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Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?一、 根据汉语写出英语单词。1. Who Moved My _(奶酪)is the name of a book.2. There are some _(三明治)on the table.3. He always _(混合)flour, yeast, eggs and water to make bread.4. We need two _(勺)of honey.5. She _(倾倒)some milk into the glass and drank it quickly.6. We need some _(玉米)to make popcorn.7. Dragon Boat Festival is a _(传统的)festival in China.8. My parents _(提供)some fruit to my friends when they visited us yesterday.9. You should _(摇动)the medicine before you drink it.10. The boys _(挖)a deep hole in the garden yesterday.11. Mary _(庆祝)New Year in her grandfathers house every year.12. He asked his mother to _(添加)more salt to the noodles.13. Hundreds of _(旅游者)came to visit the special village.14. He can eat two _(块)of bread, an egg and some milk for breakfast.15. The performance _(最终)started half an hour later. 二、 用英语写出下列词组。1. 打开;接通_ 11. 把.倒入 _2. 奶昔 _ 12. 忘记去做某事 _3. 切碎 _ 13. 做水果沙拉 _4. 一杯酸奶 _ 14. 还有一件事 _5. 一片;一张 _ 15. 把.放入. _6. 吃大餐 _ 16. 以高温 _7. 用.装满. _ 17. 植树 _8. 用.覆盖. _ 18. 在这个时候 _9. 一个接一个 _ 19. 在特殊的节日_10. 感恩 _ 20. 主菜 _ 三、 根据汉语完成下列句子,每空一词。1. 你是怎样做香蕉奶昔的?_ do you _ a banana milk _?2. 到新闻联播的时间了。我们打开电视机吧!Its time _ CCTV. Lets _ _ the TV.3. 他把牛肉和土豆放进了锅里,加了一些水。He _ the beef and _ _ the pot and _ some water.4. 还有一件事,别忘了在汤里加些盐。One _ thing, dont forget _ _ some salt _ the soup.5. 然后,加入西红柿和洋葱,再蒸十分钟。Then, add the _ and onions, and cook _ _ ten minutes.6. 我发现制作香蕉奶昔很容易。I find _ easy _ _ a banana milk _.7. 我想在星期日的聚会上制作罗宋汤。 I want _ _ the Russian soup _ the party on Sunday.8. 你们需要多少酸奶和苹果来制作水果沙拉? How _ _ and how _ apples _ you need _ make fruit _?9. 他想加两汤勺蜂蜜到牛奶里。 He _ to add two _ of _ to the milk.10. 它总是在11月的第四个星期四,是一个感恩秋季获得食物的时刻。 It is always on the _ Thursday in November, and is a time _ _ thanks_ food in the autumn.11. 此时,人们也回忆起约400年前从英格兰迁来美洲生活的首批漂泊者。 _ this time, people also remember the first _ _ England _ _ tolive in America _ 400 years ago.12. 现在,大多数美国人仍然以在家和家人一起吃大餐的方式来庆祝这种感恩的想法。These days, most Americans still _ this idea of _ thanks _ _ a big meal at home _ their family.13. 当火鸡烤好时,将火鸡放在一个大盘子里并且将肉汁覆盖在上面。When it is _, place the turkey _ a large plate and _ it with _.14. 最后,将火鸡切成薄片,配着胡萝卜和土豆这样的蔬菜一起吃肉。Finally, _ the turkey _ thin _ and eat the meat _ vegetables _ carrots and potatoes.15. 然后,在盛有热汤的锅里依次煮鸡蛋、肉和生菜。Then,_ the eggs, meat and lettuce in the _ of hot _, one _ one.16. 她做了一个火鸡大餐,用它来招待了她的朋友。She _ a turkey _ and _ it _ her friends.四、 根据汉语及句末括号内的单词提示,用相关的动词短语完成句子。1. 天色黑了,她打开了灯。It got dark and she _ the light. (turn)2. 我们应该对一切感恩。We should _ everything. (give)3. 他把这些水果切碎然后混合在了一起。He cut up these fruits and then _. (mix)4. 彼得昨天招待他的朋友吃了一顿美味佳肴。Peter _ a wonderful meal _ his friends yesterday.5. 他总是用这种面包混合物将火鸡填满,然后将火鸡放进热烤箱烤几个小时。He always _ the turkey _ this bread mix and then puts it in a hot oven and cooks it for a few hours. (fill)
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