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试讲题目5 Module4 Grammar 1InfinitiveTeaching content: Grammar 1 on page 34.Teaching Aim1)To enable Ss to know about the active voice and passive voice of the infinitive;2)To enable Ss to know about three tenses of the infinitive;Teaching Important PointAbout three tenses of the infinitive;Teaching Difficult PointHow to use passive voice of the infinitiveTeaching MethodsExplaining and practicingTeaching Aids1. the textbook 2. the blackboardTeaching Procedures Step 1 Greeting and Lead-in Good morning, everyone. Last class, we learned the passage Sandstorms in Asia, the writer uses the infinitive to express his ideas, as we know, the infinitive is one of the most important grammars, and it is also one of the most difficult grammars. We have learnt something about the infinitive in Junior High School, so I think the grammar isnt strange to you. This class we will study the infinitive systematically.Step 2: the Definition of the infinitiveThe infinitive is composed by “to add the verb”, in the sentence, it can act as the subject, object, predicative, attribute, adverbial, complement and so on, but it cant act as the predicate.Step 3: the tense of the infinitiveFirst, Lets look at the simple tense, its basic form is “to do”, the action or state shown by the simple tense of the infinitive and the action of predicate occur at the same time, (or almost at the same time), or later.e.g. He seems to know this.I hope to see you next week.This is the simple tense of the infinitive.Now, lets look at the continuous tense, “to be doing”, when the predicate occurs, the action shown by the infinitive is going on.He seems to be thinking deeply, without noticing me passing him. Finally, lets look at the perfect tense, “to have done”, the action indicated by the infinitive occurs before the action expressed by the predicate.e.g. I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long.In summary, this is three basic forms, “to do”, “to be doing”, and “to have done”.Attention: The negative form of the infinitive only needs “not” before “to”.The teacher told us not to be late again.It often use “it” to act as the formal subject, and the real subject is put the behind.e.g. Its rude to turn your back to your teacher and refuse to answer.It seemed a pity to have wasted so much time.Step 4: the voice of the infinitiveThere are two kinds of voices, the active voice and passive voice. The active voice is the “to do, to be doing, to have done”, when the logical subject of the infinitive is the performer of the action, the active voice is used.e.g. We want to learn English well.Robert is said to have studied abroad, but I didnt know what country he studied in.The passive voice include “to be done, to have been done”, when the logical subject of the infinitive is the bearer of the action, the passive voice is used.e.g. He didnt like to be laughed at. He claimed to have been badly treatedNow look at the activity one, page 34.Divide the examples in Activity 1 on page 34 into two groups. The sentences in group one use the active voice and those in the other group use the passive voice.Suggested Answers:Group one:(a) The wind is strong enough to move sand dunes. (b) We were advised not to go outside. (c) Its frightening to be cycling to work in a sandstorms. (d) I am the only person in my family to have been in a sandstorm.Group two:(e) Theres nothing to be done.(f) To have been caught in a sandstorm was a terrible experience.3. Rewrite the sentences using infinitive structures in Activity 2.Its dangerous to travel during a sandstorm.Experts hope to learn more about the movement of thunderstorms.We were told not to leave the house.The work on the house needs to be completed.Most houses seem to have been destroyed by the storm.4. Ask Ss to put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive forms in Activity 3 on P34.Its frightening to walk in the road in a sandstorm. I hope I reach home soon.Experts hope to learn more about the movement of sandstorms.Id like to be told about the situation before now.The work needs to be completed by the end of the work.My father was out of the city when the sandstorm came. He was very glad to have missed it.The building has to be finished by the end of the year.To see a real sandstorm was very frightening.Step 5: Homework1. Ask Ss to review Grammar1 and Grammar2.2. Ask Ss to finish the Grammar exercises in Workbook on P85-86.Now, lets look at following example, and point out the function of the infinitive.1. To give up smoking is right.In this sentence, “is” is the predicate, and what is the subject? The subject is usually put before the predicate, ok, lets look at it,. So “ to give up smoking” is the subject.2. I want to go home.Look at this sentence, lets analyze the sentence structure, “I” is the subject, “want” is the predicate, so “to
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