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【文库独家】新目标九 Units1-7 专项训练完形填空A Few people knew Zhang Liang in the past. He was almost a 1 outside the fashion (时尚 ) world before he and his 5-year- old son Tiantian took part in last year s new TV show “ Where Are We Going, Dad?” Now, his name stands for “ good dad ” in China.Zhang Liang, 32, is a model. On the TV show, together with four other dad-child pairs, they went on a 72-hour trip every week. Zhang Liang is the youngest of the 2 fathers. But he has stood out as the most popular one. He is tall and handsome. He makes great food, but people 3 Zhang s parenting (养育技巧 ) most. He 4 his son almost like a friend. On the show, when Tiantian 5 to protect his egg and lied about it, Zhang told him it was OK to just say sorry. When Ti antian s clothes were 6 in the snow, Zhang stopped the task and took him home to change into dry clothes. “ Don t worry about 7 . It s just a game,” Zhang told his son.Zhang worked as a cook and later as a salesman 8 becoming a model. To him, life is full of gains andlosses (得失 ). He had gone through (经历 ) much 9 before. “ You won t know the importance of 10 you have today if you have never lost anything,” he said. So, as a father, he does teach his son how to grow up by experience. ( ) 1. A. driver B. doctor C. stranger D. teacher ( ) 2. A. two B. three C. four D. five ( ) 3. A. like B. refuse C. believe D. encourage ( ) 4. A. wakes B. treats C. punishes D. dislikes ( ) 5. A. planned B. decided C. asked D. failed ( ) 6. A. dirty B. wet C. clean D. lost ( ) 7. A. watching B. playing C. losing D. winning ( ) 8. A. after B. before C. while D. when ( ) 9. A. difficulty B. easiness C. pleasure D. happiness ( )10. A. what B. when C. which D. how B When I was a kid, the Easter holidays in Australia were my favorite time of the year. Easter is always in March or April. As soon as it 1 in April, my family would go straight to the 2 for a weekend camping. Unlike most of the world, Easter falls in 3 in Australia. This means that Easter is our 4 chance to enjoy the warm weather, swim in the sea and sleep in the bushes 5 the stars. There, we d 6 our tents on clear grass and look out onto an almost empty beach. Often we were the 7 ones camping and the whole beach would be ours alone. We 8 to spend all day outside swimming, hiking and fishing. On Easter morning, my parents would wake up early and plan an Easter 9 hunt for my three brothers and me. They would 10 the eggs in the strangest placesin bird nests (巢), in the trees, under our tents and among the stones 11 the beach. In Australia, we had chocolate bilbies (兔耳袋狸 ) 12 chocolate bunnies (兔子 ). Chocolate bilbies were the 13 treat to find and there was always one for each of us. 14 the hunt we would come back to the campsite with our bellies (肚子 ) full of chocolate. For us, Easter wasn t about chocolate, eggs or reli gious tradition. It was about being with our 15 in the great outdoors. What good memories! ( ) 1. A. ended B. finished C. started D. continued ( ) 2. A. hill B. beach C. village D. mountain ( ) 3. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter ( ) 4. A. first B. last C. next D. least ( ) 5. A. under B. over C. behind D. above ( ) 6. A. put on B. put up C. turn on D. turn up ( ) 7. A. only B. first C. best D. largest ( ) 8. A. hated B. forgot C. stopped D. used ( ) 9. A. dog B. rabbit C. breakfast D. egg ( )10. A. carry B. lay C. hide D. pick ( )11. A. around B. above C. from D. to ( )12. A. because of B. instead of C. according to D. such as ( )13. A. worst B. most expensive C. best D. most awful ( )14. A. After B. Since C. Before D. Until ( )15. A. friends B. classmates C. teachers D. families 阅读理解A David Albright is a 13-year-old boy. He helps people who need food by baking muffins. “ The fact that a young person of his age would bake muffins himself proves (证明 ) his character,” said Toni Dolan, an officer of a center that helps the homeless. “ He knows everyone isn t living the life that he and his friends at school enjoy. To the people who are down, it means a lot to them,” he added.“ He dislikes drawing others attention,” said Frank Lacerenza, principal (校长 ) of David s school. “ For the last several years, he s been collecting Halloween costumes for kids in the city,” Lacerenza said. “ He s silent, so most people don t see the good things that he does. They are acts of true, unselfish compassion (无私的同情 ). ”It all began when David was 8. “ It was the day after Christmas,” David said. “ It was snowing heavily. We were driving past the homeless shelter (避难所 ). We saw a man sleeping in an old truck. He was trying to keep the snow from coming in through a broken window. We found out how they needed muffins, coffee, clothes and so on. I thought that would be a nice thing to do, so I started making muffins.”Since then he s been baking 24 muffins a week for the shelter. And after the muffins are ready, his mom gives him a lift to hand them out. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( ) 1. David Albright has made muffins for the homeless for . A. eight years B. f
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