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江苏省历年中考真题分类汇编:阅读理解江苏省历年中考真题分类汇编:阅读理解 (新闻报道类)(新闻报道类) 一、阅读理解一、阅读理解 1阅读理解 Mike Isaac and I are reporters of Student Daily. For the topics of our newspaper next month visited Sunshine Elementary School on May 10. We interviewed some students and here is what they (1)What did Mike Isaac and the writer visit Sunshine Elementary School for? AFor environment protection. BFor wildlife protection. CFor good manners in school. DFor topics of the newspaper. (2)What may cause people to be mad at one another in Andrew Vargass opinion? ALosing more oxygen. BSpeaking in a loud voice. CCutting down more trees. DHunting tigers for medicine. (3)Who talked about health? AJoslyn Frace. BJayden Mitchell. CAndrew Vargas. DJoseph Truong. 2阅读理解 The Garbage (垃圾) Project started at the University of Arizona in 1973. Since then, the students and teachers in it have studied the modern garbage in different cities. To study the garbage, the students had to travel to landfills (填埋场) , the places where cities bury (填埋) their garbage. While the students were studying the garbage they wore special clothes. Students were very careful when they opened bags of garbage. One important thing the students have learned from studying the garbage is that the garbage in landfills disappears very slowly. That was surprising to both the students and many scientists who had thought that about 70 % of the garbage in landfills would disappear quickly. Even in cities where it rains a lot, the students found newspapers from 1948, 40-year-old hot dogs, and vegetables from 1970. And the students also found many more empty bottles of cola than they expected. How to dispose of our garbage well depends on what kind of garbage it is: regular(普通的) garbage, dangerous materials, or recyclable materials, such as newspapers and glass bottles. Regular garbage goes to regular landfills. Dangerous materials are harmful to peoples health and the environment. They shouldnt go into regular landfills. Homes are full of dangerous waste. One kind of the dangerous waste in homes is batteries. When batteries are buried directly(直接地)in a landfill, they often break open. The poison inside them moves through rain water to the bottom of the landfill. Then it can pollute the natural water in the ground. Another dangerous waste from homes is motor oil. When people pour old motor oil on the ground or throw it in the garbage, it pollutes the environment. Our garbage problem is not new, but as the worlds population continues to grow, it will become a bigger and bigger problem. (1)The Garbage Project started at the University of Arizona in _. A1973 B1970 C1948 D1940 (2)To study the modern garbage, the students had to do many things except _. AWearing special clothes Btraveling to landfills Cburying the garbage themselves Dopening bags of garbage (3)The underlined words dispose of in Paragraph 4 means _. Acrash into Bdeal with Cworry about Dput up (4)From the article, we know old motor oil _. Ashould go to regular landfills Bisnt harmful garbage Cmustnt be poured on the ground Dnever pollutes the environment (5)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? AThere are only two kinds of dangerous waste in homes. BScientists thought about 70 % of the garbage in landfills would disappear slowly. CThe students found empty bottles of cola were not as many as they expected. DBatteries often break open when they are buried directly in a landfill. 3 TOKYO, JAPAN-What do you do when you see a cockroach (蟑螂)? Do you hit it with a newspaper? Do you step on it? When researchers at Tokyo University see a cockroach, they take the remote control and make the cockroach turn around, run left or right, or go forward. These scientists are changing the cockroaches into robots. Each cockroach has a very small pack that has in it a microprocessor(微处理器).Then researchers can send signals from the remote control to the pack. The signals control the movements of the cockroaches. Why does anyone want to control a cockroach? “Insects can do many things that people cant,” says Isao Shimoyama, head of robot research at Tokyo University. In a few years, he says, these robot insects will carry very small cameras. They will be able to move through earthquake rubble(瓦砾)to look for people or move under doors to find information about someone. This may seem strange, but the Japanese government thinks the research is very important. The government is giving the scientists $ 5 million for this research. First, the researchers breed (培育)hundreds of cockroaches. They use only the American cockroach because it is bigger and stronger than other cockroaches. Then they choose the best cockroaches and remove their wings and antennae(触须). They put small packs where the antennae were. The packs weigh about three grams, or about two times the weight of the cockroaches themselves. “Cockroaches are very strong,” says Ralph Holzer, who is a researcher at Tokyo University. “They can lift 20 times their own weight. ” With a remote c
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