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太原市20212022学年第二学期八年级期中质量监测英语试卷第I卷听力测试1 .听力第一节情景反响这一节共有5个小题,每题你将听到一段对话。请你根据听到 的内容,从A、B、C三幅图片中,选出与对话内容相符的一项,并将 其字母标号填入题前的括号内。luckily, his dog, Dasher, followedclose behind him. After a long time, they lost their way in the forest about 3 km from home. It took nearly one hour for Erics parents to find their child was missing. They called the police and started looking for Eric everywhere, but a terrible storm came that night. It stopped their car on the road, and all the people had to put off looking for them until better weather.At 6:00 the next morning, when his parents and the police found Eric, the lucky kid was still sleeping quietly next to his dog. Dasher was all wet but looked at the kid softly. It was Dasher who made Eric feel safe and go through the terrible storm.At the reunion time between mother and child, she said she wasnt surprised at what the dog did because he was always faithful (忠诚的).They could always believe in him.()51.In the text,Dasher isahomeless dogA. a2-year-old boyahero dog()52. When Eric left home,A.his parents were making dinnerB. it was raining heavily outsideDasher was running outside the house()53. Which one is TRUE according to the passage?A. Dasher was not happy to follow the boy.B. Eric was away from home for almost 12 hours.C. All the people were looking for Eric for the whole night.()54. What does the underlined word reunion mean in Chinese?A.分手B.团聚C.比照()55. What is the best title (题目)of this story?A. A Faithful Friend B. A Missing Boy C. A Heavy Storm VI.阅读理解(二)请阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容回答下列问题。Are chores so important? There are more benefits (优点) than you can imagine. Children can not only get some skills, but they can also get a sense of satisfaction, which makes them confident. According to a 75-year Harvard (哈佛大学)study, children who often do chores will have more chances to be successful.In fact, helping at home is a universal thing. Everyone in the family should play a part in doing chores. Here is the result of a study by Beijing Academy of Educaitonal Science in 2020.How many hours do kids do chores at home every day?Luckily, our country has realized the importance of labor education (劳动教育).People7 s Daily (人民日报)also gives us a chore chart for kids at different ages.Chores By AgeKids aged 5 to 6 years oldKids aged 7 to 9 years oldKids aged 12 years old and upMake the bed properly Put their own things back Learn to group things Do the dishesClean their roomsGet things ready for school Deep clean their rooms Shop for the festivals OMake plans for the family trip To help children get all-around development, we cannot overlook (忽视)the importance of labor. Just as President Xi Jinping said, “Do your own work and get ready to help others.”Lets start to take action now!56. What can children get from doing chores? (One example is OK.)In which country do kids do the most housework?57. Can kids under 7 years old do the deep cleaning? Who canshop for the festivals?58. . Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.(请把划线局部翻译成汉语)59. What chores do you usually do at home? What do you think of doing chores?n.词语运用(从a、b两道题中任选一题作答)A.用方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使短文内容完整、通顺,每 个单词或短语只用一次。argued withshouldproperyouruntil was doingwithoutdecisionsrecentlyto getI am a reporter from TEENS MAGAZINE 61., we received many teenagers letters about their problems with parents. Jack is one of them. Last week, he 62homework when his parents came in his room and asked him to have dinner. He got angry and63.his parents. He said he wou 1 d not talk to them 64.theystarted to talk to him. But is that OK?You often complain (抱 怨)that your parents do not understand you. When something goes wrong, most parents think its all your mistakes 65.askingforanyreasons. Many parents dont allow you to make 66. or do things by yourselves. Relations between children and their parents are becoming worse and worse. Maybe you need to findmore time to have 67 municationwith your parents. Also, you need to try hard to find out a nicer way 68. what you want. If you want to stay out late, you. speak out what you want to do and why it is important for you to do so. Then they might just agree with69 .request (请求) .So if all of us can be peaceful, communication will be easier.B.用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整,通顺。每个 词只能用一次。gooddependkindagainstquickbecausedevelopsheindependencereturnDo you watch livestreaming (直播)? When talking about it, you might think of makeupvloggers (美妆 博主)or movie stars. But Zeng Qinghuan, a 30-year-old farmer in Hunan, turned her whole village into a livestreaming room. She called 61. uXiangmeiXinbaoondouyin. Becauseshe shows her real life in the countryside,she 62.hasmillions of fans. Her short videos show the beauty of her village andthe 63.of farmers. She helps farmers sell products through the Internet. Now, the village 64. fast.Many people are interested in the reason why she chose to leave
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