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餐饮部操作标准程序术语表 GLOSSARY OF TERMS 餐饮部操作标准程序术语表 The following is a listing of terms and abbreviations used in the Food and Beverage Standard Operating Procedures. 以下是餐饮部标准操作程序中涉及到的术语及缩写词列表。 Term术语Definition 定义 AV Audio visual. 视听视听 Audiovisual-Equipment Tools and materials used in any type of presentation to 视听设备Engage the senses of sound or sound or sight. 任何用于视觉和听觉工具和材料 BEO(s) Banquet Event Order(s). 宴会单宴会单 Bevnap Cocktail napkin 饮料餐巾. 鸡尾酒餐巾 Blocking Space Reserving function space for group 预定位团队预订会场 Booking Cycle Time between the booking of a reservation and the arrival of the guests. 预定周期从客人做预订到实际入住的这段时间 Boundaries Limits of a system that set the domain of organizational 界限activity. 设置组织活动范围的限制系统 Blind Drop A process to prevent pilferage from cash drawer. 快速投款During shift, all cash except opening bank is removed from drawer by manager/supervisor and secured (but not reconciled) until end of shift. 防止盗取收银柜的程序。在当班时除了开户银行外,所有现 金由经理或主管移动,并保管至当班结束时(但不冻结) GLOSSARY OF TERMS 术语表 Term术语Definition定义 Booking Pace Tempo of sales that occurs on period-by-period basis (see 预订节奏“pace booking”) 以时期为基础的销售速度(参见节奏预订) Call Report A document that records pertinent points of conversation 必要报告 between a catering manager and a meeting planner. Also logs internal memos and arrangements for outside vendors where needed. 一份记录有关餐饮经理与会议计划者会谈要点的文 件。同时也记录为外部卖主所作的内部备忘录及安 排。 Chafing Dish Large display pan over a heat source to keep food warm 热餐盘经过高温加热的大型展示盘以保持食品温度。Chefs Table Brings customers, VIPs, and other important people for the 主厨桌catering organization together for a meal put on by the executive chef. 组织邀请顾客,贵宾及其他重要顾客参加由行政总 厨准备的聚餐活动。 Corkage Fee Amount paid to caterer for opening and pouring wines that 开瓶费clients bring to a function. 宴会筹备方向客人在商务活动中自带酒水的开瓶及 倒酒服务所收的费用。 Cross Training The ability to lean the skills of more than one discipline. 交叉培训学习多种技能的能力 Calling Order A pre-determined order for certain types of beverages when 预定点单ordering from the bartender. 向吧员点单之前对某些饮料种类作事先预定 GLOSSARY OF TERMS 术语表 Term术语Definition定义 Capture Rate Percentage of hotel guests who dine in outlet rather than 客人光顾率leave the property. 酒店客人在酒店餐厅内用餐多于店外用餐的比率。CIA Cash In Advance. A description of guests who do not 押金establish credit at the front desk, paying for each transaction rather than charging to their room. 押金。客人在前台没有信贷协议情况下,用来支付 每笔交易的一种费用,而无须记入房账。Commissary System Centralization of labor and production to process food in 自生产系统bulk(for distribution to outlets.) 集中人力和物力制作散装食品(分发给各部门)Comp C omplimentary, free. 免费赠送,免费。 Cross-contamination Transfer of bacteria, soil, etc., from dirty to clean surfaces or 交叉污染from a spoiled product to a wholesome one. 将肮脏事物表面的或变质物品中的细菌,油渍等转 移到干净卫生事物上。 Days On Hand Inventory turnover calculation based on total inventory, 物品记录Sales and purchases. 物品盘点以总计物品清单、销售单和购买单为依据。Diary (function space) A central record of confirmed and tentative catering 记录(会议部分)bookings for all meeting rooms (listed in computer and/or actual book). 所有会议室的确认或未确认餐饮预订的重要记录 (在电脑中和/或记录本上列出)。 GLOSSARY OF TERMS 术语表 Term术语Definition 定义 Dishroom Breakdown Removal of soiled dishes from trays and placement in 碗碟的分类摆放designated racks, pans and stacks. 将脏的碗碟从托盘上移至指定的碗碟放置架上。DRA Dining Room Attendant. 餐厅服务员餐厅服务员 Dupe An abbreviated duplicate guest check that is used to order 点菜复式单food from the kitchen. 用于厨房点餐的客人账单简写复式单。 Data Mining Extracting historical data from a database. 资料整理从资料库中提取的历史资料。 Day Meeting Package Package that bundles the cost of the meeting space, food (DMP) and beverage (often continental breakfast, coffee breaks, 每日会议套餐and lunch), and a limited amount of AV equipment. 套餐包含会议用地费用,餐饮费用(通常是欧式早 餐,早茶和午餐)和限量视听设备的使用费用。FIFO I nventory valuation method based on the assumption (First in, first out) that pricing closely follows the physical flow of products 先进先出through the operation. 财物清单的估价方法以部门运作中物品自然流动时 所假定的相近价格为基础。 Forecast Variances Discrepancies between forecast and actual business. 预计差异预计营业和实际营业之间的差异 Forecast An estimate of business levels based on house count, banquet 预计activity, history. 预计的营业指数以客房数,宴会活动及历史情况为基础。 GLOSSARY OF TERMS 术语表 Term术语Definition 定义 Hors doeuvres Small finger sized food items. Can be cold or hot items. 法式食品手指大小的食物种类。可以是冷的或是热的。 JSA Job Safety Analysis.
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