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新版初中英语总复习基础知识点 1.soap opera 肥皂剧Peking Opera京剧 2.have a surprise party (surprise n. in to on es surprise) 3.direct speech 直接引语:说话人直接引用别人的原话. eg: Mary said, “Im late.” reported speech 间接引语:说话人用自己的话把别人的意思转述出来. eg: Mary said that she was late. * 直接引语变间接引语时要注意: a.变间接引语时应根据意思改变人称: eg: He said, “I dont like junk food. He said (that) he didnt like junk food. b.间接引语中从句的时态会受主句的影响: 主句是现在时,从句时态不需变化: eg: He says he will become a successful businessman. 主句是过去时, 从句变成过去相应时态:若为客观真理,变间接引语时时态不变: eg: He said he would become a successful businessman. He told his son that the sun rises in the east. c. 间接引语中从句的连接词应根据直接引语来确定:(that, if, whether, what ) 4.I was sorry to hear that he had a cold last week. 5.I wasnt surprised to find (surprise v. be surprised to do sth/ at sth./ that ) st week in school we had a big fight. (此处fight为n., 另外可为v.,fought, fought) 7.She said it was much better if she did her own work. (much, even, a lot, far可以修饰比较级) 8.It may sound like fun to you. 9.Yang Leis mother agreed with her. (agree with sb./ to do sth. agreement n. be in agreement) 10.Y oung people need to experience different things. (a)need sb. (sth.)/ to do sth./doing sth. need do sth. (不能用于肯 定句) Need/ Must I ? Yes, you must. No, you neednt. (b)experience v. 经历n.c.经历n.u.经验 11.T here is no difference between you and them. (a)There be difference(s) between A and B / have difference(s) from/ be different from (b)between prep. 在(两者)之间 12.S he said that she would return to the area after finishing her studies. return v. 返回 from = come back from to = go back to (get back) 返还 sth. to sb. = give sth. back to sb. Unit Five If you go to the party, youll have a great time! Words and expressions in Unit 5: 1.jeans: n.牛仔裤通常用复数, 如果说一条裤子, 用a pair of jeans anize: v.组织organized: adj.有组织的organizer: n.组织者organization: n. 组织 3.take away (adv.): 拿走eg: Please take your books away. take-away: adj. 可带走的eg: You can buy some take-away food here. 4.clean-up: n. 扫除eg: We will have a class clean-up this Friday. clean up v. 清扫eg: My mother is cleaning up the kitchen. 5.flower: n.c. 花 eg: When you come, please bring me some flowers. 6.agent: n. 代理人eg: They are our companys agents in America. 7.professional: adj. 职业的 eg: Our professional football players are not so good as the foreign countries. 8.make a living 谋生 eg: He made a living when he was only ten years old. make a living (by) doing sth. eg: The old man made a living (by) selling newspapers. 9.against: prep. 反对, 与相反(for 支持,赞成) 10.charity: n.慈善机构u.n. 仁爱, 宽容 eg: Many rich people give money to the charities. 11.chance: n.c. 机会have a chance to do sth. 有做的机会get a chance to do sth. 得到做的机会take a chance to do sth. 抓住的机会 eg: When you have a chance to go abroad, please take it. by chance 偶然地, 意外地(by accident) eg: I met my old friends by chance when I went shopping.
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