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浙江省绍兴市九年级英语适应性试卷(一模)浙江省绍兴市九年级英语适应性试卷(一模) 一、完形填空(本大题有一、完形填空(本大题有 1515 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 1 分,共计分,共计 1515 分分) ) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 I was 15 years old. I was angry. I behaved badly. I didnt 1 what my parents said, especially if it had nothing to do with me. Like so many 2 , I tried to run away from anything that didnt agree with my world; I got angry even when the word love was 3 . One night, after a rather difficult day, I stormed into my room, shut the door 4 and fell down onto my bed heavily. As I lay down in my bed, my 5 placed under my pillow(枕头). There was an envelope(信封).I 6 it out and on the envelope it said, To read when you are alone. 7 I was alone, no one would know whether I read it or not. So I opened it. 8 said, Allen, I know life is difficult right now, I know you are upset and I know we dont do everything right. l am here for you if you ever need to 9 . lf you dont, thats also OK. Just know that wherever you go or whatever you do in your life, I will always love you and be 10 that you are my son. Im here for you and I love you - that will never 11 . Love you, Mom. As I went to bed every 12 , I would put my hands under my pillow. And I remember the 13 I felt every time I got a letter. 14 my teen years, the letters helped me get through hard times. I knew I still could be loved even though I couldnt help being angry and rude. I became 15 that my mom knew what an angry teenager, needed. Mom knew best. Now I really regret being so angry and rebellious. I am trying my best to make it up to my family, especially my mom. 1Afind out Bcare about Cshout at Ddeal with 2Ateenagers Badults Csons Dparents 3Ashared Breceived Cmentioned Dwritten 4Aslowly Bcarefully Cexcitedly Dloudly 5Ahead Bhands Clegs Dfeet 6Agave Bpulled Ccut Dcalled 7ASince BWhenever CThough DUnless 8AShe BHe CIt DThey 9Aanswer Btalk Cread Dcry 10Anervous Bsorry Cproud Dsure 11Achange Bwork Chappen Dstart 12Amorning Bafternoon Cnoon Dnight 13Astress Bsadness Crelief Dworry 14AAfter BDuring CBefore DFor 15Ahelpful Bwonderful Chopeful Dthankful 二、阅读理解二、阅读理解( (本大题有本大题有 1515 小题,每小题小题,每小题 2 2 分,共计分,共计 3030 分分) ) 阅读理解 Hey, Kiddo by Jarrett J. Krosoczka Fans of this writer will know him for his Lunch Lady and Jedi Academy books. This book goes into the writers childhood as he tried to live in a family facing a lot of trouble and finding art to help him live. New and long-time fans of novels of this kind will like the deep meaning of this story. Price: $ 9 Guinness Book of World Records 2021 A great gift, coffee table book, or just fun to look through, every year the Guinness Book of World Records includes all the strange but amazing records that are broken each year. Price: $14 Five Feet Apart by Rachael Lippincott This love story is about two teens who fall in love but cant get within a few feet of each other without risking their lives, made into a best-selling(畅销的) movie. Price: $ 26 The How-To Cookbook for Teens by Julee Morrison Cooking is a useful life skill and tons of fun for teens. This beginner-friendly book encourages teens to cook and is easy for them to do it all by themselves. Price: $ 15 16Tim would most probably choose _ because he is crazy about Rachael Lippincott. AHey, Kiddo BGuinness Book of World Records 2021 CFive Feet Apart DThe How-To Cookbook for Teens 17From the text, we know that _. AHey, Kiddo has to do with the writers own life experience. BGuinness Book of World Records 2021 recorded everything in 2021. CFive Feet Apart is a book written out of a best-selling movie. DThe How-To Cookbook for Teens is a cooking book for skilled teens.) 18The text above is probably from the part of _ on Amazon. Alatest books Bpopular storybooks Cclassics Dbestsellers 阅读理解 Wushu is becoming more and more popular among Palestinian(巴勒斯坦的) girls in the West Bank. Sport Plus Academy is one of those sports clubs that teach girls wushu.Until now, there have been more than 100 girls who have joined our team, and the number of trainees has been doubled in the past few months, says Bissan Jarrar, the first woman coach of wushu from Ramallah city. Four years ago, Jarrar became interested in mastering wushu. Later, the young woman managed to win local and international prizes and finally became a coach for wushu. According to the 24-year-old coach, it is new that the Palestinian girls would like to be part of this special sport. The young woman explained that for many years, only men in Palestine practiced wushu, but now the situation is different. Batoul Abdul Wahhab, one of Jarrars trainees, tells us that she has joined the wushu team because it is a new sport for the Palestinian girls. She wants to take part in international competitions. The 14-year-old girl says, It has helped me change my character and become stronger. In her opinion, wushu has succeeded in putting women and men on the same level, as it depends on minds rather than muscles (肌肉) only. There are more than 300 girls of different ages who are practi
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