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中考英语语法填空知识点总结及经典习题(含答案) 中考英语语法填空知识点总结及经典习题(含答案) 一、初三中考语法填空(含答案详细解析) 1语法填空 The British love sending text messages. They_(send)more than 2.5 billion messages every month. And most people now understand the language of text, with its numbers and missing letters. In fact, when a student at a Scottish school wrote the whole article in txt, his/her teacher_(give)him/her C+4 f4t(C+for effort). Although texting is a cheap way of_in touch with your friends, it can also bring problems. In 2022, a British teenager became the_(one)person in the world to receive treatment for an addiction(沉)to text messaging. In one year, the nineteen-year-old spent about 4, 5005_ texts. For some people, text messaging has _(change)their lives. For example, James Trusler from Sussex in England travels around the world taking part in texting competitions and TV shows. Hes the worlds_(fast)texter and recently set a new world record while he_(appear)on Australian TV. He texted, The razor-toothed piranhas of the genera Serraslmus and Pygocentrus are the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world. In reality they seldom attack humans._took him 67 seconds. James sends a lot of text messages-about 2, 500 a month. But he doesnt get big bills _(because)he works for a large mobile phone company! send;gave;staying;first;on;changed;fastest;was appearing;It;because 这篇短文讲述的是在英国很多人喜欢发短信,在发短信时使用的一些数字和省略的单词形式,现在很多人也都能看明白了。发短信是一种比较便宜的方式,但同时也能带来问题,它甚至还改变了一些人的生活。 (1)句意:英国人喜欢发短信。他们每月发送超过25亿条短信。根据every month,可知时态是一般现在时,主语是they复数,故谓语是动词原形,故填send。 (2)句意:事实上,当苏格兰学校里的一个学生在整篇文章里写文本语言的时候,他的老师会给他一个C+ for effort(这也是一种文本语言)。根据when a student at a Scottish school wrote 可知从句时态是一般过去时,give的过去式是gave,故填gave。 (3)句意:虽然发短信是一个和你的朋友们保持联系的比较便宜的方式,但是它也能带来问题。stay in touch with,固定搭配,与.保持联系,of是介词其后是动名词,故填staying。 (4)句意:句意:在2022年,英国的一个青少年成为了世界上第一个因为沉溺于发短信而接受治疗的人。根据the定冠词可知此处是序数词,first,第一,是序数词,故填first。(5)句意:在一年里,一个19岁的青少年在发短信上花费了4,500英镑。spend +金钱+on sth.,在某事上花费多少钱,故填on。 (6)句意:对于一些人们来说,发短信改变了他们的生活。change是一个动词根据助动词has,可知时态是是现在完成时,故填changed。 (7)句意:他是世界上发短信最快的人。根据 the worlds 可知是最高级的标志,fastest,最快的,故填fastest。 (8)句意:最近他在参加澳大利亚的一个电视节目的时候,又创造了一个新的世界纪录。根据while可知用过去进行时表示动作的持续,主语是he,助动词是was,故填was appearing。 (9)句意:只花费了他67秒的时间就发送了一篇短信。It takes sb. +一段时间+to do sth,花费某人时间做某事,It是一个形式主语,故填It。 (10)句意:但是他不用付大额的账单,因为他在一个大型的手机公司工作。James是世界上发短信最快的人,他发短信不用付账,这是因为他在手机公司工作,表示的是原因,because,因为,故填because。 考查语法填空,注意谓语的时态,语态,非谓语动词,词性,连词搭配等多种用法。 2阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 It was a quarter past Tine Mr. Beet hadnt come back His wife was a bit worried. The super was cold and she had waited for two and a half hours. She was sitting by the table in a dark room. She closed her _ (eye) and listened carefully. Her neighbour Mr. Turners television was on. She liked the pop music, _ she would not turn on hers. Her husband worked in an office. He worked hard so that he was paid a lot. The things in his home, such _ the television, the computer, the fridge and so on, were all left by his parents. He and his wife only had to pay _ their food and clothes. They tried to save money. If they ever felt sick, they just bought some medicine instead of _ (see)a doctor. Suddenly the woman _ (hear) someone coming upstairs. It was her husband who came back. She hurried to open the door. In the dark she could hear his deep breathing. As _ as he sat down, she turned on the light and found he looked very tired. _ do you come back so late, dear? asked the woman. Didnt you take the bus?” No, I didnt take it. I ran after it and I saved two dollars this evening. Thats great! the woman said _ (happy). Run after a taxi next time and you _ (save) even. eyes;but;as;for;seeing;heard;soon;Why;happily;will save 本文讲述了Beet夫妇虽然有钱,但是很节省,不开灯,也不坐公共汽车。 (1)句意:她闭上眼睛仔细听着。形容词性物主代词her后是名词,表示泛指用复数,故填eyes。 (2)句意:她喜欢流行音乐,但她不会打开她的电视。根据liked the pop music和would not turn on可知是表示转折,故用转折连词,但是,but,故填but。 (3)句意:他家里的东西,如电视机、电脑、冰箱等,都是他父母留下的。such as,固定搭配,例如,故填as。 (4)句意:他和他的妻子只需要付他们的食物和衣服的钱。pay for,固定搭配,付款,故填for。 (5)句意:如果他们感到不舒服,他们只是买了一些药,而不是去看医生。介词of后是动名词,故填seeing。 (6)句意:突然,那个女人听到有人上楼来了。根据t was her husband可知描述过去用一般过去时,hear的过去式是heard,故填heard。 (7)句意:当他坐下时,她打开灯,发现他看起来很累。as soon as,固定搭配,一就,故填soon。 (8)句意:亲爱的,你为什么回来得这么晚?根据asked the woman可知此处是问原因,故是为什么,why ,故填Why。 (9)句意:太好了!女人高兴地说。副词修饰动词said,happy的副词是happily,故填happily。 (10)句意:下次追一辆出租车,你就可以节省更多。根据next time可知是一般将来时,故填will save。 考查语言综合运用能力,注意谓语的时态,非谓语动词,词性,连词搭配等多种用法。 3 阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号内所给单词的正确形式(每空最多不超过三个单词) A king had two sons and asked famous teachers to teach them. After a few _(year), the king fell badly ill. So he wanted to choose one of his sons as the next king, but which one would be th
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