进行评论,确切地表达自己或他人的喜好或是心情等。五、教学准备:课堂整体运用任务型教学模式,培养学生独立自主的学习能力。本课指导学生通过听说获取信息,培养学生的听说技能。课前将本课所需要的录音、图片、文字、和音乐制成课件,使抽象的语言变得直观,为学生运用英语进行交际创设情景,实现师生互动,生生互动和人机互动的多向交流。六、教学过程: 教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step OneWarming- up (3)Warming-up1. Have the students see a flash and sing the song Head, shoulders,knees and toe together.Questions:What s the song about?Do you know other words about the body?What can you do with your eyes/ears/mouth/nose/hands?Then introduce the title.1. Touch their body parts and sing with theanswer the teacher s question. Try to get the answer:It s about our body.Yes. Eyes, mouth, nose etc.2. Answer:we use our to look,sound,taste,smell, feel.Step TwoPre- task(5) 1.Bring the students some food and real things .Play a video and music. Ask:T: Do you like?T; How doesittaste/sound/look/feel/smell?ze the students to read the new words.workAsk and answer questions about the things. Say why they like or dont like them.A: Do you like flowers?A:Do you like pop music?1. Somestudents come to the front and eat the food and drink. Use a sentence to express their feeling.S: Yes, I do./ No, I dont. S:The cookie tastes sweet./ salty.The coffie smells delicious.2 Read the new words together.ng in pairs.Talk about their feelings and impressions using the target language.B: Yes, I do. They looknice. , it sounds beautiful.发散学生思维,能够询问并表达对事物的感觉和评价。和同伴开展语言交际活动。加深对感官动词的理解与运用。Step ThreeWhile- task (20)Task2 Listening . (Activity 1 and Activity 2.)Have the students do some listening. (Activity 1 and Activity 2.)Listening Finish Activity 1. Listen and number the pictures. Activity 2. Listen again and complete the sentences.Task3 Listen and answer (Activity 3)Say Betty and her friends are having get-together party. She is cooking some food for them. Do they like them? Please listen and ask my questions: What does Betty make?. What tastes sweet? Listen and answer the questions:She makes some cookies, a pizza, anapple pie and a cake. Cheese doesn t smell fresh. Cookie and sugar taste sweet. Task 4 Reading.1. Ask the students toread the conversation and complete the table in Activity 5.2. Call back the answers.1. Students read the conversation and complete the table in Activity 5.2. Give the answers.Task 5 Practice reading.1. Organize the students to read the conversation with the video, underline the sense wordsSum up:S link v.+ adj2.Ask the Ss to read the conversation in groups.3. Organize the students to have a competition:Read the conversation in groups and choose the best group.t read the conversation with the video and underline the sense wordsce reading in groups.3. Have a competition: Read the conversation in groups and choose the best group. Try to read the best.Task 6 Solve the language points.ze students to read the conversation again and find the language points. Let them discuss in groups and solve their problems.three little teachers to help the students solve their problems.1. Students read the conversation again and find the language points. Discuss in groups and solve their problems.teachers come to the front and help other students solve the language points, the other students listen carefully and note .Step FourPost-task(9 )Organize the students to make up a conversation in groups with the tips below.Say Suppose today is one of your friends birthday. There is a lot to see, to eatand to drinkat theparty.Talkabout your feelingsand impressionsabout it.Make a conversation with your friends.Group work.a new conversation in groups. Talking food and things in the party.a dialogue show.创设情境开展语言交际活动,在任务完成中灵活运用感官动词和形容词。Task 8 Exercises. (Activity 4the students to complete the sentences with the words in the box. (Activity 4).te the sentences with the words in the box. (Activity 4).通过活动 4 习题巩固本课所学内容,加深印象。Step FiveSummary (2)the students to sum up the language points.T: What have we learned today? Ss:the students to choose the best group in this lesson.up the language points: Sentence structure:link verb +adj Useful phrases:I m afraidHave a
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