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专业技能实习报告 Report give them some guidance. In the harmonious and joyful atmosphere, the class was over. After this class, I thought I was not good enough. As an assistant teacher, I could do more. In the following class, I have always wanted to find a better way to help both teachers and students. Finally, I thought that when I studied in High School, my teachers wo uld give us a piece of paper called “daoxuean” before we learned a new lesson. I could imitate this way to make a “leading-into-class paper”. Thought of that, I sent an email to Mrs. Wang quickly and told her my idea. She encouraged me to have a try. I was very happy, and began my preparation at once. According to the lesson we will teach, I listed main questions of the new lessons for students to find right answers during the process of previewing. Besides, I also left some space for students. If they have any questions couldnt solve or understand, they can write them down. Next day, I handed out the paper to students and told them I would check it before the next class. I also sent it to Mrs. Wang. She praised me and said the questions were appropriate. From my perspective, this paper was of great usage. On one hand, students can know a lot of information about the new lesson and it can help improve their ability to study by themselves. As we all know, Chinese students are really weak in this point. It is a fact that education is a life-long task even without others supervising. So learning to self-study plays a significant role for students. On the other hand, I would collect the difficult questions and sent them to Mrs. Wang. It can help the teachers to know where they should explain very patiently and carefully. It can save lots of time and energy. The first week passed quickly. One day, Mr. Li told me that Mrs. Wang left one week to train, and she recommended me to him as her substitute teacher. Hearing this news, I was very happy and worried. But I would try my best to teach the students though I had only one week. So I prepared the teaching plan at once. Here is my English lesson teaching plan of the grade six. 1.Content: Ping-pang and Basketball 2.Analysis of this lesson: this lesson is introduced in sports topics. The students mainly learn the name of several sports and can express their preferences of sports. This lesson is interesting and closely related to the actual life. 3.Analysis of students: the content is closely related to the daily life, which makes students feel interesting. Contact students favorite sports to practice clause, both enhancing their interest and stimulating the atmosphere of the classroom, making them easy to understand. 4.Design concept: the teacher should regard students as the main subject of learning, combines the content of this lesson with students hobbies. Students can master the sport words in speaking and practicing and feel the joy of learning English. 5.Teaching aims (1)Knowledge aim: students can listen, read, speak and write these words. Sports, Ping-pang, basketball, shorts, T-shirts. (2)Ability aim: students are able to do dialogues by questions and answers. Question1: What sports do you play? Answer1: I play Question2: What do you need to buy? Answer2: I need to buy (3)Emotional aim: students can understand the great significance of doing sports, and they will do more exercises after learning this lesson. 6.Teaching key and difficult points (1)Teaching key point: how to make students master the words and sentences. (2)Teaching difficult point: how to make students use the words and sentences directly. 7.Teaching aids: PPT, word cards, sport cards, tape 8.Teaching procedures (1)Lead-in Teacher plays several sport pictures on PPT and asks students to answer what they are playing and then asks them a question “whats your favorite sport?” Justification: questions can make students come into learning atmosphere quickly and attract their attention. (2)New content Step 1: show word cards and learn new words: ping-pang, basketball, football. Ping-pang is a sport. Basketball is a sport, too. Ping-pang and basketball are sports. Step 2: show sport cards and ask a question “what sports do they play?” and ask some of students to answer. Then ask students what are their favorite sports. Step 3: students are asked to do pair work to practice the sentence and new words. In this process, the teacher walks around the classroom to solve some students questions or give some guidance. Step 4: teacher says “I always w ear a T-shirt to play ping-pang.” Then ask questions to students “do you have a T-shirt?” “Do you have any ping-pang balls?”Next give the important sentence of this class “what do you need to buy?” and pick some students to answe
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