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2022年云南省曲靖市中考英语一模试卷一单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。1(1分)The relationship between Guan Zhong and Bao Shuya is one of _ best examples about friendship.()AaBanCtheD/2(1分)Hey,boys!Do you know whom the running shoes belong to?Hello,Mr.Clark.They _ be Jessicas.She often wears such shoes in our class.()AmustBcantCwouldDneednt3(1分)What do you think of Quan Hongchans diving (跳水) performances?Oh _ else does better.She won the nations heart.()AeverybodyBanybodyCsomebodyDnobody4(1分)Thank you for showing me around your school._.()AMy pleasureBAll rightCNothing muchDHelp yourself5(1分)I believe youll make it _ you take everything seriously.()AthoughBifCunlessDbefore6(1分) Why did you say thanks to Ms.Su just now? Because I couldnt make such great _ without her help and support.()AproblemBprocessCproductDprogress7(1分)Cathy checked her paper so that she could get good grades this time()Acareful enoughBenough carefulCenough carefullyDcarefully enough8(1分)We _ English for nearly three years.We are comfortably speaking it now.()AlearnBlearnedChave learnedDwere learning9(1分)Please remember to take your bag with you when you _ the bus.()Aput offBget offCtake offDturn off10(1分) I will run for an hour every morning to keep fit from tomorrow on. Dont be so sure._.()AKnowledge is powerBEasier said than doneCFailure is the mother of successDPractice makes perfect11(1分)Some kids leave their homes early to avoid heavy traffic _ the school days.()AduringBfromCafterDthrough12(1分)No matter what difficulties the scientist meets with,he believes all problems can _ in the end.()AsolveBto solveCsolvingDbe solved13(1分)Jane is the one _ is good at Chinese calligraphy (书法) in our class.()AwhichBwhoCwhomDwhose14(1分)I wonder _.You should try to do what you can to protect the earth.Act before its too late.()Ahow I can be a greener personBhow can I play a role in saving waterCwhat should I do to keep the rivers cleanDwhat I should do to help the disabled15(1分)Which of the following sentences sounds more polite when we make a request?()ALet me know when youre ready.BPeter,tell me your email address.CCould you please tell me the way to Green Park?DWhere is the nearest supermarket?二完形填空 从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。16(15分)Village libraries may help change childrens lives. When Zhang Dongdong,from Beijing,arrived at Sanbao Street in Qinglong,Guizhou in August,2019,he found that most of the children there lived with their(1) .Their parents moved to large cities(2) .The families were poor,and there were(3) books for the children to read.They only had textbooks.Zhang felt sorry(4) the children.He tried his best and got 3,000 books from all over the country.And then he(5) Sanbao Childrens Library. In October,Zhang went to Zhanma Village.He visited the village primary school.Zhang found that the school library was a(6) room with old books and that there was no place for children to read.So Zhang began to build another library(7) 2019,and on June 1st the following year,World Childrens Day,Zhanma Village Library opened(8) door. Im not the only one that has built a library for a village, Zhang said. In fact,most secretaries (书记)(9) to build village libraries as a very important part of their work.(10) can be good friends for the children.And they can enrich childrens childhood and lives.(1)A.uncleB.cousinsC.grandparentsD.parents(2)A.to playB.to workC.to farmD.to travel(3)A.manyB.lots ofC.littleD.few(4)A.inB.atC.forD.on(5)A.set upB.looked upC.made upD.took up(6)A.largeB.bigC.smallD.empty(7)A.in the endB.at the endC.in the end ofD.at the end of(8)A.itB.itsC.itsD.their(9)A.chooseB.imagineC.enjoyD.advise(10)A.SportsB.Mobile phonesC.ToysD.Books三阅读理解(共三节,满分7.5分)第一节 17(7.5分)根据短文内容,判断正误(正确T,错误F),并将答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。 Chinese scientist Yuan Longping,known as Father of Hybrid Rice(杂交水稻之父),passed away in Changsha on May 22,2021.Chinese people expressed their sadness at the death of the great man. Although he was one of Chinas most famous scientists,Yuan Longping considered himself as a farmer.Yuans lifelong dedication(贡献)to solving the problem of hunger made him a national hero in China.Born in Beijing in 1930,Yuan graduated(毕业)from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953.Since then,finding ways to grow more rice had been his life goals.As a young man,he saw the great need for increasing the rice output(产量).At that time,hunger was a big problem in many parts of t
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