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2022年国际货代英语辅导:物流的定义物流的定义 (考试重点)英文原文:The Council of Logistics Management has developed the following definition:“Logistics is the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services and related information from point of origin to the point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirement.”解释:Council of Logistics Management: 美国 物流治理协会 develop: 具体说明,详述,规划出 following: 下述的,后面的 planning: 规划,打算 implement: 执行,实施 efficient: 有效率的,高效率的 effective: 有效的,生效的,起作用的 flow: 流淌 storage: 储存consumption: 消费地 for the purpose of: 为了,因起见(purpose: 目的,意图)conform to: 符合,遵照(在这里引申为“满意”)requirement: 需求中文意思:美国物流治理协会对物流作了以下定义:“物流是指以满意客户需求为目的,对货物、效劳及相关信息从原产地到消费地经济、高效的流淌及储存进展打算、实施、掌握的过程”。历年考题:Logistics is the process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of ( ) from point of origin to the point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirement. -2022年多项选择题A. facilityB. goodsC. servicesD. information答案:BCD分析:物流是指以满意客户需求为目的,对货物、效劳及相关信息从原产地到消费地经济、高效的流淌及储存进展打算、实施、掌握的过程。此题是考试物流的定义
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