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2022年海南科技职业大学单招英语题库及答案解析学校:_ 姓名:_ 班级:_ 考号:_题号一二三四总分得分一、单选题1I knew I had not studied enough as soon as I _the exam question.A.seeB.sawC.have seenD.was seeing答案:B2Smith is _ than _ in his class.A.clever, any othersB.cleverest, anyone elseC.cleverer, anyoneD.more clever, any other boy答案:D3Lilys bag is blue, but_is redA.herB.myC.mineD.shes答案:C4The workers are busy _ windows to the new building these days.A.fixB.fixedC.fixingD.to fix答案:C5For our own safety,its important to _ the traffic rule on the way to school.A.breakB.makeC.changeD.follow答案:D6_ carefully,Michael! Theres a school ahead.A.DriveB.To driveC.DroveD.Driving答案:A7This medicine _ millions of peoples lives since it was put into use.A.is savingB.will saveC.has savedD.had saved答案:C8 Would you like to go to the cartoon show with me? It sounds like fun,_ Im too busy.A.soB.forC.orD.but答案:D9The shoes are of high quality and()long.A.woreB.are wornC.wearD.will be worn答案:C10The manager listened to the customers, complaints attentively with great patience.()to miss any point.A.not tryingB.trying notC.to try notD.not to try答案:B11Its time _ class.A.forB.toC.atD.in答案:A12When an earthquake happens,I think the most important safety _ is to keep calm.A.ruleB.doubtC.conditionD.problem答案:A13When doing experiments,one cannot rely too much upon the human senses to make_observation.A.accurateB.casualC.eventualD.potential答案:A14We are()all.A.AmerciaB.BritishesC.CanadaD.Japanese答案:D15Many workers were organized to clear away _ remained of the World Trade Center.A.thoseB.thatC.whatD.where答案:C二、完形填空1Who says honesty(诚信)is dead? Last Tuesday morning Alan Reed,a student at Claremont College here,was getting (1) money out of the bank. He wanted to have 50 dollars and the teller(银行出纳员)(2) him five twenties instead of five tens. For a few seconds,as Alan tells it,he wondered (3) to do. Should he give the extra money back? Keep it? If he kept it,he could buy several new CDs,or he could take his friend Simon to a big dinner. (4) no one would ever notice. But then he (5) the teller. She was a middle-aged woman with a sweet face,and she (6) him of his mother. She had been nice to him. Then he thought that there were probably exact (7) kept of how much money was paid out,and the (8) would probably get in trouble. (9) of all,Alan felt he would probably feel (10) about keeping the extra money. Alan gave back the money at last. 1)( )A.lessB.someC.anyD.several答案:B2)( )A.addedB.tookC.askedD.gave答案:D3)( )A.whatB.howC.whereD.when答案:A4)( )A.QuicklyB.ShortlyC.ProbablyD.Safely答案:C5)( )A.sawB.listened toC.heardD.looked at答案:D6)( )A.rememberedB.returnedC.remindedD.required答案:C7)( )A.recordsB.datesC.photosD.places答案:A8)( )A.motherB.studentC.ladyD.man答案:C9)( )A.EachB.WorstC.PartD.Best答案:B10)( )A.excitedB.satisfiedC.happyD.guilty答案:D三、阅读理解1阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项Because of the land shortage in Hong Kong and gradual rise in the population, the government has come up with a very bold housing program to provide flats for the lower income group. Land shortage is really a big problem. It is, therefore, impossible to build low-cost houses. Most of these flats built by the government are high rise flats, some rising to more than twenty storeys. Slums in the urban areas have been cleared and some of these lots have been taken up by the Housing Board to build flats.Who are the people who live in these flats? They are mainly people of middle and lower income groups who cannot afford to buy private houses. The only way for the government is to build flats and sell or rent them out at reduced prices in order to solve their problem.Generally the area where flats are built is well served by shops, playgrounds, shopping centers and schools. People do not have to travel far for their daily needs. Bus services run right through some of the housing areas and they provide an efficient means of transportation. 1)The governments aim is _.A.to provide free flats for poorer peopleB.to build more low-cost housesC.to build houses and flats for the higher income groupD.to make good use of land which is limited to provide flats for the lower income group答案:D2)Multi storey flats are preferred _.A.because land is suitable for building tall flatsB.because they sell at better pricesC.because people prefer living in tall flatsD.because they make good use of land which is limited答案:D3)Most of these flats are _.A.within city limitsB.near industrial
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