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2012年英语(二)试题参考答案Section I Use of English1. A. served 2. B. common 3. D. bore 4. A. necessities 5. C. but 6. D. against 7. B. meaning 8. A. handed out 9. C. made 10. B. never 11. D. distinguished 12. C. collection 13. C. interviewed 14. A. human 15. D. gained 16. A. paralleled 17. B. emphasized 18. C. fragments 19. B. To 20. D.at that pointSection Reading ComprehensionPart AText121. A. is receiving more criticism22. C. may have problems finishing their homework23. D. discourage students from doing homework 24. B. it counts much in schooling25. A. A Faulty Approach to HomeworkText 226. C. should not be the sole representation of girlhood27. B. Blue used to be regarded as the colour for girls.28. B. the marketing of products for children29. A. classify consumers into smaller groups30. C. mainly imposed by profit-driven businessmenText 331. A. genes to be patentable 32. B. only man-made products are patentable33. A. discovering gene interactions34. C. gene patenting was a great concern35. D. objectiveText 436. D. look on the bright side of the recession37. D. reconsider their lifestyle38. B. bring out more evils of human nature39. D. recover more quickly than the others40. C. certainPart B41. A. emphasized the virtue of classical heroes.42. F. dismissed virtue as unnecessary for successful leaders.43. G. depicted the worthy lives of engineers, industrialists and explorers.44. C. focused on epochal figures whose lives were hard to imitate.45. E. held that history should be the story of the masses and their record of struggle.Section Translation46. 发展中国家的人考虑移民时,通常关心的是到硅谷或发达国家的医院和大学里工作这样最美好最光明的前景。这些人正是英国、加拿大和澳大利亚等国家想要通过对大学毕业生提供优惠的移民条例来吸引的人才。许多研究表明,发展中国家受过良好教育的人尤其可能移民。2004年对印度家庭的一项大规模调查表明,将近40%移居国外的人受过高中以上教育,而与之形成对比的是:全印度25岁以上受过高中以上教育的人约为3.3%。这种“人才流失”现象长期困扰着贫困国家的决策者。他们担心这会损害本国经济,使他们失去急需的熟练劳动者,这些人本可以留在国内在大学任教、在医院工作或设计新产品供工厂生产。Section IV WritingPart A47. (略)Part B48. (略)
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