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Y公司化工危废处置工程环境风险评价研究学校代码 10699 分 类 号 密 级 学 号 题目 Y公司化工危废处置工程环境 风险评价研究 作者 王晓旋 领 域 指 导 教 师 张识宇 申请学位日期 西 北 工 业 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 专业学位研究生 题目: Y公司化工危废处置工程1 环境风险评价研究 1 作 者: 1 领 域: 1 指导教师: 1 2022年 2月 Title: Research on the environmental risk assessment and management of hazardous waste concentrated disposal project for Y Company By Under the Supervision of Professor A Dissertation Submitted to Northwestern Polytechnical University In partial fulfillment of the requirement For the degree of Master of Poject Administration Xian P. R. China 2022 February 摘 要 危险废弃物处置工程在建设过程的风险与一般建设工程有所不同,其本身的危险特性及工艺技术复杂度,给该类工程的风险管理带来一定难度。随着危险废物集中处置企业陆续建成并相继投入运行和使用,处置设施运行过程中的污染物排放对环境影响已引起管理部门和民众的关注,处置工艺的环境风险控制己成为危险废物处置设施运行面临的首要问题。因此,建立危险废物处置企业环境风险评价方法及指标体系,对于我国危险废物处置行业的风险控制及保障公众健康具有重要的理论和现实意义。 本文以山东Y公司化工危废物处置工程为具体研究对象,对其存在的环境风险进行研究分析,主要内容包括以下几个局部:首先,论文对本文的选题背景与意义、现状、研究思路与方法进行了阐述。然后,对环境风险管理的相关概念及理论概述,为全文研究奠定了根底。接着,通过对山东Y公司化工危废物处置工程的概况、工艺流程等分析,得出该工程可能存在的环境风险因素。然后,运用模糊综合评价法和层次分析法相结合的FAHP法定量化得出工程发生的风险值。最后,对本工程可能发生的各种事故提出防范措施及应急方案,尽量降低或防止风险事故的发生。 通过本文的研究可以看出,1山东Y公司化工危废物处置工程的环境风险因素包括:工艺水平、物质危害性、生产设施、环境风险管理、环境危害性五大类。2通过模糊-层次综合评估可以看出该工程整体环境风险评价结果为4.548,风险等级为“一般,即该工程虽然存在一定环境风险因素,但还处于可控范围。因而,该工程从环境风险角度而言,具有一定的可行性。3为了更好的应对山东Y公司化工危废物处置工程存在的环境风险因素,本文首先从工艺水平、物质危害性、生产设施、环境风险管理、环境危害性五个方面提出了具体的应对措施。然后又从加强环境风险管理的理念保障、加强企业内部环境风险管理、提高公众环境意识,形成舆论监督三个方面提出了相应的保障措施。 关键词:危废物;环境风险;风险评价;风险管理 Abstract The risk of hazardous waste incineration and disposal project in the construction process is different from that of general construction projects. Its own risk characteristics and technological complexity bring some difficulties to the risk management of such projects. With the construction and operation of hazardous waste centralized disposal enterprises, the environmental impact of pollutant emissions during the operation of disposal facilities has attracted the attention of management departments and the public. Environmental risk control of disposal process has become the primary problem facing the operation of hazardous waste disposal facilities. Therefore, the establishment of environmental risk assessment method and index system for hazardous waste disposal enterprises has important theoretical and practical significance for risk control and public health protection of hazardous waste disposal industry in China. This paper takes the chemical hazardous waste disposal project of Shandong Y Company as the specific research object, and carries on the research and analysis to its existing environmental risk. The main contents include the following parts: Firstly, the paper elaborates the background and significance of this topic, the current situation, the research ideas and methods. Then, the related concepts and theories of environmental risk management are summarized, which lays the foundation for the full-text study. Then, through the analysis of the general situation and technological process of the chemical hazardous waste disposal project of Shandong Y Company, the possible environmental risk factors of the project are obtained. Then, the FAHP method, which combines the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method with the analytic hierarchy process, is used to quantify the risk value of the project. Finally, it puts forward preventive measures and emergency plans for all kinds of accidents that may occur in this project, so as to minimize or avoid the occurrence of risk accidents. Through the study of this paper, we can see that: (1) The environmental risk factors of the chemical hazardous waste disposal project of Shandong Y Company include five categories: process level, material hazard, production facilities, environmental risk management and environmental hazard. (2) Through the fuzzy-hierarchical comprehensive assessment, we can see that the overall environmental risk assessment result of the project is 4.548, and the risk level is “general“. That is to say, although there are some environmental risk factors in the project, it is still in the controllable range. Therefore, the project is feasible from the perspective of environmental risk. (3) In order to better deal with the environmental risk factors existing in the chemical hazardous waste disposal project of Shandong Y Company, this paper first puts forward specific countermeasures from five aspects: process level, material hazards, production facilities, environmental risk management and environmental hazards. Then it puts forward the corresponding safeguard measures from three aspects: strengthening the concept of environmental risk management, strengthening the internal environmental risk management of enterprises, improving public environmental awareness, and forming public opinion supervision. Keywords: hazardous waste; environmental risk; risk assessment; risk management 目 录 摘 要 I ABST
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