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2022年普通高考英语模拟调研卷2套(含答案)2022年普通高考英语模拟调研测试(一)英语注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号除黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。AXian enjoys areputationsas a“Living History Museum”due to its rich, diversecollectionof historicaland cultural treasures.Apart from theTerracottaWarriors, there are also someother attractions in the city.Here are some of them.Ancient City WallXian City Wall was built in the 14th century in the Ming Dynasty as a military defensesystem.Now it is one of the oldest and best preserved Chinese city walls Thewallisnow alandmark, dividing the city into inner and outer areas.Giant Wild Goose Pagoda (塔)Situated in an ancient temple, the pagoda built with layers of bricks was built in the TangDynasty.It is traditional Chinese architecture.One of the main functions of the pagoda was tostore Buddhist scriptures (经文) and figurines brought to China from India by the famousmonk and traveler Xuan Zang,who stayed here for 19 years translating Buddhist scriptures.Shaanxi History MuseumThe Shaanxi History Museum, built in 1991,is home to over 370,000 precious relics unearthed in Shaanxi over the years,The museum consists of three main sections.Its collectionsrange from bronze ware (器血) to pottery ware, gold and silver ware and mural paintingsfrom the Tang Dynasty tombs.The Muslim QuarterOne of the highlights is its local snacks when you tour Xian.The best food destination isthe Muslim Quarter,which has a history of several hundred years.Consisting of a number offood streets, the area has become a famous attraction in the city for its rich and authenticMuslim cultural atmosphere.21.In which place can you know more about Buddhism?A. Ancient City Wall.B. Giant Wild Goose PagodaC. Shaanxi History Museum.D. The Muslim Quarter.22.What can you do when you visit the Muslim Quarter?A. Creat some bronze wares.B. Eat diverse delicious snacks.C. Visit some watchtowers.D. Translate Buddhist scriptures.23.What do you know from the text?A. The Shaanxi History Museum has exhibits made of goldB. Xuan Zang died in the Giant Wild Goose PagodaC. The Xian City Wallisthe oldest Chinese city wall.D. The Muslim Quarter has a history of 100years.BHua Sheng and LuSheng, a retired Tibetan couple,have become trailblazers (开拓者) ofgrape growing andwine-makingin their old ages.Lu Shenglearned grape planting and winemaking from her grandmothers sister.Sincethey retired, the couple have moved to Lhasa from the village of Yakhadi.Though the factthat the regions capital, which is 3,600 meters above sea level, is considered unfit for growing grapes, Lu Sheng and Hua Sheng began an ambitious project in 2015, planting grapes inTsalna, a town in the suburb of LhasA. They received support from the local government, which is committed to developing business and the economy.The couples project provides jobs for rural residents, and, as a result,the government has considered the project part of its poverty relief program.“Lhasa is an ideal place for planting French grape varieties that are resistant to cold,drought and disease, and adaptable to high-altitude and open-air planting, Lu Sheng said.“Thanks to the plateaus sunshine and organic planting, our grapes grow very well herein LhasA. The grapes are a bit sour and sweet, and they have a high anthocyanin (花青素)content,”she said.Anthocyanins, which are in grape cells and contribute rich color to wine,arewater-soluble(水溶性的).In 2018, Hua Sheng and Lu Sheng expanded their project, planting on nearly 6.67 hectares.In order to familiarize Tibetan farmers with grape planting and winemaking, theytaught the skills to local villagers.“We havesuccessfullytaught the local farmers how to grow grapes and make wine overthe three years.They now have a new source of income besides traditional farrming and herding,”Hua Sheng said.Yudron, a resident of Nam, said she was grateful to the grape planting project in her village, which has contributed to her income and quality of life.After working in the vineyardsfor years, now we know how to make wine.We drink both barley and grape wine now.Welove grape wine more, though, as it is healthier.24.What did the couple do after their retirement?A. They grew grapes and made wine in LhasaB. They made friends with a French expert.C. They moved to another city from LhasaD. They learned grape planting from Hua ShengS grandmother.25.Why was the couples project thought of as a poverty relief program?A. They donated grapes to local schools.C. They employed localresidents as workers.B. They provided free wine for villagers.D. They expanded the project with the local government.26.Which is the function of anthocyanins?A. They make grapes more delicious.B. They can
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