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Unit 3 We all like PE!(Story time)教学设计课题 We all like PE!单元第一单元学科英语年级二年级学习目标1. Read and know the new words: Maths, Chinese, English, PE, Art, Music, today, fun, easy, like.2. Read and know the new sentence pattern: We have I like Its fun and easy.重点1. Read and know the new words: Maths, Chinese, English, PE, Art, Music, today, fun, easy, like2. Read and know the new sentence pattern: We have I like Its fun and easy.难点Read and know the new sentence pattern: We have I like Its fun and easy.教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图导入新课1. Lets chantAt schoolLets read,lets playAt school today.Lets write,lets playAt school every day.2. Free talkWhat do you usually do at school?诵读二年级上册Unit 6 We like our school中的歌谣Free talk通过复习At school chant,为本单元学习和学校生活相关的话题做热身运动讲授新课1. 呈现课程表Show the timetable of our class, and circle the English on the timetable. The teacher can use the sentence pattern “ We have today” to describe the course arrangement of the day, lead to topics about courses and subjects. For example:T: Heres our timetable. Look! We have Chinese, Maths, English and PE today. We have Chinese and Maths in the morning. We have PE and English in this afternoon.2. How many lessons do you have ?We have_ today.We have Maths,Chinese, English and PE today.3. Ask and answer activities, teaching target wordsT uses the media to present pictures of books in various subjects, ask students to answer questions, and lead students to learn the vocabulary of subjects.For example:T: Look at this book. What subject is it?Ss: English.T: I like English.Teach: Maths, Chinese, English, PE, Art, Music, today, fun, easy, like4. Watch and answerQ1 :What are they talking about?A. Colours B. subjects C. Food (食物)5. Read and findQ2 :What subjects do they have? (他们有哪些课呢?)出示第一幅图,带读第一幅图,让学生划出正确答案。6. Read and matchQ3: What subjects do they like?他们分别喜欢哪些学科呢?学生自读课文2-4幅图,并找出答案。呈现课程表,看看说说利用图片,学习新授单词和句型I like.观看视频,回答问题精读课文,回答问题自读课文,找出他们分别喜欢的学科根据当天的课程安排,自然引出和本节主题主题“科目”相关的物品“课程表”,点名主题,为后面的学习做好准备图片教学,更直观,更符合学生的认知规律,结合句型进行教学,在运用句型中巩固新授单词设置问题,学生带着问题观看视频,调动学生的视觉、听觉和记忆力,以及抓住课文主旨的能力采取任务型教学法,预设问题,学生学习时更有目标性,提高学习效果。交流展示1. Listen and repeat播放课文录音,要求学生大声朗读。提醒学生跟读时注意模仿语音语调。2. Reading time3. Lets act小组合作,分角色表演课文。准备头饰让学生带上,增加活动的趣味性。小组活动后,邀请若干个小组在全班面前表演课文,表演完毕教师进行点评,并评选出优秀表演小组。4. Lets talk 接龙游戏T: I like English. Its fun. How about you?S1: I like Chinese. Its easy. How about you?S2: I like Music. Its easy and fun. How about you?S3: I like.5. Survey 形式分组进行调查,调查每位组员喜欢的科目。小组调查活动结束后,教师可收集各个小组填写完毕的调查表进行统计,看看学生最喜欢哪个科目。S1: I like Chinese and Maths. Theyre fun.S2: I like English. Its easy. I like PE too.S3: I like Maths, Art and Music.跟读课文多种形式朗读课文角色扮演接龙游戏调查活动通过各种形式的朗读,提高学生的理解能力和语感,通过角色扮演,既帮助学生层层递进地熟悉本节课重点句型,又满足学生的表演欲望,实现了语言的输出该环节是话题巩固拓展环节,学生在操作句型的基础上,将语言学习提升到语言运用层面。拓展环节采用调查访问的方式,学生联系自己喜欢的科目,结合之前学习过句型,丰富对话内容,很好地做到新旧知识衔接课堂小结1. We /I like +科目today. 我们/我喜欢课。Eg: we all like PE.我们都喜欢体育课。2. . is +形容词? 是的。Eg: Chinese is easy. 语文很容易。作业1. Read the story time .2. Make a timetable.3. Talk about your favourite subjects with your friends.板书Unit3 We all like PE!Maths Chinese English PE Art MusicWe haveI likeIts fun/easy
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