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动词不定式考点一动词不定式的时态和语态(以do为例)语态一般式完成式进行式完成进行式主动to doto have doneto be doingto have been doing被动to be doneto have been done功能 意义动作和谓语动 词同时发生或 在其后动作发生在谓语动 词所表示的动作z 刖动作正在进行中,而 H与谓语动词所表示 的动作同时发生动作在主要谓语动作之 前发生,而月一直持续否定 形式not+动词不定式构成(例)i般式Jlm very happy to hear that the German team won the match, (to hear 与 be happy 同吋发牛) The Smiths plan to buy a new car. (to buy 发生在 plan 之后)He asked to be sent to work in Tibet.In general, people do not like to be made fun of.完成式You arc lucky to have got tickets to the football match.The book is said to have been translated into more than 30 languages.进行式He pretended to be slccping when his younger brother came in.完成进行式He appears to have been waiting here for a long time.(仍然在等待)Adam is said to have been working on the novel for more than 10 years.(小说还没冇写完)注意:1.不定式的完成式和plan, hope, expect, promise, intend, mean, wish等动词的过去式连用时,表示过 去没有实现的事情”。They planned to have started the project at the beginning of last month.(实际上没冇开始)2“would like/love to have done结构表示未能实现的愿望,意为“木打算/想/计划”I would like to have seen his face at that moment.(没看到)3如果动词不定式的逻辑主语是动作的执行者,则动词不定式用主动式;如果动词不定式的逻辑主语是 动作的承受者,则动词不定式用被动式。The company requires him to go abroad for further study.The boy felt annoyed to be interrupted when he was playing games.4. 动词不定式主动形式表被动意义的常见情形A. 在“名词/代词+easy/difficult.+动词不定式”结构中,有时尽管句中主语是不定式动作的承受者, 不定式在意义上是被动的,形式上却是主动的。此时可视为省略了动词的逻辑主语for us, for me, for you 等。Scientific information can be difficult to understand sometimes.B. 在there be +名词+动词不定式”结构中,动词不定式和句中的主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系,如 果强调必须由人完成某事时,不定式多用主动形式;如果强调事情木身必须被完成时,则用被动形式。 There is a lot of work to do.(强调需要人去做工作)There is a lot of work to be done.(强调工作需要被做)C. 动词不定式作某些动词如have, get, need, want等接宾语的后置定语,并口逻辑主语就是句子的主 语时,用主动形式表被动意义。I have some chairs to repai匚D. 某些双安语动词如give, show, lend, buy等带有直接宾语和间接宾语,动词不定式如果作直接宾语 的后置定语,并且逻辑主语就是间接宾语时,用主动形式表被动意义。He will show you the way to take.Please lend him some book to read.E. to blame, to let等作表语时,常用主动形式表被动意义。He was to blame for the accident.The house is to let.考点二动词不定式的6种句法功能1. 不定式作主语作主语的不定式表示具体的、一次性的动作。不定式作主语时常用it作形式主语,真正的主语是不定式。 常用句型有:(1) It be+adj.+to do sth.;(2) It+takesH段时间+to do sth.;(3) It seems (appears) + adj. 4-to do sth.等。(4) It be+n.(pleasure, pity, shame, honour, crime 等)+ to do sth.;(5) It be+介词短语+to do sth.;It is against my will to support him.Its necessary for you to lock the car when you do not use it.Its -adj. +for sb.to do sth.和 Its+adj. + of sb. to do sth.不定式作主语时的位置:To see is to believe(1) for sb.句型中的形容词一般表示事物的 特征、特点或客观形式,女口easy, hard, difficult, interesting, impossible等。(2) ofsb.句型中的形容词一般表示性格、 品德、心智能力、主观感悟或态度,女口good, kind, nice, clever, foolish, rightIts important to learn English well.单个不定式作主语时,谓语动词用单数。若不定式太长,往往用it作形式主语,不定式置后.2. 不定式作宾语不定式可以作某些动词的宾语。常见的有:afford, agree, ask, decide, desire, pretend, plan, intends refuse, wish, want 等。She wishes to be a musician.The workers demanded to get better pay.(2) 不定式在介词but, except, besides后血时,如果介词之前为动词do的某种形式,则后面接不带to的不定式,否则带to.此外,cannot choose but和cannot help but, cannot but等后面的不定式也省略too She could do nothing but waitI have no choice but to go.(3) 不定式作动词的宾语,其后跟补足语时,常用it作形式宾语,而把不定式后置。1 make it a rule to read English every morningI found it necessary to talk to him again.(4) tell, show, understand, know, explain, teach, learn, advise, discuss 等动词后可跟疑问词 + 不定式 Can you tell me what to do next?1 made him do his work. He was made to do his work (by me).助记 常见的带不定式作宾语的动词口诀想要干 want, wish, hope, expect, seek, attempt, aim, claim, would like/love, desire 早打算 plan, prepare, mean, arrange同意否 agree, promise, undertake, offer, choose, refuse, afford问问看ask(ask to do要求做),beg决定了 decide, determine, make up ones mind, be determined尽力T try, manage(反义词 fail), struggle, strive, attempt不在意care别装蒜pretend以下动词既可接不定式,乂可以接动名词,但是意义不同。+ doing sth+do do sthremember记得过去发生的动作记得将来要做的动作try试着去做、尝试改变努力去做某事req ret对做过的事表示后悔对要做的事表示遗憾mea n意味着企图(打算)做某事go on继续做未完成的事情做完一件事后,接着做另一件forget忘记以前曾做i寸某事忘记去做某事stop中断正在做的事情中断正在做的事,去做别的事cant help禁不住做某事不能帮着做某事3不定式作表语在表示愿望、冃的等的名词或以what引导的名词性从句后多用不定式作表语,对主语起补充说明作用。如 ambition, wish, hope, desire, goal, target, aim, dream, plan, purpose, suggestion, duty, idea 等。be to do表示意图、打算、命令、职责、义务、预先安排好的计划或约定或注定要发生的事情,是将來时的 一种表达方式。seem和appear后可跟不定式作表语。Our plan is to keep the affair secret.Your task is to clean the classroom4.不定式作补足语(宾语补足语和主语补足语)接不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:advise, allow, ask, beg, cause, encourage, expect, forbid, force, get, teach, tell, order 等oTell the children not to play in the street.help 后面的 “to” 可省去 They often help the grandma (to) carry water.(2) 动词不定式作动词feeL hear, see, watch, notice, observe等感官动词以及have, let, make等使役动 词后面的宾语补足语时,不定式符号to要省略。但如果这些句子变成被动结构时,必须带to。I saw a little boy run across the streetThe little boy was seen to run across the street(3) 部分动词后常接to be+形容词/名词”结构,冇时
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