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备战2022高考考英语完形填空话题分类训练(高考真题+各地模拟题)专题29完形填空之时代变迁Passage 1(2021 山东省实验中学模拟预测)In search of a little quiet, I have spent some time wandering through the Australian town, Walhalla. If I had arrived about 150 years earlier, I would have found a(an) goldfield town. “Around 1890, the main mine was the 2 gold producer in Victoria, explains the Walhalla Star HoteEs owner, Michael Leaney. As we walk along the main road, green high hills rise on either side. We feel 3.When the gold ran out, most people 4, and today only about twenty 5residents are left in Walhalla. As the residents left, many buildings were 6. When the70s came, the town began to be transformed into a tourist 7 and some historic buildings have been rebuilt.That night we have great dinner at Walhallas pub. We walk back in the dark. There are no street lights in the town so the stars 8 brightly against the night sky. Walhalla was the last town in Australia to get electricity. Leaney says 9 more development is to come: the Internet and mobile 10 will improve.After a quick breakfast at the hotel the next morning, I walk down what was once a high street lined with 11 to the edge of the little town. Holiday homes and historic signs are 12 in the town. The walk takes me onto the tram (矿车)line. Alongside the mountain, its the 13 where wood from the valley was once transported up to the mine. These days its ideal for views into the valley below. The mountains trees were 14 and now they are green again.Leaney has invited me to ride an old-fashioned train that runs on the rebuilt train line from Walhalla to a nearby town. The views are 15. Back in town, I leave Leaney for4.my next stop.1. A. emptyB . far-offC peacefulD.busy2. A. biggestB. smallestC. oldestD.poorest3. A. lonelyB , relaxedC. nervousD.regretful4. A. moved awayB, hung aroundC. flooded inD.cheered up5. A. temporaryB happyC. royalD.permanent考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:当黄金耗尽时,大多数人都搬走了,现在Walhalla只剩下大 约 20 个常住居民。A. moved away 搬走;B. hung around 闲荡;C. flooded in 涌入;D. cheered up(使)振作起来。根据下文“As the residents left”可知,金竭人空,很多人都搬走了。应选A 项。5. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当黄金耗尽时,大多数人都搬走了,现在Walhalla只剩下大约 20个常住居民。A. temporary暂时的;B. happy高兴的;C.royal皇室的;D. permanent常住 的,永恒的。根据上文可知,为淘金而来的人终究散去,只有一直在此地的常住居民 (permanent residents)留了 下来。应选 D 项。6. 考查动词(短语)词义辨析。句意:居民们离开后,许多楼房都被遗弃了。A. sold out售罄; B. taken over接管;C.deserted遗弃;D.shared提供。结合常识可知,人去楼空,所以很 多筑物被遗弃(desert)了。应选C项。7. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当70年代到来的时候,这个小镇开始变成一个旅游目的地,一 些历史建筑已经被重建。A. foundation基础;B.opponent对手;C. destination目的地;D. possession拥有。tourist destination为常用词组,意为“旅游目的地”,废弃小镇华丽转身,变 成旅游胜地。应选C项。8. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:城里没有路灯,所以星星在夜空中闪闪发光。A. bounce弹起;8. shine 闪耀;C. emerge 出现;D. strike 打击。由句中“brightly against the night sky”可知, 在无街灯的小镇,作者看见群星闪耀。应选B项。9. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:利尼满怀感激地说,更多的开展将会到来:互联网和移动 信 号覆盖将会改善。A. thankfully满怀感激地;B. suddenly突然;C.unluckily不幸地;D.anxiously 焦虑地。由句中“more development is to come”可知I,好事将至,利尼满怀感激。应选A项。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:利尼满怀感激地说,更多的开展将会到来:互联网和移动 信 号覆盖将会改善。A. benefit 好处;B. coverage 覆盖;C. comparison 比拟;D. competition 比 赛。结合常识可知,利尼所说的开展是指这个偏远小镇的互联网和移动 信号覆盖 (coverage) o 应选 B 项。11. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我沿着曾经的一条大街走到小镇的边缘,街道两旁都是商店。答案第10页,共18页A. factories工厂;B. hospitals医院;C. museums博物馆;D. shops商店。结合常识和句中“a highstree仍可推知,大街两旁都是商店。应选D项。12. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:小镇上到处都是度假屋和历史标志。A. spread展开;B. decorated 装饰;C. distributed分布、分发;D. placed放置。根据上文可知,小镇变成了旅游胜地,所 以度假屋和历史标志分布在小镇各个地方。应选C项。13. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:沿着山,是山谷里运送木材到矿井的小道。A. track轨道;B. site 地点;C. street 街道;D. town 城镇。由上文“The walk takes me onto the tram (矿车)line.”和句 中“where wood from the valley was once transported up to the mine.” 可知,作者走的是矿车轨 道。应选A项。14. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:山上的树木被毁坏了,现在它们又变绿了。planted种植;B. destroyed 破坏;C. burned 燃烧;D. buried 埋葬。由句中“now they are green again”可推知, 山上的树木曾被毁坏过。应选B项。15. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:景色美得令人窒息。A. boring无聊的;B. plain朴素的;C. heartbreaking令人心碎的;D. breathtaking令人惊叹的。结合上文作者描述可知,作者对于 小镇的开展和景致是持支持与欣赏的态度,所以这里用褒义词breathtaking,符合语境。故 选D项。16. DA17. BC18. DD19. CA20. CB21. BC22. A答案第11页,共18页23. AB24. DC25. CA26. D【分析】这是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章讲述了作者对十年后的和儿子将来所处的世界的担忧和愿望。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:2010年到来的时候,我的儿子只有一岁个头很小而且依 赖人,还会说一些基本的单词,但基本上还是我们迎接到这个世界的宝宝,观察他所有的第 一次。A. special 特别的;B. generous 慷慨的;C. intelligent 聪明的;D. dependent 依赖的。 结合上文my son was only a year old可知作者的儿子才一岁,个头很小,还很依赖人。应选 Do17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:2010年到来的时候,我的儿子只有一岁个头很小而且依赖 人,还会说一些基本的单词,但基本上还是我们迎接到这个世界的宝宝,观察他所有的第一 次。A. observing 观察;B. showing 展示;C. presenting 呈现;D. congratulating 恭喜。结合 后文all his first times可知作者他们观察着儿子所有的第一次。其它选项不符合语境。应选A。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在,我的宝宝已经长成了一个青少年,又高又壮,又聪明,是 黑泽明武士电影的爱好者。A. athlete运发动;B.adolescent青少年;C.adult成年人;D. kid 孩子。结合后文in 2030, he will be an adult.可知儿子2030年才是成年人,那么如今儿子是一 个青少年了,应选B。19. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在,我的宝宝已经长成了一个青少年,又高又壮,又聪明,是 黑泽明武士电影的爱好者。A. fun乐趣;B.sponsor赞助者;Clover爱好者,爱人;D. reader 读者。结合上文tall, strong, stout, and smart主要在形容儿子的特点,此处应当是在介绍儿子 的兴趣爱好,是黑泽明武士电影的爱好者。应选C。20. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:从现在起十年,也就是2030年,他将是一个成年人。A. interval 间隔;B. century 世纪;C. span 跨度;D. decade 十年。结合后文 I expect the next 10 years
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