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十一出国旅游英语口语:西海岸之行A Trip to the West Coast 西海岸之行 Key Sentences(重点句子)501. It was so nice to get away from this cold,miserable weather.避开阴冷糟糕的天气真是太棒了。502. And those mountain viewsthey were absolutely breathtaking.那些山间美景真让人心旷神怡。503. So much to see and do there.在那里要看的地方,要做的事情太多。504. I hadn”t realized how much I missed bigcity life after being struck out here in the boonies for so long.在遥远乡村生活了那么久,我还没有意识到我多么思念大城市的生活。505. We went to Stanley Park and the aquarium,up Grouse Mountain,and to museums and galleries.我们去了斯坦利公园和水族馆,登了格罗斯山,参观了博物馆和美术馆。506. It”s only two hours away by ferry,isn”t it?坐轮渡只要两小时,是吗?507. Victoria is a city I”ve always wanted to visit.维多利亚是我始终想去参观的城市。508.They say it”s such a quiet and elegant city with a lot of British influence.他们说它是一座宁静、高雅的城市,受英国的影响很深。509. I”ll show you my pictures once I get them developed.等照片洗出来我还要给你们看呢。Dialogue ARobin:Oh,hi Julie. Finally back from your vacation,I see.Julie:What do you mean,“finally”?I feel like I”ve only been gone for two days instead of two weeks.Robin:Well,you know what they say“Time flies when you”re having fun. ” You did have fun,didn”t you?Julie:Oh,it was marvelous. B. C. is so beautiful. And it was so nice to get away from this cold,miserable weather.And those mountain viewsthey were absolutely breath taking.Robin:How was Vancouver?Julie:Busy. So much to see and do there. I hadn”t realized how much I missed bigcity life after being stuck out here in the boonies for so long(laughs)。Robin:So what all did you do?Julie:Oh,we went to Stanley Park and the aquarium,up Grouse Mountain,and to museums and galleries. All the usual touristy things.Robin:Did you get over to the island? It”s only two hours away by ferry,isn”t it?Julie:Yes,it was funny how on the ride over everyone stayed out on deck to enjoy the view,but on the way back,wejust sat inside like seasoned travellers and read magazines!Robin:Victoria is a city I”ve always wanted to visit. They say it”s such a quiet and elegant city with a lot of British influence.Julie:We liked Victoria so much that we stayed in a day longer than we”d planned. I did like the custom of afternoon tea. It was a nice break from sightseeing too.Robin:Oh,well,one of these days I”ll get there myself. In the meantime,I better get back to work. Maybe we can get together sometime and you can tell me more about it.Julie:Sure,and I”ll show you my pictures once I get them developed.Robin:Great. See you later.Julie:Bye.Words and Expressionsmarvelous a. 令人惊异的breathtaking a. 惊人的boonies n. 复(美俚)穷乡僻壤,遥远乡村aquarium n. 水族馆touristy a. 旅行的,观光的ferry n. 摆渡;渡船elegant a. 美丽的,文静的develop v. 冲洗(胶卷)
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