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病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程Part VIDirect vs. Indirect病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程English: IndirectChinese: Direct病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程 Indirect EnglishI EuphemismII ImplicitnessIII Periphrasis病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程 I Euphemism Euphemizing is generally defined as substituting an inoffensive or pleasant term for a more explicit, offensive one, thereby veneering the truth by using kind words.病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程For Example: In private I should merely call him a liar. In the Press you should use the words: Reckless disregard for truth and in Parliament- that you regret he should have been so misinformed.病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程 委婉是一种比较间接的方式来谈论不宜直言的人或事物。为了:1)回避或掩盖某些严酷的社会现实;2)为了防止“出口伤人”;3)避免“有失体统”,显得文明礼貌。病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程1.Both English and Chinese have Euphemism which are used to express boring, awful, disgust and disgraceful things.1)“死亡”2)“上厕所”3)“怀孕”4)“身体太胖”5)“老人,年老”病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程 1)“死亡死亡”pass away; breathe ones last; go to ones Maker; be with God; sleep with ones fathers join the great majority; pay the debt of nature go to glory; go to a better world; sleep the final sleep, cross the Great Divide, climb the golden staircase.病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程逝世、寿终、作古、谢世、归寂、坐化、牺牲、阵亡、殉职、捐躯、百年、与世长辞;古代还有按等级之分的死: 帝王之死“崩”或“晏驾”, 诸侯之死“篳”; 大夫之死“卒”, 士之死“不禄”。病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程 2)“上厕所上厕所”go to the restroom, use the bathroom, wash ones hands, relieve oneself, answer a call of nature; (男)see a man about a horse, (女)fix ones face, powder ones nose大便、小便、方便、解手、大解、小解、净手、如厕、去洗手间病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程 3)“怀孕怀孕”be expecting, in a family way, (American English)in the family way,(English)in an interesting condition 有喜、重身子、双身子、产妇、身怀六甲病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程 4)“身体太胖身体太胖”stouton the heavy side发福发福病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程 5)“老人,年老老人,年老”senior citizeneldly peopleadvanced in age年迈年长上了年纪上岁数年事已高病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程2. Compared with Chinese, English has more euphemisms and they are used more frequently . 病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程powder room- ladies room女厕所unpleasant odour- nasty smell难闻的气味assault- rape强奸soiled linen- dirty clothes脏衣服unmentionables/nether garments/inexpressibles -trousers裤子病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程 In mordern UK or US, euphemizing, implicit and humor speech is regared as mark of civilization and politeness.In recent ten years, the usage of euphemism is so popular that nearly deep into every corner of social life and public or private business. Most of them are vivd and intersting and can reflect social and cultural life 病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程2.1 Official Euphemism官方委婉语。2.2 Occupational Euphemism职业委婉语。2.3 School Euphemism学校委婉语。2.4 Others各种事物委婉语病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程 2.1 Offical Euphemismincludes all kinds of officialese(官方英语):1)bureaucratese联邦政府官僚英语2)Pentagonese五角大楼英语3)State-Departmentese国务院英语4)Gobbledygook官腔英语5)unbababble地方市政府英语病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程 1)Bureaucratese联邦政府官僚英语联邦政府官僚英语 Euphemisms are so popular in officialese, especially Bureaucratese among which some of them have become tricks to cover the truth, deceive the voter and win over the will of the people. 病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程For example: 1)经济危机:ecnomic crisis ecnomic adjustment(经济调整) 2)失业:unemplyment underutilization(未充分利用人才) human resources underdevelopment(人才资源未充分开发) 3)贫民区:slum inner city ; central city 病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程 4)监狱: prison house of correction(改造所,教养院) 5)捏造:fabricate less than truthful(不大真实) 6)窃听:eavesdrop on intelligence gathering(收集情报) 7)暗杀:assassination liquidation(清算)病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程poor: I used to think I was poor. Then they told me I wasnt poor, I was needy. They told me it was self- defeating to think of myself as needy, I was culturally deprived. Then they told me deprived was a bad image, I was underprivileged. Then they told me underprivileged was overused, I was disadvantaged. I still dont have a dime, but I have a great vocabulary!病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程2)Pentagonese五角大楼英语五角大楼英语为了掩盖侵略战争本性,国防部官员把它称为international armed conflict (国际武装冲突);对美国空军来说,空袭只是air support(空中增援),在原苏联领空侦察飞行仅是overflight(越界飞行)。军方为了尽量缩小暴力破坏程度,把杀死敌人称作neutralize the adversary(压制对手),把伤亡称为circadian deregulation(生理节奏的反常)病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程为了掩盖战争中失败的真相,五角大楼的官员会说:撤出exfiltration;战线调整an adjust of the front =退却retreat;战略撤退strategic withdrawl =战败defeat;大量使用核武器的用语deterrence(威慑);first strike capability(第一次打击能力),从不
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