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. .大气降水论文:四川三个典型地区大气降水化学特征初步探讨【中文摘要】酸雨是指pH值小于5.6的大气降水。酸雨问题是目前世界普遍关注的主要环境问题之一。酸雨中含有很多有害物质,对土壤、森林、湖泊等生态系统都具有潜在危害。四川省由于其特殊的地形和自然条件以及省内工业的快速开展致使氮和硫等物质大量排放,导致四川省酸雨成为环境污染中引人注问题。本实验在四川盆地及盆周三个具有代表性地区即华西雨屏区(雅安雨城区)、四川盆地西部平原区(广汉市)、川西高山峡谷区(汉源县)分别设观测点进展为期两年(2008年-2009年)的大气降水观测。通过对大气降水中降水量、pH值、N03-、SO42-、NH4+、Ca2+、Mg2+、Na+、K+离子的观测分析,了解三地通过降水(雨、雪)过程,从空气中沉降到地面的沉降物的类型、主要化学组成、阴阳离子的含量及比例、某些污染组分的性质和含量。为研究当地主要大气N、S沉降以及降雨中的有机污染物对环境的影响、应对和控制三地区不同性质、不同程度的空气污染状况提供参考,为森林营造中选择抗有害物质植物种类提供参考。研究结果说明:1大气降水量特征雨城区2008和2009年降水总量分别到达1772mm和1703mm,广汉市2008年和2009年降水总量分别为817mm和794mm,汉源县2008年、2009年降水总量分别为768mm和528mm。三地2008年和2009年降水量随季节变化均表现为夏、秋高,春、冬低的趋势。2三地大气降水中酸雨频率、降水pH值年动态特征三地酸雨频率差异明显,由高到低依次为雨城区广汉市汉源县,雨城区酸雨类型主要以中度酸雨为主,广汉市和汉源县酸雨类型均主要以轻度酸雨为主。雨城区季节和年均pH值均为三地最低,其中雨城区年均pH值均小于5.6,广汉市和汉源县年均pH值分别为6.00和6.03。三地pH值随季节变化均表现出春、冬高,夏、秋低的趋势。3降水离子组成及组分关系三地降水中的主要离子均为SO42-。致酸类型分别为雨城区和汉源县为混合型,广汉市为硫酸型或燃煤型。三地年均降水离子浓度总和(总值)由大到小依次为广汉市(106.15mgL-1)雨城区(103.23 mgL-1)汉源县(29.23 mgL-1)。三地总值随季节变化均表现出夏、秋低,春、冬高的趋势。4 C、N、S和阳离子沉降量均随季节变化呈现夏、秋高,春、冬低的趋势,而沉降浓度均随季节变化呈现夏、秋低,春、冬高的趋势。5雨城区次降水因子相关关系雨城区次降水中,降水量对沉降离子的浓度有稀释作用,pH值的大小与单个离子浓度大小没有必然关系,阴离子浓度和阳离子浓度均呈显著正相关。【英文摘要】Acid rain is one of major environmental issues in the world. Acid rain contains many harmful substances, it have potential harm to soils, forests, lakes and other ecosystems. Because of its unique topography and natural conditions and large number of sulfur dioxide emissions caused by industrial use of coal, acid rain pollution become a compelling question in Sichuan province.This study counducted a two years of precipitation observations by setting observation spots in Rainy area in west of China (Yucheng), the central area of Sichuan basin (Guanghan), mountains and canyons area in west of sichuan (Hanyuan).To find out type of Fallout from the air sedimentation to the ground, the main chemical composition,content and ratio of ions, component nature and content of some pollution from precipitation of three regions in the same time by observation and analysis of precipitation、pH values and NO3-, SO42-, NH4+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+ ions.To provide a reference in studying the influence of environment by organic pollutants,N,S deposition.To provide the basis in responce and control of different character, different levels of air pollution in three regions. To provide the reference in selecting against harmful substances plant species in afforestation.The results showed that:1 Characteristics of atmospheric precipitationTotal precipitation of Yucheng was respectively 1772mm and 1703mm in 2008 and 2009,Guanghan was 817mm and 794mm,hanyuan was 768mm and 528mm. Three regions all showed seasonal variation trend of precipitation:precipitation in summer and autumn is high,in spring and winter is low.2 The dynamic characteristics of acid rain frequency, precipitation pH in Three regionsFrequency of acid rain is significantly different in three regions.Order as follows Yucheng Guanghan Hanyuan.Type of acid rain in yucheng is mainly moderate,Type of acid rain in Guanghan and Hanyuan is mainly mild,seasonal and annual pH value of Yucheng are both the lowest in three regions.3 Composition and the component relationship of ionicMajor ion of precipitation in three regions are all SO42-. The type of causing acid rain is respectively mixed in Yucheng and Hanyuan, sulfateorcoal-burning in Guanghan. descending order ofannual value in the three regions was Guanghan (106.15mg/L)Yucheng (103.23mg/L) Hanyuan (29.23mg/L).Seasonal variation trend of precipitation in three regions:precipitation in summer and autumn is high, spring and winter is low.4 Seasonal, interannual settlement features of C, N, S and cationicC, N, S and cationic settlement of three regions have a trend of higher in summer and autumn and lower in spring and winter,but settlement concentration have the opposite trend.5 Association of precipitation factors in YuchengPrecipitation dilute the ion of atmospheric deposition in Yucheng,the size of pH have no necessarily relationship with the size of a single ion concentration,anions and cations showed significant positive correlation.【关键词】大气降水 酸沉降 沉降浓度 沉降量【英文关键词】atmospheric precipitation acid deposition deposition concentration settlement quantity【目录】四川三个典型地区大气降水化学特征初步探讨摘要4-6Abstract6-7附表 本文所用英文缩写符号中英文对照表8-11前言111 国内外研究概况11-191.1 国外研究概况11-151.1.1 酸雨污染概况11-131.1.2 酸雨监测概况13-151.2 国内研究现状15-191.2.1 酸雨污染概况15-171.2.2 酸雨监测概况17-192 研究方案19-232.1 研究目的意义192.2 研究区概况19-202.3 研究内容与研究方法20-232.3.1 研究内容20-212.3.2 研究方法21-232.3.3 技术路线233 结果与分析23-413.1 三地大气降水特点23-253.2 三地大气降水中酸雨频率、降水PH值年动态25-273.2.1 三地大气降水中酸雨频率25-263.2.2 三地大气降水中pH值年动态26-273.3 降水化学特征27-283.3.1 降水离子组成273.3.2 降水离子组分关系27-283.4 三地大气降水离子季节动态28-413.4.1 三地大气降水中离子沉降量动态28-383.4.2 雨城区次降水各因素相关关系38-414 讨论41-4
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