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150字英语励志宣讲稿 导语150字英语励志演讲稿为的会员投稿推荐,但愿对你的学习工作带来帮助。 一个成功的演讲,不可能没有高潮。要体现三个特点:一思想深刻、态度明确,最集中体现演讲者的思想观点。二是感情强烈,演讲者的爱恶、喜怒在这里得到尽情宣泄。三是语句精炼。共同阅读150字英语励志演讲稿,请您阅读! 英语励志演讲稿3英语励志演讲稿4英语励志演讲稿5 We, leaving ignorance ushered in our youth.Youth, let us unbridled,relaxed, appreciate the wind that freedom, feel the cloud that comfortable,because youth gives us the peak of life, we do not need to mature, we are nolonger ignorant, we only persistent.Positive energy in youth.Strong energyhelps me to support a firm belief, so that I am full of confidence in achallenging tomorrow. Life is the pursuit of ideal, ideal is the indicator of life, lost the roleof the lamp, will lose the courage of life.Therefore, only by adhering to thelofty ideals of life, will not be lost in the sea of life.Tolstoy will be theideal of life is divided into a lifetime of ideal, the ideal of a stage, theideal of a year, the ideal of a month, even the ideal of a day, an hour, aminute.When you hear this, students, do you think of your ideal? Whose youth is not sad? Whose youth never want to give up? Whos youthwithout setbacks and difficulties? But, I no longer fear, I know there will be akind of positive energy in my side, like hot sunshine warm my heart, take me toa better tomorrow.And I, will also become the positive energy of others, do mybest to encourage and warm like I once helpless people. The flower season of life is the spring of life, it is beautiful, butshort.As a college student should be in this period, study hard, work hard,find a piece of their own sky.Youth is the hope of the motherland, the futureof the nation.Everyone governs his own tomorrow. One philosopher said, the dream has gone many ways, wake up or in bed.it vividly tells us a truth: people cant lie in the dream of ideal life.Yes,people not only want to have an ideal, but also bold fantasy, but also want towork hard to do, lying in the ideal waiting for a new start, if not only in thedistant future, even have will lose.Students, are you also wandering in thedream of ideal? Predecessors said well, aspiring people set long ambition, no ambitionpeople often aspire to, those who have no ambition ambition, is a dream, isthe so-called ideal, they put their blueprint structure painted againbeautiful, perfect, also is just a castle in the air, mirage.Students, are youa man of long ambition, or often determined? In the green years, whenever I amsad and confused, wandering helpless, there are always some people or things toencourage me, sending out a positive light warm me. Be a person with positive energy, let oneself have the power to moveforward.Positive energy is a powerful energy, it is bound to include a positivedriving force, only in this way can make your studies, career, quality of life,etc.progress.No power is a terrible thing, just like a car without gasoline,rockets without fuel, plants no longer absorb sunlight, you will only chaos toevery day, do the same thing, to this point naturally do what to do, there is nobig goal and ideal.Isnt this terrible enough? Are you willing to silence likea pool of stagnant water standing still, also dont want to more power to meetthe daily sun add energy? Of course not.when you have positive energy, you willnaturally take your steps and be motivated to move to a new starting point. Youth needs positive energy, positive energy will insert wings for us tofly to the vast blue sky! Finally, I want to use Liang Qichaos words to endtodays speech: young wisdom is the wisdom of the country, the rich is therich, young strong is strong, young progress is the progress of the country,young male in the earth, the male in the earth. lets sprinkle sweat all theway, drink all the way dusty, chew a hard, let youth continue to burn under thered flag; May every young man embrace his ideals and March on the voyage oflife. 4Word版本
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