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高二英语教学设计:Period 2 Speaking现实虽残酷,但命运掌握在自己手中。下面是XX小编为您推荐高二英语教学设计:Period 2 Speaking。 Step 1 Listening Appreciate the speech I have a dream Step 2 Revision Students retell about the two famous leaders Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela, using the information in Warming Up. And students collect information about how the situation has been improved by their struggle. Step 3 Pre-speaking The teacher writes the information about the years in Warming Up on the blackboard and raise questions as below: T: Could you tell us what happened when in 1955? S: Yes, of course. King graduated and organized his first actions in 1955. T: What happened in the year of 1957? S: He formed an organization. T: What happened as a result of that? S: They carried out movement. / He became one of the leaders. That led to the freedom fighting. S1: What happened to N. Mandela during 1962-1989? What are the reasons? S2: One of the reasons why .is that he. S1: What led to his success? S2: His peaceful action led to his success. (Teachers use the new expressions on Page 27. Pay attention to the Language Input. We can change the practice into a filling form if it is too difficult for some students.) Step 4 Practice Now read the notes about John Brown and Harriet Tubman. Ask them to tell about the two great freedom fighters. Use the expressions of Page 27 to make up some dialogues in pairs . Then teachers get some pairs to act out the dialogues in front of the class. To help the students grasp the information , we can use the years or some verbs : John Brown: in 1800; in the 1840s; in the 1850s ; in 1855 Harriet Tubman: worked as a slave; escaped; joined; saved; fought; opened 背景知识 John Brown (1800-1859)is remembered in the well-known marching song John Brown s Body. In 1855 he moved from Ohio to Kansa where he became the leader of the anti-slavery movement. He believed that all men were equal and that slavery was a bad thing. In 1959 he tried to start a revolution to free the black people. He was arrested and killed the same year. 背景知识 Harriet Tubman (1820 年- 1913 3月10 日), 亦称 黑人Moses, 是一位African-American 废除主义者和最好抵抗运动领导, 她被看待美国的最了不起的英雄的当中一个。 Please turn to Page 26 and read the notes about them. Work in groups of three. Discuss the lives of them and talk about the reason why certain things happened and how they changed history. Useful Expressions: What happened first was that. .happened as a result of. You could expect.because. That led to. One of the reason why.is. .is often followed by. Sample dialogue: (A-student a; B-student b) A: Have you read about John Brown? B: Yes ,I have. A:I have heard of him, but I know little about him. Please tell me something about him. I want to know more. B:OK. He was born in Connecticut 康涅狄格美国州名and was brought up in Ohio俄亥俄美国州名. He hated slavery. What happened first was that he helped the black slaves escape from the USA to Canada. You could expect that led to the slave owners against him. Then he took up his arms to fight against his enemies. One of the reasons why he did this is that his enemy wanted to kill him. One night a battle took place. As a result of it, he was caught and ten men, including his two sons, were killed in the battle. Later, he was killed ,too .Encouraged by his bravery, the whole country soon united and fought against the slavery .A few years later, the American Civil War broke out and in the end the blacks won. A: What a moving story! Step 5 Song T: Do you know that there is a song about John Brown ? It is one of the most famous songs in America and is still sung by American soldiers. Do you want to listen to it? Ss: Of course. T:OK. Listen carefully and try to sing along with the tape.(Play the tape for students to listen.) Raise questions: What is the name of the song? What does it mean? What is the meaning of the sentence he s gone to be a soldier in the army of the Lord ? Step 6 Homework 1. Get information about M. L King, especially about his stories. 2.Translation 1). 首先一个禁止帮助逃跑奴隶的法律已被通过。(What happened first was that + sentence) 2). 由于他的粗心导致了车祸(.happened as a result of + n. ) 3). 你成为英语老师不是不可想象的,因为一切皆有可能。(You could expect + sb / sb s doing sth /n. / sentence + because.) 4). 这导致了美国的独立(That led to sb / sb s doing sth / sth. ) 5). 恐龙灭绝的一个原因是它们不能适应环境的变化(One of the reasons why.is that + sentence) 6). 成功总是尾随失败而来(.is often followed by .)第 6 页 共 6 页
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