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LATROBEFaculty of Law and ManagementU N I VERSITYSchool of ManagementSpecial Events ManagementTHS3SEMSubject Learning GuideSemester 15 2011Bundoora1.0Subject information at a glanceAcademic and support staff:Lecturer-in-Charge: Gary BestOther Lecturers:Erica RandleLaura PulisWarwick FrostAssumed entry skills and knowledge:NilEnrolment requirements:15 Credit Points.Delivery mode and location:13 Lectures (Thursday 1 pm 一 3pm)12 Tutorials (Compulsory)Assessments:10%40%50%1. Minor Essay2. Major Essay3 Exam100%Essential texts:Frost, W. and Laing, J. (2011). Strategic Management of Festivals and Events. Melbourne: Cengage.Special study requirements:Students with special needs whose participation in this subject might be limited by any study requireme nts are en couraged to consult the Equity and Access Un it (EAU). Further info rmati on an d con tact details for the EAU are available athttp:/www Jatrobe.edu.au/equity/2.0Subject descriptionSpecial Event Management is an advanced subject in the School of Management and is designed for third year students enrolled in the B. Bus (T&H) program and other students as an elective.Graduate AttributesGraduate attributes are critical characteristics we seek to inculcate in all those students who graduate from the SchooPs teaching programs. As a con sequence of their experiences in this subject we expect our students to dem on strate the ability to; to appreciate and display high ethical standards, with an awareness of the social and ethical implications of professional and personal practice in socially diverse communities. to enhance their conceptual, analytical, problem solving, decision making and research skills. to use appropriate oral, written, nu merical and information tech no logy skills that have a ready application in the business environment. to think critically, to form in dependent judgeme nts and to act as autono mous and self motivated learners.3.0 Learning and assessment3.1 Learning objectivesThis subject investigates a range of issues that deal with the management and operations of the meetings industry and special events both in Australia and internation ally. This course aims to provide participa nts an un d erst a nding of, and an ability to apply, the principles of management, logistics and marketing to a range of special events including cultural, trade, entertainment, recreational events with a particular focus on business events such as meetings, conventions and exhibitions. The special short-term nature of events and the specific business skills to effectively manage their operations will be investigated.After successfully completing this course, students should be able to:1. Demonstrate an understanding of special events and their role in society;2. Demonstrate an understanding of the processes of conceptualising events and the role of stakeholders in that process;3. Demonstrate an understanding of how events affect destination image and domestic and inbound tourism;4. Devise strategies for the effective project management of events, particularly in terms of logistics, human resources and marketing;5. Demonstrate an understanding of the increasing importanee and utilisation of Green strategies6. Develop an ability to undertake research, think critically and communicate effectively.3.2 Assessing the learning objectivesLearning objectives:Student learning outcomesAssessments1. Demonstrate an understanding of special events andExam, Essaystheir role in society;2. Demonstrate an understanding of the processes ofconceptualising events and the role of stakeholdersExam, Essaysin that process;3. Demonstrate an understanding of how events affectdestination image and domestic and inboundEssaytourism;4. Devise strategies for the effective projectExammanagement of events, particularly in terms oflogistics, human resources and marketing;5. Demonstrate an understanding of the increasingExamimports nee and utilisation of Green strategies 6. Develop an ability to undertake research, thinkcritically and communicate effectively.Exam, Essays3.3 Assessment tasks#TaskLengthDue Date%1Final Examination2 hoursExam Period502First (Minor) Essay500 words22 March Warn103Second (Major) Essay1,500 words20 May10am401. Final Exam (50%)The schedule for the end-of-semester exams, will in elude the final examination for Special Events Management. Details on the date and location of the final exami nation will be available later in the semester, as will information about the structure of the final two-hour exami nation paper.2. First (Minor) Essay (10%)Due: 10am Monday 22nd March500 wordsIde ntify one eve nt which is the subject of a journal article or book chapter. Using that journal article/book chapter provide a short (500 words)
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