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Unit 2. The Grand Canyon In America课型Teaching model课时Length of the lesson教法Teaching method学法Learning approachReading and Writing2 period (90)Bottom-up approachDiscuss, Summarize 教学目标Teaching aims教学重点Main pointsPhrasescare about, protect the environment, save energy, ride a bike, instead of, turn on air conditioning, throw away, , in fact, , if possible, as long as possible, so that, its better to , changeinto,something else, in ones neighbourhood, take part in教学难点Difficult pointsSo many important phrases教具Teaching aidsTape recorder, video, picture教学步骤Teaching stepsStep 1. New wordsStep 2. Look at the picture. Say which things are better for the environment and why?Step 3. Read the passage and answer the questions in the first paragraphStep 4. Read the passage and check the things you should do in activity 4Step 5. Explain the main pointsStep 6. Work in pairs and answer the questions板书设计Blackboard writ-ing Unit 2 Remember three words: reduce, reuse and recycle care about , do harm to , make a difference to , in ones neighbourhood作业Homework1. Finish the exercises in the workbook Ex. 5, 6, 7&8.2. Prepare the new unit.3. Write a conversation about a wonder. 教学效果与反思 Feedback and Introspection1.User: Wang Xiaoping 2.3.4
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