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Unit 7 Will people have robots?练习题班别 _ 姓名_一、单项选择1. ( )Hurry up(赶快)! The train _ in two minutes.A.go B.went C.has gone D.will go2. ( )My father was _ than he is now.A.thinner B.thin C.less D.few3. ( )The boy _ off the bike and hurt (伤)his leg yesterday.A.fall B.fell C.falls D.will fall4. ( )I think that England _ next time.A.will win B.won C.is winning D.wins5. ( )His mother _ in a village five years ago.A.lives B.lived C.is living D.will live6. ( )_ seems very hard to work out this problem.A.That B.This C.I D.It7. ( )There is only _ time left. We must go now.A.little B.a little C.few D.a few8. ( )Do you think _ a football match tomorrow?A.there will be B.will there be C.there will have D.there are going to be9. ( )Dont make her _ too much music.A.hear of B.listen C.listen to D.to listen to10. ( )He often helps his mother _ the housework, but he never _.A.with,get bored B.with,gets boring C.to do,get bored D.with,get bored11. ( )_ a basketball player he wants to be a person _ Yao Ming.A.Like,like B.As,as C.As,like D.Like,as12. ( )When he was twenty years old, his dream _.A.came truth B.came truly C.came true D.was coming to true13. ( )-_do you watch TV? -Twice a week. A. How often B. How old C. How long D. How much14. ( )I always have _ homework to do on weekends. A. much too B. too much C. too many D. many too15. ( )Eating _ food is good for our _. A. health, healthy B. healthy, healthy C. healthy, health D. health, health二、词汇运用,用所给词的正确形式填空。1. In fact, they built one hundred modern _(building) for fifty years.2. There will be _(few) trees in the future.3. Linda spent twenty dollars _(buy)a dictionary.4. Robots can do things faster and _(well) than people.5. Robots can do work hours a day and they never feel _(bore).6. He is going to be a doctor when he _(grow) up. 7. Im going to be an astronaut when I _(grow) up. 8. People will have robots in their _(home). 9.Kids_(will not) go to school. Theyll study at home on _(computer).10.In 50 years, people will have _(little) free time .11. There are _ (hundred) of people on the ground.12. Han Mei and her brother are excellent _(write).13. The boy _(fly) to New York two days ago, and he _(be) back soon.14. _(be) you at school yesterday evening? We had an exciting party.15. When I grow up, I_ (be) a famous pilot.三、根据句意、首字母及汉语意思,补全句子,每空一词。1. In some cities in China, the air p_ is quite serious.2. _ (机器人)can do many things for human beings. 3. We have so much work today, we cant finish the work today. Yes, its i_!4. In the future, we wont use p_ to write. We only use computers.5. Scientists will make many different s_ of robots.6. A robot can help people do some boring, dirty or d_ jobs.7. Its my dream to fly to the s_ some day.8. Will there be world _(和平)?9. Today there are already robots working in _(工厂).10. There will be more _(污染) in the paper factory.11.Im sorry to hear that his father d_ five years ago.12.We usually brush our teeth t_ a day.13.She goes shopping at l_ once a week.14.Dont s_ up late. Its bad for your health.15.Children like eating j_ food, but its unhealthy.四按要求改写句子。1.People will live to be 200 years old.(改为否定句)People to be 200 years old.2.They will study at home on computers this Saturday.(改为一般疑问句) they at home on computers this Saturday?3. There is a snow tomorrow.(用一般将来时改写)There a snow tomorrow.4. Lily usually sleeps less than six hours every day.(就画线提问) _ _hours does Lily sleep every day?5.I think there will be fewer trees.(改为否定句)I there be fewer trees. 6.Will the flowers come out soon? (作否定回答) _, they _. 7.There will be only one country.(一般疑问句,并作否定回答) _ _ only _ one country?No, _ _.8.Mr Yang was a teacher.(用will改写句子) Mr Yang _ _ a teacher.9.Lin Tao does his homework after supper.(改为否定句) Lin Tao _ _ his homework after supper.10.Tom went to the dentist yesterday for teeth cleaning.(改为否定句) Tom _ _ to the dentist yesterday for teeth cleaning.五、补全对话, 每空一词。A: Hey, Anna, is that a picture 1_ you?B: Yes, That was me 10 years 2_.A: So, 3_ you lie here in Highvill 10 years ag
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