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初中英语语法优秀教案模板(精选多篇)第1篇:初中英语家教语法教案音标:i 发这个音的字母和字母组合oi oy oi: oil coin oy: boy toy au 发这个音的字母和字母组合ou ow ou: house mouse mouth trousers ow: flower how now down 语法:数词(表示数目多少或顺序多少的词叫数词,数词分为基数词和序数词。表示数目多少的数词叫基数词;表示顺序的数词叫序数词。)一、基数词基数词写法和读法二、序数词序数词的缩写形式:first 第一 1st second 第二 2nd third 第三 3rd fourth 第四 4th fifth 第五 5th sixth 第六 6th seventh 第七 7th eighth 第八 ninth 第九 tenth 第十twentieth 第二十 thirty-first31st 基数词一般是单数形式,但下列情况,常用复数:a.与of 短语连用,表示概数,不能与具体数目连 用,如scores of people 指许多人;b.在一些表示一排或一组的词组里;如:They arrived in twos and threes.他们三三两两的到达了。 c.表示几十岁;d.表示年代,用 in +the +数词复数; e.在乘法运算的一种表示法里,如:3 x 5 = 15 Three fives is (are) fifteen.规律:1)从112分别由从one到twelve12个各不相同的词表示。2)从1319均以后缀-teen结尾。 13,thirteen, 15 fifteen,18,eighteen要特殊来记。3)从2090的整十数词均以后缀-ty结尾。表示“几十几”时,个位和十位之间需加连字符,如twenty-one, thirty-two, forty-three等。 4)数字的写法和读法:十位与个位之间要加连字符“-”;百位和十位之间要加and;三位数以上的数,从个位往前数,每三位数加一个逗号“,”,从后往前数的第一个逗号代表thousand,第二个逗号代表million,第三个逗号是billion,注意这几个词不能用复数形式,后也不能加and。5)表示具体、准确的数目时,hundred, thousand, million等后不能加-s, 如five hundred, six thousand, seven million等。6)当hundred, thousand等数词与of连用,表示不具体、不准确的数目时,词尾须加-s。如:thousands of students, millions of trees.三:数词的用法1.表示事物的编号:如:theninth part=part nine 第九部分 the Fourth Leon = Leon Four 第四课the sixth paragraph= paragraph six 第六段2.表示年月日:“年”用基数词,“日用序数词”。例如:1949年10月1日写法:Oct.1, 1949.读做: Oct.(the ) first, nineteen forty-nine. 2009年3月28日写法:March 27, 2009.读作: March, (the) twenty-seventh, two thousand and nine. 3.用数词表示分数,分子用基数词,分母用序数词;如果分子大于1,分母要用 复数。1/2: one-second 3/4 three-fourths, 2/5 two-fifths. 4.表示“加减乘除”:15+2=? How much is fifteen plus two? 8-7=? How much is eight minus seven? 1212=?How much is twelve times twelve? 819=? How much iseighty-one divided by nine? 5.“基数词名词形容词”结构“基数词名词形容词”只能用来放到名词前作定语。如: She is a 3-year-old girl.They live in a 7-store-high building.注:这种结构中名词不能用复数,同时只能作定语。用作表语时,不用连字符,名词有复数。Tony is 10 years old this year.Tony is a 10-year-old boy.6.表示某人“几十岁”,用基数词的复数形式。如:in ones thirties 三十多岁 7.表示“几个半” 英语中表达“几个半”有两种方法:“数词+and+ a half+名词(复数)”和“数 词+名词(复数)+and a half . 7.表示倍数once, twice, three times 练习:Dick, it is the _ time in _ days that youve made the same mistake.A.two,three B.second,three C.two,third D.second,thirdIt is said that the gravity(引力) on the Mars (火星)is only about _ of the gravity on the earth. A.threeeighths B.thirdeighth C.threeeights D.thirdeighthundred,thousand,million,billion等单位数词How many people will come to Beijing next year? Its hard to say, _ people, I think. A.million of C.three millions B.millions of D.three millions of这是他第四次帮我摆脱困境。This is his _time to help me out of trouble推荐第2篇:初中英语语法总结(优秀)1.see、hear、notice、find、feel、listento、look at (感官动词)+do 2.(比较级 and 比较级) 表示越来越怎么样 3.a piece of cake =easy 小菜一碟(容易) 4.agree with sb 赞成某人5.allkinds of 各种各样 a kind of 一样6.allover the world = the whole world 整个 世界 7.along with同一道,伴随 8.As soon as 一怎么样就怎么样 9.as you can see 你是知道的10.askfor 求助 向要(直接接想要的东西) 11.ask sb for sth 向某人什么12.asksb to do sth 询问某人某事 ask sb not to do 叫某人不要做某事 13.at the age of 在岁时14.atthe beginning of 的起初;的开始 15.at the end of +地点/+时间 最后;尽头;末尾 16.at this time of year 在每年的这个时候17.be/feel confident of sth /that clause +从句 感觉/对什么有信心,自信 18.be + doing 表:1 现在进行时 2 将来时 19.be able to (+ v 原) = can (+ v 原) 能够 20.be able to do sth 能够干什么21.beafraid to do (of sth 恐惧,害怕 22.be allowed to do 被允许做什么 23.be angry with sb 生某人的气24.beangry with(at) sb for doing sth 为什么而生某人的气 25.be as原级as 和什么一样 26.be ashamed to 27.be away from 远离 28.be away from 从离开 29.be bad for 对什么有害 30.be born 出生于31.bebusy doing sth 忙于做什么事 be busy with sth 忙于 32.be careful 当心;小心33.bedifferent from 和什么不一样 34.be famous for 以著名 35.be friendly to sb 对某人友好 36.be from = come from 来自37.befull of 装满的 be filled with 充满 38.be glad+to+do/从句39.begoing to + v(原) 将来时40.begood at(+doing) = do well in 在某方面善长, 善于 41.be good for 对什么有好处 42.be happy to do 很高兴做某事 43.be helpful to sb 对某人有好处 44 be in good health 身体健康45.bein trouble 处于困难中 eg : She is in trouble They are in tronble 46.be interested in 对某方面感兴趣47.belate for = come late to 迟到 eg: Be late for cla 上课迟到 48.be like 像 eg : Im like my mother 49.be mad at 生某人的气50.bemade from 由制成(制成以后看不见原材料) 51.be made of 由制成(制成以后还看得见原材料) 52.be not sure 表不确定 53.be on a visit to 参观54.bepopular with sb 受某人欢迎 55.be quiet 安静56.beshort for 表*的缩写 57.be sick in bed 生病在床58.besorry to do sth be sorry for sb 59.be sorry to hear that 60.be sorry to trouble sb 61.be strict in doing sth 严于做某事 62.be strict with sb 对某人要求严格63.bestrict with sb in sth 某方面对某人严格 64.be supposed to do 被要求干什么 65.be sure 表确定66.besure of doing sth 对做某事有信心 67.be sure of sth 对做某事有信心 68.be sure that sth 对做某事有信心 69.be sure to do sth一定会做某事 70.be terrified of + 名/动doing 害怕 71.be terrified to do sth 害怕做某事 72.be the same as 和什么一样 73.be used to doing sth 习惯做某事
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