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中考英语完形填空训练专家66Why do people play football? Its a(n) 1 game and its dangerous too. Twenty-two men fight 2 ninety minutes to make 3 many goals as they can. They get 4 black eyes, bruise (擦伤) and broken bones than they 5 points. Football players must be mad.And why do people watch football? They 6 be mad too. They certainly 7 and scream like 8 . Im afraid 9 near a football field when they are playing a game. The crowds are 10 . Id 11 stay at home and watch TV. But what happens when I turn it 12 ? Theyre showing a football game. So I turn on the radio. What do I 13 ? The 14 football scores. And what do I see when I open a newspaper? Pictures of football players, interview(采访) with 15 players, scores of football games.1.A. stupidB. funnyC. excitingD. wonderful2.A. for B. by C. in D. against 3.A. so B. to C. as D. very 4.A. much B. many C. most D. more 5.A. do with B. do C. do for D. did 6. A. mustnt B. must C. cant D. can7. A. cry B. laugh C. run D. shout 8. A. gentlemen B. ladies C. madmen D. madams 9. A. of going B. for going C. to go D. to be going 10. A. happy B. dangerous C. sad D. tired 11. A. rather B. better C. like D. fairly 12. A. off B. down C. up D. on 13. A. listen B. listen to C. hear D. hear of 14. A. late B. latest C. later D. lately 15. A. basketball B. volleyball C. tennis D. football名师点评本文用幽默的语气介绍了足球运动在社会上的地位和状况。读完令人感慨,人们真的为足球而疯狂了,足球无所不在。初中完形填空设计选项时,常会用障眼法迷惑学生,如本题中的第8项,解题时一定要小心。答案简析1. C。根据常识,足球是一项令人兴奋的运动,故选exciting。2. A。表示段时间的名词前常用介词for。3. C。asas是一个固定搭配。4. D。从than可知,此句应用比较级。5. C。do with 是“处理”的意思, 而do for 是“为而做”的意思,故选C。6. B。根据句意应用肯定语气,后面出现了too,显然选B。7. D。shout 是“大叫”的意思,和句意相符。8. C。根据句意,他们象疯子一样大喊大叫,故选madmen。千万不要眼花看成madams。9. A。be afraid of 所接宾语若是可怕的事或物时通常是害怕做某事而引起不好的后果,be afraid to do不敢做某事,故选A。 10. B。讲述我害怕站在足球场附近的原因,人群太危险了。11. A。would rather do“宁愿做某事”,would like和to搭配,had better是“最好”的意思,因此答案是A。12. D。turn on 是“打开”的意思,文中是打开电视,故选D。13. C。hear表示听到的结果,listen to表示听的动作,故选C。14. B。latest是“最近”,“最新”的意思, 符合题义。15. D。整篇文章讲的就是关于足球的事,故选D。67Soon after Dave left university, one of his uncles, who was 1 and had no children of his own, died and 2 Dave a lot of money, so he decided to 3 his own company. He found a nice 4 , 5 some new furniture(家具)and 6 . He had only been there for a few hours 7 he heard someone come towards the door of his office. “Its my first 8 ,” he thought. He quickly 9 the telephone, and 10 to be busy 11 an important call from someone in New York who wanted to buy a big and expensive house in the country. The man 12 at the door while seeing this was 13 , came in and waited politely for Dave to finish his 14 , then he said to Dave, “Im from the telephone company, and I was sent here to 15 your telephone.”1. A. illB. richC. honestD. luck 2. A. gave B. handedC. left D. promised 3. A. set up B. take up C. put up D. make up 4. A. office B. cinema C. theater D. school 5. A. bought B. carried C. managed D. lent 6. A. set in B. moved in C. moved out D. went out 7. A. as B. when C. while D. then 8. A. teacher B. boss C. customer (顾客) D. job 9. A. made up B. took up C. brought up D. pick up 10. A. pretended B. warned C. kept D. looked 11. A. writing B. answering C. calling D. saying12. A. looked B. knocked C. hit D. waited 13.A. going on B. moving on C. speaking on D. keeping on 14. A. conversation B. gesture (手势) C. smoking D. fixing 15. A. repairing B. connecting C. making D. looking after名师点评本文是一篇笑话,故事生动有趣,但读后又不禁感慨万分自作聪明,终会留下笑柄。答案简析1. B。根据下文left him a lot of money 的提示, 我们可推断他叔叔很富有,故选B 。2. C。leave sb. sth. 是“留给某人某物”的意思, 故选C 。3. A。set up 是“建立”的意思,take up 是“举起”的意思,put up 是“张贴”的意思, make up 是“打扮”的意思, 根据句意和下文,可知选A。4. A。由下文可知选A 。 5. A。意为“买了些新家具,然后就搬进去了”。6. B。move in 是“搬进”的意思。7. B。意为“就在这时”。8. C。Dave 开公司是为了接待顾客,因此选C 。9. D。take up 是“占据”的意思,bring up是“培养”的意思,make up 是“编造”的意思,pick up 是“随意拿起”的意思。10. A。假装忙于接一个重要的电话。11. B。answer a call 是“回电话”的意思。12. B。knock at door是“敲门”的意思。13. A。go on 是“继续”的意思, keep on 是“坚持”的意思, 故选A 。14. A。他拿起电话显然是讲话, 故选A 。15. A。全文的喜剧效果全在于此,很显然电话坏了,需要修理。Dave 只是在假装讲话。68Many people think the 1 time is spent, the more work will be done. So students have to spend the whole 2 doing school work except the three meals.Modern students have many 3 . They love sports, computers and music. A 4 holiday can get them away from too much school work, and they can do 5 they like. But still teachers do not think about it. Because students have too much homework, they have no time to 6 themselves. Students are really tired 7 their weekend homework. So they dont do it 8 Sunday ni
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