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四年级清明节扫墓英语日记满分范文四年级清明节扫墓英语日记2 When the Ching Ming Festival arrived, the school organized every class of the fourth grade to go to the Revolutionary Martyrs Monument at Xingzi Xiufeng to sweep the grave. I didnt know how to sweep the grave when I heard what the teacher said. On the afternoon of April 3rd, we gathered in the school playground on time. We lined up in a long queue and walked orderly towards the revolutionary martyrs monument with flowers in hand. At first, the teacher let us all observe three minutes of silence: at that time, My heart is thinking: Your blood is not wasted. Look at our happy life now. Its what you bought with your life. Then, the teacher told us how one of the heroes fought against the enemy. After listening to the teachers stories, I admire the revolutionary martyrs even more. You will always live in our hearts. Finally, with a heavy heart, we went to the monument of revolutionary martyrs and put the flowers in our hands. On the way back, every students heart is very heavy: the revolutionary martyrs feel relieved, we will study seriously in the future, and be a useful talent for the country in the future. Thank you revolutionary martyrs, and they will rest in peace! ! ! After this grave-sweeping, it not only made me understand what grave-sweeping is, but also made me understand that the blood sacrificed by revolutionary martyrs is exactly what will bring us peace in the future! ! ! Therefore, I admire revolutionary martyrs very much! 四年级清明节扫墓英语日记3 The annual Qingming Festival is coming soon. Today, our teacher took us to the Shishan Park to sweep the grave. When we arrived there, nine characters greeted the Cixi Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Hall. We climbed up the stairs and walked to the Martyrs Monument. We were panting. After a while, the teacher asked everyone to gather. After that, Xu Lei and I spoke. We only listened to the spring breeze sent flowers to express grief, and Qingsong sent deep feelings. I followed up with infinite grief and infinite affection, offering sacrifices to heroes at the tomb of heroes. This is a poem dedicated to the revolutionary martyrs. The martyrs monument is just like revolutionary martyrs. The pines and cypresses beside the martyrs monument guard them like soldiers. Cen Yuxi walked to the martyrs monument in high spirits and put out the flag. After that, everyone put a flower in front of the martyrs monument respectfully. Then everyone observed a minute of silence. At that time, I thought that many revolutionary martyrs died in battle, and some did not even leave their names. The following is the representatives speech. What impressed me most is that we should study hard and make progress every day. This is the representatives guarantee to the martyrs. I want to study hard and make progress every day as promised. Next is our oath: lets remember this solemn moment, lets remember this solemn promise, lets let the martyrs fly in the blue sky of the motherland forever with their blood flags. Finally, I went down the mountain after circling the field for a week. These revolutionary martyrs are really great in life and glorious in death. 四年级清明节扫墓英语日记4 Today, I came to the Martyrs Cemetery with a heavy heart. The first thing that caught my eye was the eight strong characters on both sides of the gate, the greatness of life, the glory of death. Walking into the park, I was once again greeted by two rows of pines and cypresses, who stood proudly in the wind and guarded the cemetery like soldiers. There is a monument between the two rows of pines and cypresses, which reads The revolutionary martyrs are immortal. These words represent our lofty respect for the martyrs. Going to the left again, I was once again greeted by stone tablets and two pavilions by the roadside, next to which the martyrs rested. I carefully read the words on each stone tablet, and every word seems to tell me: Our peaceful and happy life is bought with the flesh and blood of martyrs, so we should cherish the happy life now, study hard, and be a useful person in the future to make our country stronger! Then, I walked to the tomb of the martyrs, looked at the tombstones and read the heroic deeds. I was both sorry and angry. At this moment, I remembered the martyr Li Mingde that my mother often mentioned to me. I went to the tomb of Li Mingdes martyr and put the white flower I had been holding for a long time on the tombstone. And made a deep bow. 四年级清明节扫墓英语日记5 On April 4th, the school organized to visit the grave today. It suddenly occurred to me that I had to make white flowers for the brave martyrs. I started to do it right away. After preparing the paper first, and then folding it repeatedly, I put a string of wool in the middle, and then cut the tip round with scissors. Finally, I rolled a white little white flower and finished it. Ill go to school when Ive made the little white flowers. When I got to school, I s
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