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人教新目标版九年级英语Unit1 检测试题 班级 姓名一根据句意和所给单词或字母完成句子(10分)1This term I began to enjoy _ English movies. (watch)2A car runs _ than a bus. (fast)3I dont do well in English reading. I read very _. (slow)4I didnt understand Vera because she didnt _ some words clearly. (pronunciation)5.I wont tell you,its a s .6Its really difficult for me to m _ all these new words.7.If we do more speaking practice, well improve our s _ English.8.They are different. They do things d_.9.The teacher says I have to learn grammar again because I always make m _ in grammar.10.Please read the text a_, so all of us can hear you. 二.单项选择(共20分) 1.-How do you study for an English test?-_A.By work with friends. B.By listen to tapes.C.By asking the teacher with help. D.By making vocabulary lists. 2. Playing with fire _ dangerous. A. is B. was C. be D. will be3.What about _ grammer?-Ittoo boring.A.finding B.studying C.writing D.playing4.We are going hiking tomorrow. What will the weather be like, Benson?-Why not _ the radio and listen to the report?A.turn on B.turn off C.take away D.find out.5. I found _very easy to learn English well if you put your heart into it. A. that B.its C. it D. this 6.My dad bought me a new MP4, but I dont know _.-Lets read the instructions.A.what to use B.which one to use C.how to use it D.when to use it7. The rain will _ our plan for a picnic.A. face B. influence C. solve D. lose8.He speaks too quickly _.A.understand B.write them downC.to understand D.and write9.Lillian said memorizing the words of pop songs helped _.A.a lot of B.lot of C.a little D.a little of10.-I heard they lost the game. Yeah. We were all _ when we saw the _ result. A. frustrated; frustrated B. frustrating; frustrating C. frustrated; frustrating D. frustrating; frustrated11.-Have you read these books?-Yes, I _ it three years ago.A.have done B.have read C.readed D.did12.My sister has a lot of trouble _ math.Ato learn BlearningClearned Dlearns13.If you _ him tomorrow, ask him if he _ to our party next week.Asee, comes Bwill see, comesCwill see, will come Dsee, will come14.Dont _ the people in trouble, Try to help them.A.hear from B.go over C.laugh at D.look like15_ of her parents is going to the meeting in the school.ABoth BEitherCAll DAny16.I have no idea _ with the problem. I dont know either. Youd better ask our teacher for help.A. how doingB. how to deal C. what doing D. what to deal17.When we meet some new words, wed better _ in a dictionaryA.look out them B.look them at C.look them up D.look up them18.My mum likes to watch me _ the piano.Aplayed Bto playCplaying Dplay19.Sam got _ about the words and ended _ in a low voice.A.frustrating; speaking B.frustrated; up speakingC.frustrate; to speak D.frustrating; up speaking20.We should try our best _ that work.A.to finish B.finishing C.finish D.doing三完形填空(共l0分) Who did this Mrs. Green asked with a piece of broken glass in her hand. She had never been so 51 with us. The classroom was so quiet. All students looked at the window except me. I kept my head 52 . I knew it was me. I broke it when I practiced 53 baseball. But should I tell the truth If I did, I would be in trouble, I didnt have enough 54 . How could I afford to buy such an expensive window I really didnt want to put up my hand, 55 at last I said. “I did it. I am sorry.” It was not 56 for me to say those words. Mrs. Green went to the book shelf and took down a book. Then she walked to me. Looking at 57 , I was a little afraid. To my surprise, she said, I know you like 58 .Here is the book about them. Its yours now. I give it to you not because you broke the window, but because you are 59 . I couldnt believe it. I wasnt punished(惩罚). However, I was given my favorite book about birds. It happened 20 years ago, but I still 60 the book. The lesson my teacher taught me that day will be in my heart forever.( )51. A. excited B. angry C. happy D. nervous ()52. A. up B. down C. over D. out ( )53. A. play B. to play C. playing D. played ( )54.A. glass
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