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考研英语文学翻译素材 伊朗伊朗是具有四五千年历史的文明古国,史称波斯,有记载的历史和文化始于公元前2700年,我国汉史称安眠。公元前2022年后消失印欧血统的伊朗人。公元前6世纪古波斯帝国阿契美尼德王朝曾盛极一时。该朝第三代国王大流士一世统治时期(前521前485),帝国幅员东至阿姆河和印度河两岸,西到尼罗河中下游,北至黑海、里海一带,南达波斯湾。公元前330年古波斯帝国被马其顿亚历山大所灭。后建立了安眠、萨珊王朝。公元718世纪阿拉伯人、突厥人、蒙古人先后入侵。18世纪末,伊东北部的土库曼人恺加部落统一了伊朗,建立了恺加王朝。19世纪初沦为英、俄的半殖民地。1921年礼萨汗*恺加王朝,于1925年建立了巴列维王朝。1941年礼萨汗被盟军逐出伊朗,其子穆罕默德礼萨巴列维即位。1935年3月21日,改国名为伊朗。1978年爆发了反对国王的群众运动,迫使巴列维国王于1979年1月16日流亡国外。同年2月,宗教首领霍梅尼完毕2022年流亡生活从巴黎返回伊朗接收政权,4月1日宣布成立伊朗伊斯兰共和国。1981年10月哈梅内伊就任总统,穆萨维就任总理并受命组阁。霍梅尼逐步建立起政教合一的伊斯兰体系。伊朗和伊拉克长期存在着边界、教派和民族争端。进入80年月两国关系恶化。1980年9月两伊战斗爆发。经国际上多方调解于1988年8月宣布承受停火。1989年6月3日霍梅尼病逝,专家会议于其次天推举总统哈梅内伊为新首领。7月28日,议长拉夫桑贾尼中选总统。1993年6月11日,拉夫桑贾尼连任总统。1997年5月23日,哈塔米中选总统,8月4日宣誓就职,2022年连选连任。Iran, officially the Islamic Republic of Iran is a country in Central Eurasia and Western Asia. The name Iran has been in use natively since the Sassanian era and came into use internationally in 1935, before which the country was also known to the western world as Persia. Both Persia and Iran are used interchangeably in cultural contexts; however, Iran is the name used officially in political contexts.The 18th largest country in the world in terms of area at 1,648,195 km2, Iran has a population of over 74 million. It is a country of particular geostrategic significance owing to its location in the Middle East and central Eurasia. Iran is bordered on the north by Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. As Iran is a littoral state of the Caspian Sea, which is an inland sea, Kazakhstan and Russia are also Iran”s direct neighbors to the north. Iran is bordered on the east by Afghanistan and Pakistan, on the south by the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, on the west by Iraq and on the northwest by Turkey. Tehran is the capital, the country”s largest city and the political, cultural, commercial and industrial center of the nation. Iran is a regional power, and holds an important position in international energy security and world economy as a result of its large reserves of petroleum and natural gas.Iran is home to one of the world”s oldest continuous major civilizations. The first Iranian dynasty formed during the Elamite kingdom in 2800 BC. The Iranian Medes unified Iran into an empire in 625 BC. They were succeeded by the Iranian Achaemenid Empire, the Hellenic Seleucid Empire and two subsequent Iranian empires, the Parthians and the Sassanids, before the Muslim conquest in 651 AD. Iranian post-Islamic dynasties and empires expanded the Persian language and culture throughout the Iranian plateau. Early Iranian dynasties which re-asserted Iranian independence included the Tahirids, Saffarids, Samanids and Buyids.The blossoming of Persian literature, philosophy, medicine, astronomy, mathematics and art became major elements of Muslim civilization and started with the Saffarids and Samanids. Iranian identity continued despite foreign rule in the ensuing centuries and Persian culture was adopted also by the Ghaznavids, Seljuq, Ilkhanid and Timurid rulers. A turning point in Iran”s was the emergence in 1501 of the Safavid dynastywho promoted Twelver Shi”a Islam as the official religion of their empire, marking one of the most important turning points in the history of Islam. “Persia”s Constitutional Revolution“ established the nation”s first parliament in 1906, within a constitutional monarchy. Iran officially became an Islamic republic on 1 April 1979, following the Iranian Revolution.Iran is a founding member of the UN, NAM, OIC and OPEC. The political system of Iran, based on the 1979 constitution, comprises several intricately connected governing bodies. The highest state authority is the Supreme Leader. Shia Islam is the official religion and Persian is the official language.
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