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【文库独家】2020 人教版深圳市罗湖区小升初英语毕业考试试卷一、读单词,判断两个单词画线部分读音是否相同,相同的写“A” ,不相同的写“B”. ( )1. son hippo ( )2.sick hike ( ) 3.gun hunt ( ) 4.great eagle ( ) 5.carrot snack ( ) 6.bell metro 二. 请根据句意选择最佳答案. ( ) 1. I _ with a friend from Hong Kong at 5 p.m. yesterday. A. was talking B. talks C. am talking ( ) 2. Tom knows a lot of English words. Hes _ English learner. A. a B. the C. an ( ) 3. My hair is too long. I need to _ . A. take a bus B. meet a friend C. get a haircut ( ) 4. Mobile phones are very popular now, and they are _ than before. A. much expensive B. more cheap C. much cheaper. ( ) 5. There _ a fashion show next Sunday. A. will have B. will be C. is ( ) 6. Kitty cant play the piano. I cant play the piano, _. A. too B. also C. either ( ) 7. The mini-computer is too expensive. I dont have _. A. enough money B. too enough money C. money enough ( ) 8. -Would you like _with me? I want to buy a beautiful calendar. -Yes, Id love to. A. go shopping B. to shopping C. to go shopping 三、请将下列问句与答句相匹配,将问句的字母编号写在答句前的括号内. A. Do you need a notebook or a new dictionary? B. Happy New Year! C. What was Helen doing when the bells rang? D. Should I eat all the food on my plate in Germany? E. Can I talk to Betty, please? ( )1. Yes. Its good to eat all the food on your plate. ( ) 2. She was singing songs in the music room. ( )3. Thanks! Happy New Year to you, too! ( )4.1 would like to have a new dictionary. ( )5. Sorry, shes not here. Hold on, Ill get her. 四、从下列句子中选出合适的选项,完成对话,将字母编号写在横线上。A. What about tulips(郁金香 )? B. What flowers does your mother like? C. How many tulips do you suggest健议 )? D. Ten tulips, please! E. What can I do for you? (May is talking to the clerk in the flower shop.) Clerk: Good afternoon! 1._ May: Its Mothers Day today. I want to buy some flowers for my mother. Clerk: 2._ May: Last year I bought her some lilies of the valley, and she liked them very much. But this year I want to buy something different. Clerk: 3. _ They look very beautiful! May: Tulips? OK. Ill buy some tulips.4._ Clerk: As many as you like. Mcry: OK.5 _ 五、阅读理解 . (A) 请阅读以下小语篇,将其字母代号写在图片下面的括号内。A. Winter in Finland(芬兰) is very long. You cannot see the sun for almost half of the year. But on June 24th, it will be daytime for 24 hours. Isnt that interesting? People celebrate (庆祝)the Midsummer Festival on this longest day of a year. Families put on their best costumes. Young couples(夫妻) light up bonfires(篝火) to wish for a good harvest and good luck. Lets have a happy group dance together! B. How cool is this plane! It has an Amur leopard(远东豹) face on it.The plane is from Russia. Why did people paint the plane like this? Its because Russia is the home of Amur leopards. They live in forests. But in the past years, many people killed them to get their fur. Now, there are only about 70 leopards in the world. This plane tells people to protect them. C. The shoes in the pictures look beautiful and shiny. But you cant wear them. They are made of chocolate!A Japanese chocolate master made them. There are only nine pairs of them in the world. Each pair costs about 1765 yuan. The shoes are as big as real shoes.Each one is 26 cm long. They shine like real leather(皮革)1. () 2.() 3.()(B) My name is Jacob. I go to Glasson Park Elementary School. I am in Class 6H. At the beginning of the year, each class chooses a class president. The class president: works hard. talks to all the students. helps the students with their problems. tells the teachers and the school principal about their class. I want to be the class president. I want to help the students in 6H. I work hard at school and I always do my homework on time. The teachers and the students like me. I have a lot of friends. I like to help all of you! I think I can be a great class president! Please vote for me! 根据短文判断下面句子的正误, 正确的写 A,错误的写 B. ( ) 1. The class chooses a class president at the end of the year. ( ) 2. Jacob wants to help the class president. ( ) 3. The class president helps the teachers and the students in 6H. ( ) 4. Jacob wants the other students in his class to vote for him. (C) Tom had a young donkey and an old donkey. One day, Tom went a long way to the town with the donkeys. He bought some cotton and salt. He put the cotton in a big bag and the salt in a small bag. The young donkey was smart but lazy. It knew that cotton was lighter, so it said, Im strong. I can carry the bigger bag. OK. Ill carry the salt then, said the old donkey. On their way home, the younger donkey walked very fast. The old donkey could only walk very slowly with the heavy bag of salt. Suddenly, it started to rain heavily. The cotton got wet and became heavier. The young donkey could not walk fast now. But the old donkey found that its bag became 4 . And he walked fast then. 根据短文选择正确的答案。( )1请根据文章内容,选出正确的图片排列顺序。A. acdb B. cadb C. dbca ( ) 2. -Why did Tom go to the town with his donkeys? -_. A. Because he wanted them to be his friends. B. Because he didnt want to walk a long way alone. C. Because he wanted them to carry goods
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