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(1)Have you ever had problems in your life and dont know how to be happy? If 1 , you will find “Being a Happy Teenager” by Australian writer Andrew Matthews 2 . In his book, Matthews 3 us how to have a happy life and answers the 4 of teenagers. There are many 5 such as parents and friends, and the book 6 we should stop being angry and forgive. The book tells us of useful skills 7 how to put what you have learned into pictures of your mind to 8 your memory better. Many teenagers think 9 happiness comes from a good exam result 10 praise from other people. But you can 11 be happy when there are no such “good” things. Success comes from a(n) 12 attitude. If you 13 from problems, you will have success in the future. Some school students have 14 such as being too tall or too short. But Matthews tells us that 15 comes from thinking about things in a positive 16 . If you are 17 people notice you and you can get a 18 view at the movie; if you are short, your clothes and shoes 19 less room in your bedroom! This is Matthews most important 20 : you choose to be happy! 1. A. so B. not C. it D. do 2. A. wise B. smart C. useful D. simple 3. A. orders B. tells C. asks D. argues 4. A. problems B. questions C. ideas D. comments 5. A. roles B. classes C. courses D. subjects 6. A. says B. writes C. reads D. thinks 7. A. for example B. such as C. so as D. so that 8. A. make B. turn C. let D. change 9. A. what B. how C. that D. whether 10. A. and B. but C. so D. or 11. A. yet B. already C. still D. forever 12. A. bad B. good C. independent D. normal 13. A. learn B. rescue C. struggle D. separate 14. A. experiences B. difficulties C. fears D. problems 15. A. success B. happiness C. failure D. height 16. A. way B. means C. manners D. spirit 17. A. short B. small C. tall D. fat 18. A. lower B. higher C. worse D. better 19. A. take B. spend C. cover D. cost 20. A. work B. lesson C. teaching D. Study 答案:1-5 ACBBD 6-10ABACD 11-15 CBADB 16-20 ACDAB (2)A beautiful girl was shopping with her mother in Blue-sky Market. It was 1 hard outsideMany people all stood there under the awning(遮雨篷)They waited,some patiently(耐心的),others impatiently because of the bad weather. The girls 2 was so sweet. Mom, lets run through the rain.” she said suddenly“What?” Mom asked. “Lets run through the rain!” “No, Honey. Well 3 until it slows down a bit,” Mom replied The child waited about another 4 and repeated, “Mom,lets run through the rain.” “ We11 get 5 if we do,” Mom said.“No,we wont , MomThats not what you said this 6 .”the young girl said as she tugged(拽)at her moms arm “This morning? 7 did 1 say we could run through the rain and not get wet?”“Dont you 8 ? When you were talking to Daddy 9 his cancer, you said, If God can get us through this, he can get us through 10 . ” The people became 11 Nothing could be 12 but the rainMom thought for a moment about what she would say “Honey, you are 13 Lets run through the rain.” 14 they ran off. People all stood watching, smiling and laughing as they 15 past the cars and through the puddles(水坑).They 16 their shopping bags over their headThey got wet through,but they were 17 by a few who laughed like children all the 18 to their cars. People can 19 your money and health, but no one can ever take away your memories. So, dont 20 to make time to make memories every day 1. A. blowing Bsnowing C. raining D. shining 2. A. sound Bvoice C. noise D. language 3. A. leave B. go C. run D. wait 4. A. second B. minute C. month D. day 5. A. wet Bhurt C. lost D. bad 6. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. night 7. A. When B. What C. Why D. How 8. A. say B. stop C. ask D. remember 9. A. with Bfor C. about D. of 10. A. something B. anything C. other D. another 11. A. surprised B. sad C. silent D. nervous 12. A. seen Bsmelled C. heard D. known 13. A. right B. clever C. stupid D. brave 14. A. Because B. While C. Then D. But 15. Awalked Brushed Cjumped D. stepped 16. A. held B. brought C. threw D. pushed 17. A. wat
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