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精品名师归纳总结8BUnit 1Past and present【短语学习重点 】Comic strip Welcome to the unit1.an hour ago一小时前p.6 2.used to share food with me过去常常与我共享食物 p.6 3.go to school by bike骑自行车上学p.74.take a bus to school乘公共汽车上学p.7Reading5 . knowvery well特别明白p.86. since I was born自我诞生以来p.8 7 . live in the northern part of town 住在城镇的北部p.88. get married结婚p.89. move two blocks away搬到两个街区以外p.810. since then从那以后p.811. change a lot转变很多p.812. over the years在这些年期间p.813. in the town centre在镇中心p.814. turninto把变成p.815. a steel factory一家钢铁厂p.916. put the waste into the river把废料扔进河里p.917. take action to improve the situation实行行动改善情形p.918. much cleaner洁净得多p.919. in some ways在某种程度上,在某些方面p.920. have a beautiful modern town拥有一个漂亮现代化的城镇p.921. most of my old friends我的大多数老伴侣p.9 22.move away搬走p.923. see each other as often as before和过去一样频繁的见到彼此p.9 24 play cards and Chinese chess打牌,下中国象棋p.925. feel a bit lonely from time to time有时感到有点孤独p.9 26.the amazing changes令人诧异的转变p.9 27.have an interview with sb.采访某人p.928. all ones life一生p.11Grammar29. repair over ten bicycles修十多辆自行车p.14可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结30. the changes in Beijing北京的变化p.1431. over the past century上个世纪期间p.1432. learn more about更多明白关于p.14Integrated skills33. clean and fresh air洁净新奇空气p.15 34.living condition居住环境p.1535.railway station火车站p.15 36.travel to and from the town by bus乘公交进出城镇p.1637.another big change另一个大变化p.16 38.used to live in old houses过去住在旧房子里p.16 39.move into new flats搬进新的公寓p.1640. return from the USA从美国回来p.1641. go abroad出国,去国外p.1642. at primary school在学校p.16 43.keep in touch with each other相互保持联络 p.16 municate by email通过电子邮件沟通 p.16 45.make communication much easier使沟通更简单 p.16Study Skills46. be/get used to doing sth习惯于(干)某事p.1747. on ones own独自的,独立的p.17Task48. narrow and dirty roads又窄又脏的大路 p.19 49.wide and clean streets宽敞而洁净的街道 p.19 50.green trees on birth sides两边绿树p.1951. open spaces开阔的空的p.1952. in their free time在他们的闲暇时间p.19 53.enjoy a comfortable life享受舒适的生活p.19【句型学习重点 】1.You used to be so kind to me.你过去对我那么好。P.6 2.It took a long time to wait for the next one.等下一辆公共汽车要花费很长时间。p.73. Do you know Sunshine Town very well, Mr Chen.陈先生,你对阳光镇很明白吗?p.8可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结4. When I got married in 1965, my wife and I moved two blocks away and weve lived in this area since then.当我 1965 年结婚时,我和我的妻子搬到两个街区以外, 此后始终住在这里。 p.85. It has become impossible for us to see each other as often as before.对我们来说像以前一样常常见面变得不行能。p.8 6.Anyway, it s good to see the amazing changes in the town.不管怎样,能看到小镇这些令人赞叹的变化,仍是不错的。p.8 7.We havent seen each other since then.p.16我们自从那时就再也没见过。8.Many changes have taken place in Moonlight Town over the years.这些年月光镇发生了很多变化。p.19【难点解析】重要语言点讲解1. Have you seen my food.解析:此句时态是现在完成时疑问形式。现在完成时由“主语+have/has +动词过去分词形式 ”构成。它的要义在于表达过去已经发生的事情对现在造成的某种影响,或者,强调过去发生的事情始终连续到现在的状态。1)I ve I have eaten it. eat ate eaten2)You ve changed ./ You ve changed too.For example:A: Have you studied English for ten years. B: Yes, I have. And you.A: No, I haven t.B: Then how many years have you learnt English. A:I have learnt it for eight years.2. Ive just eaten it.我刚才把它吃了。just adv. 意为“刚才”常与完成时连用。他们刚刚到达。They have just arrived.留意: just now 意为 “刚才 ”,相当于 “a moment ago”通常与一般过去时连用。我刚才去了图书馆。I went to the library just now.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结3. You used to share food with me.你过去常与我共享食物!used to do sth.意为“过去常常做某事,以前常常做某事”,表示过去的习惯。本身已是过去时态,没有人称和数的变化,暗含现在已不再如此。1他的父母过去住在乡下。His parents used to live in the countryside.2Tom 过去常常早起,不是吗?Tom used to get up early, didnt he./usednt he.be used to doing sth习. 惯于做某事我父亲习惯晚饭后读报。My father is used to reading newspapers after dinner.be used to do被用来做A pen is used to write with.笔是用来写的。4. share v. 共用。共享共享某物share sth和某人共享某物share sth with sb留意: share sb sth没有这种表达方式!5. past n. 意为“过去 ”。她正在回忆过去。She is thinking of the past. past adj.意为“过去的 ” 他病了三周了。He has been ill for the past three weeks.in the past 过去in the past few years在过去的几年中6.presentn. 现在,目前at presentn.礼物7. to the north of 在北面(范畴之外) in the north of 在北部(范畴之内) on the north of 在北边(接壤)Our school is to the north of the times supermarket .我们学校在时代超市北面。Beijing is in the north of China.北京在中国北部。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结Shandong is on the north of Jiangsu.山东位于江苏北面。8. lonely,alone 的区分:Lonely 作表语,表示心灵内部的孤独孤寂。alone 指单独、独自的意思,作表语。例如: He is alone, but he never feels lonely.他虽然单身一人,但从不感到孤独孤寂。此外 lonely仍能作定语,表示荒芜的、偏僻的、偏远的a lonely village一个遥远的村庄9. from time to time不时,有时,有时sometimes有时some times几次sometime 某时 some time一段时间1) He feels lonely from time to time. 2He feels lonely sometimes
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