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油漆工施工要求及标准油漆要求标准导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“油漆要求标准”的资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对的支持!附件7油漆要求1总则本章节技术要求规定了升龙火电工程工厂制作和现场制作 中涉及的钢结构.钢支撑件、设备、罐体及其它相关组件油 漆材料选择、表面处理.油漆工艺(材料和厚度)等最低技 术要求。设备钢构件油漆涂层保护应能适宜于工程场地的恶劣条件, 同时能保证最低维护率和标准化涂料的使用。投标方应特别 注意使用合理施工设施对主要部件和组件进行油漆施工,保 证钢表面等达到最佳工况。投标方设备(含分包外购件)采用的油漆工艺系统应满足本章节4中相关规范要求;投标方设备(含分包外购件)采用的油漆工艺系统中对应的 环境腐蚀类型、油漆耐久性、设备环境区域、表面处理.油 漆种类及漆膜厚度应满足本章节5中相关要求(CS01-CS11);对于直接出厂但需在现场进行二次组装后成为设备内部组 件的这些钢构件外表面及设备外壳的内表面(且上述这些部MU位或部件在设备组装完成后正常运行时与大气环境隔离)应 有必要的防锈措施,可涂刷一道醇酸防锈漆(干膜厚度50um)或气相防锈油(有特殊要求禁止涂漆的除外);如上述这些部件或部位在设备组装完毕后正常运行是长期与环 境大气相通,则这些部件表面的油漆要求与该设备壳体外表 面油漆工艺要求相同(具体见CS01CSll)o供货范围内所有扶手.支柱、梯、格栅板、护栏、踢脚板及 紧固件等需热镀锌,锌膜厚度不小于600g/m2.供货范围内配套的电控柜涂层保护可采用喷塑工艺,除有特 殊明确的说明外不锈钢材质和镀锌件设备或部件外表面一 般不油漆。 对于本章节中未提及的设备内部件防腐涂装要求,可按照国 家和行业相关规范要求执行,由厂家在合同执行阶段提供给 招标方的工厂油漆规范中进一步细化明确,并需得到招标方 认可。对于本工程设备采用的油漆品牌,要求投标方在PPG牌、 佐敦牌(JOTUN),国际牌(INTERNATIONAL )这三个涂 料品牌中选择,合同执行阶段最终选用的具体品牌需征得招 标方和业主的认可且不发生相关费用的增加调整;设备面漆颜色由招标方根据业主的意见在合同执行阶段书 面告知投标方,在未得到招标方及业主认可前投标方不得进 行设备油漆的订货和涂装,否则由此引起的相关损失由投标 方自行承担。对于本章节中的油漆相关要求,若中文与英文与冲突,原则 上以英文要求为准(中文部分为招标方对照翻译的,供投标 方参考),投标方有义务告知招标方并征得招标方认可。供货设备油漆执行的规范代码(具体要求见本章节的CS01-CS11相关要求)2.油漆通用技术要求2.1 Cleanliness and Painting (清洁和上漆)All items supplied by the Seller except for the items being galvanised and/or made of stainless steel shall be painted and Hnished in accordance with relative requirement of this chapter.除了本项目正在镀锌和/或是用不锈钢制成之外,投标方提供 的所有设备应该刷上油漆。The colours of items which are not described in the colour code standard of the Owner shall be to the approval of the Owner.凡是那些不属于业主的彩色编码标准范围之内的产品的颜 色,应该得到业主的认可。The Seller shall submit the names of the proposed paint supplier and applicator together with a quality assurance program for approval.投标方应该提交被推荐的油漆供应商和申请人的名单,加上 品质保证计划,来获得认可。All coats of a paint system shall be from the same manufacturer. However, where the Seller is unable to comply with this requirement, he must ensure that the paint to be used is compatible and equal to the paint already supplied.所有涂料体系的油漆应该来自同一个制造商。然而,如果投 标方未能遵守这项规定,应该确保涂料体系所使用的各种油 漆是兼容的,并且与已经供应的油漆是相当的。Unless expressly stated to the contrary all materials shallcomply with the requirements of the approved Standards or Codes.除非另有明确说明,否则,所有材料应该遵守已批准的标准 或规范的要求。Where a standard is referred to, that standard shall be of the latest published edition thereof, unless stated otherwise.提及的所有标准都是指该标准最新出版的版本而言,除非另 有说明。For equipment being painted within the Seller s works the Seller must ensure that favourable conditions exist in which a good level of cleanliness is being exercised with a relatively dust free atmosphere, good ventilation and lighting and maintenance of suitable temperature and humidity conditions.如果设备的刷漆应该包含在投标方的工作范围之内,投标方 应该确保刷漆作业的环境条件是良好的,是洁净.相对无尘 的,具有良好的通风和照明条件、及合适的维修温度和湿度 条件等,都是必要的。Where the painting specification refers to Indoor” and “Outdoor” locations, in this context all Indoor rooms and buildings without air conditioning or ventilation shall be treated as “Outdoor”.而涂料的技术规格是就“室内”和“户外”的位置而言,在本文 中,所有的“室内”的房间和建筑物,如果没有空调或通风系 统,应该被视为“户外”。Where paint coatings are proposed for the protection of surfaces of equipment exposed to corrosive conditions, such as plant items exposed to brine water or immersion in liquid, or wet gases, the Coatings shall be formulated to be suitably corrosion resistant and shall be high voltage spark tested at works and/or at Site prior to commissioning.如果油漆涂层是为了保护设备暴露在外的表面免受腐蚀而 使用,例如机械设备暴露在盐水中、或浸入液体中、或暴露 在潮湿的气体中,涂层应该具有适当的耐腐蚀性能,并应该 在工厂的车间对这些油漆涂层进行高压耐电火花测试,或者 在电厂的现场,在投运前进行测试。If the defects revealed by the above test procedure do not exceed one per m2 ofcoating surface, the coating need not be re-tested after the defects have been repaired. If the defects exceed one per m2 of coating surface, the repairs shall be re-tested after any curing is complete, this procedure shall be repeated until the defects are less than one per m2 of coating surface. After repair of these defects, the equipment can be placed in service without further testing.
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