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(1)动名词的否定式(例句丰富)一、动名词一般式的否定式动名词一般式的否定式是将直接否定词not置于动名词之前。如:Not being punctual makes him unreliable. 不准时使人觉得他不可靠。Not being tall is not a serious disadvantage in life. 个子不高不是人生中的严重缺陷。He said he so much regretted not being able to swim. 他说他对不会游泳感到非常遗憾。Our problem is not having sufficient raw material. 我们的问题是原料不足。二、动名词完成式的否定式若动名词为完成式,否定词not应置于整个结构之前。如:Dont be angry with me for not having written. 我没给你写信请别生我的气。Excuse me not having answered your letter before. 没有更早回信请原谅。I apologize for not having kept my promise. 我没遵守诺言向你表示歉意。三、动名词被动式的否定式若动名词为被动式,否定词not应置于整个结构之前。如:He doesnt like not being taken seriously. 他不喜欢被人不严肃对待。As far as hes concerned, its not doing something wrong that matters, but not being caught doing something wrong, 就他而论,重要的不是做错事,而是做错事不被抓住。四、动名词带逻辑主语时的的否定式若动名词带有逻辑主语,则否定词应置于逻辑主语之后。如:Im surprised at your not having noticed. 你竟未注意到我感到吃惊。I never dreamt of its hurting you. 我没想它会伤你的心。I depend on your coming at seven oclock. 我指靠你七点钟来。They wont hear of you (r) going. 他们不会同意你去。Theyre looking forward to Marys coming. 他们盼望玛丽来。I understand your not wanting to discuss the matter. 我理解你为什么不愿讨论这件事。The trouble was their not being able to agree among themselves. 麻烦的是他们自己不能取得一致的意见。Jennys not having been trained as a dancer is her one regret. 杰妮没受过舞蹈的专业训练是她感到遗憾的事。(2)动词不定式的否定式Tell him not to shut the window She pretended not to see me when I passed by. 我走过的时候,她假装没看见。 典型例题1)Tell him _ the window. A. to shut not B. not to shut C. to not shut D. not shut答案:B。 tell sb to do sth 的否定形式为tell sb not to do sth.2)She pretended _ me when I passed by. A.not to see B. not seeingC. to not see D.having not seen 答案:A。 pretend 后应接不定式。其否定形式为pretend not to do sth.。3)Mrs. Smith warned her daughter _ after drinking. A. never to drive B. to never driver C. never driving D. never drive 答案:A。warn sb to do sth. 的否定形式为warn sb not to do sth. 此处用的是否定词never.4) The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street,but his mother told him _. A. not toB. not to doC. not do it D. do not to 答案:A。not to 为not to do it 的省略形式。可以只用to这个词,而不必重复整个不定式词组。及物动词do后应有名词、代词等,否则不对,因此B,D不对。5) The patient was warned _ oily food after the operation. A. to eat no B. eating not C. not to eat D. not eating答案:C。warn一词要求后用不定式,此处为不定式的被动,否定形式为be warned not to do。来源:考试大-英语六级考试 动词不定式的否定形式通常是在不定式符号to的前面加上not,如果是不带to的不定式就直接在动词原形前面加上not.For example:I tell him to go to the playgound 否定形式为 I tell him not to go to the playgound 这就是不定式的否定。如果按照你说的把动词否定: I dont tell him to go to the playgound. 这话就成了我没告诉他去操场。强调的是告诉还是没告诉。而不定式的否定强调的是不要去操场。就是不能去那里。二者强调的重点不同。(3)逻辑主语在英语语法中的定义:逻辑主语:是非谓语动词动作的执行者或承受者;它们在逻辑上存在着主谓关系或动宾关系,但不能直接作非谓语动词的主语,因此叫逻辑主语。逻辑主语的判断:1. 句子主语就是非谓语动词的逻辑主语,它们之间是逻辑上的主谓关系或动宾关系。例如:He likes helping others . (he 是helping 的逻辑主语)Moved by his words , I told him all the news . (I 是moved 的逻辑主语)2. 介词of 或for的宾语就是非谓语动词的逻辑主语。例如:Its kind of you to tell me the news . (you 是to tell 的逻辑主语)It is impossible for you to finish so much work in so short a time . (you 是to finish 的逻辑主语)3. 复合结构中的宾语就是非谓动词的逻辑主语。例如:The teacher asked me to answer his question . (me 是to answer 的逻辑主语)I saw him playing at the river side . (him 是playing 的逻辑主语)
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