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期末基础题3单选()1.you often go to school at seven?A. AreB. DoC. DoesD. is()2. Please showaroundlibrary.A. me, yourB. I, yourC.me,youD. I, you()3interesting book it is!A. WhatHowC. What aD. What an()4. This islanguage labA.theyB.themC. theirD. it()5Let,s playviolin.A./B.aC. anD. the()6.1 want to They are interestingA. read storyB. read storvsC. read storiesD. look at story)7. We often borrow booksthe library.A. forB. toC. fromD. at()8. Can vou draw picturesme ?A. atBe toC forD. in()9.The students welcome the visitorstheir school.A.toB. forC. inD. at()10. Pm interestedmaths and Pm goodit.A.in,onB. at, onC in, atD.in,to()IL The girl canA. play pianoB. play pianosC. play a piano D. play the piano()12. -art classes do vou have a week?A. How oldB. How manyC. How often D.How does()13 I wantshopping.A. toB. goC. to go()14.1 want a pair ofA. trousersB. trouserC. a trouser()15.What can I doyou?A.toB. forC. too()16. Would youme this toy boat?A.showingB. showsC. show()17. I dont like the colour. How about this?A. aB. onesC. one()18. How muchthese clothes?Thevre.A. are, ninety yuanB. is, ninety yuan C. are, ninety()19. Please trvon.A. theyB.TheirC. them)2O.This coat isA toobig for me.B.toC. two)21A. toB.with)43. Will you tell us somethingthe computer?A. ofB at)44. Mary often helps memy English.A. withB. at)45. My fatherme a gift.A. bringsC. offC.mustntC. yoursC.forCe aboutC.aboutC. buyBetakesvegetablesA. someB. any)47My sister has a fever. She should go to seeA. a hospitalB. a policeman)48.My cousin is looking atin the sky.A.49.A.50.A. a lot ofC. a doctorsunC. a sunB. the sun the man playing foot ball? Yes, Is; he isB. Are; you are.Its seven oclock. Peter.have breakfastB. has lunchC. is having breakfastthis afternoon.C. Are; we are51. Tm going to watch TVA. onB. for)46. The little girl doesnt like to eat)52.Can I have a lookthe picture?A. atB. w汁hC. about)53. This is my. my aunts daughter A. sisterB. brotherC. cousin)54.She sa storya monkey and a rabbit.A. tell, aboutB. tells, toC. telling, about)55.Grandpa and Ithe storybooks.A. am readingB. is readingC. are reading)56.Listen! The teachera story about Project Hope.A. are speakingB. is sayingC. is telling)57.looking at the lovely dogs? Yes, I am.A. Are theyB. Are youC. Is he)58.Webusy today.A. all areB. are allC. are all like)59 May I speak to Miss Liu, please? .A. Hold on, please.B. Im not Miss Liu. C. Yes, it is.)60.Peter and his classmates are preparing English party.A. for, anB. with, anC. for, a)61. We wantthis book now.A. readingB. am readingC. to read)62. Our teacher isa red sweater today.A. putting onB. put onC. wearing)63. My brother likes playingfootball.A. theB. /C. an)64. We often watch the gamesthe playground.A. onB. inC. to)65. We all likegames.A. playB. plays)66. What are you doing here?We arehere.A. sing and danceB. singing and dancing)67. Liu Xiang is a very famous
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