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2022年贵州食品工程职业学院单招英语模拟试题及答案解析学校:_ 姓名:_ 班级:_ 考号:_题号一二三四总分得分一、单选题1_ many times, but he still couldnt understand it.A.Having been toldB.Though had been toldC.He was toldD.Having told答案:C2Use your head nothing taught by others can have the same effect on you as _learned by yourself.A.thoseB.whatC.thatD.the one答案:C3Its difficult to _a conversation with someone who only says “yes” and “no”.A.put upB.pick upC.keep upD.live up答案:C4I have lost one of my gloves。 I_it somewhere。A.must dropB.must have droppedC.must be dropping答案:B5The boy was made _ sorry though it was not his fault.A.sayB.to sayC.sayingD.said答案:B6It _ five years since he _ to study French.A.was, beganB.is, has begunC.will be, beginsD.is, began答案:D7() in the daytime is not good for you. You may not sleep well at night and feel tired the next day.A.SleptB.SleepsC.Have sleptD.Sleeping答案:D8Can you play_basketball?A.theB.aC.yourD./答案:D9-How did you find your missing pen?-().A.Quite by accidentB.I found it in my drawer.C.It writes wellD.It was well kept by myself.答案:A10When he got to the station,the train _.A.was leftB.had leftC.has leftD.would left答案:B11The manager listened to the customers, complaints attentively with great patience.()to miss any point.A.not tryingB.trying notC.to try notD.not to try答案:B12You look pretty in the new dress._A.Thank you!B.Dont mention it!C.I am so shy.D.No,thanks.答案:A13He is clever and hard-working. It is _ that he will win in the competition.A.certainB.sureC.toldD.spoken答案:A14_ youre trying to do is really too difficult for you.A.WhatB.ThatC.WhoD.If答案:A15Its foolish _ Jack to do _ thing.A.for, so foolish aB.of, such a foolishC.of, so foolishD.for, such a foolish答案:B二、完形填空1Sometimes it is better not to know the _ of a country that you are visiting _ it is to know just a little of it. The _ is this: the natives of your host country will often rush to _ if you seem completely lost and helpless. But they will usually misunderstand your small attempts to speak their language. They will think that you know _ more than you do. For example, I once asked three people in carefully memorized phrasebook Spanish how to get to a bus station in Mexico City. In reply each of them poured out a flood of (大量) complicated Spanish. The result was _ I didnt understand a word and wandered (徘徊) around for an hour before I found the station. _ I had missed the bus. The next time I met a situation like this in another city, I was a lot smarter,so I acted dumbly(哑). Trying to look very pitiful, I _ a stranger and asked simply, “Bus station?” He not only told me how to get there. He showed me the _, walking three blocks out of his way to help a poor, dumb and helpless _.1)( )A.habitB.customsC.peopleD.language答案:D2)( )A.ifB.unlessC.thanD.when答案:C3)( )A.causeB.reasonC.explanationD.memory答案:B4)( )A.helpB.showC.tellD.direct答案:A5)( )A.a littleB.noC.a lotD.many答案:C6)( )A.thenB.whatC.soD.that答案:D7)( )A.Before longB.Soon afterC.By thenD.Just then答案:C8)( )A metA.stoppedB.caughtC.grasped答案:B9)( )A.routeB.roadC.streetD.place答案:A10)( )A.loserB.strangerC.workerD.comer答案:B三、阅读理解1阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项Believe it or not, optical illusion can cut highway accident. Japan is a case in point. It has reduced car accidents on some roads by nearly 75 percent using a simple optical illusion.Bent stripes, called chevrons painted on the roads made drivers think that they are driving faster than they really are, and thus drivers slow down. Now the American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety in Washington D.C is planning to repeat Japanese success. Starting next year, the foundation will paint chevrons and other patterns of stripes on selected roads around the country to test how well the patterns reduce highway accidents. High speed plays a major role in as much as one fifth of all deadly traffic accidents, according to the foundation. To help reduce those accidents, the foundation will carry out its tests on areas where speedrelated dangers are the greatest-culver, exist slopes, traffic circles, and bridges. Some studies suggest that straight, horizontal bars painted across roads can cut the average speed of drivers in half. However, traffic often returns to full speed within months as drivers become used to seeing the painted bars. Chevrons, scientists say, not only give drivers the impression that they are driving faster than really are, but also make a road appear to be n
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