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B Lets try/Lets talk/Lets wrap it up词汇:词汇:sea, stay句型:句型:Where does he work? How does he go to work?主要教学内容主要教学内容1. 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答对话下面的问题。2. 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。3. 能够听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用以下句型:Where does he work? How does he go to work? 询问他人工作地点和交通工具。4. 能够在语境中理解生词stay healthy,work hard,study hard的意思,并能正确发音。5. 能树立努力学习、健康生活的意识。6. 能完成本页介绍自己父母上班地点和交通方式的活动。7. Lets wrap it up板块是本单元主要句型的句法归纳,可用于教授完B Lets talk之后,也可用于单元复习,让学生自己关注需要注意的语法点,进行归纳,找出规律。教学这个部分时应尽量启发学生思考,让他们自己进行总结、归纳。教学要求教学要求What does he do?Part B Lets talkPPT模板:素材:PPT背景:图表:PPT下载:教程: 资料下载:范文下载:试卷下载:教案下载:PPT论坛: PPT课件:语文课件:数学课件:英语课件:美术课件:科学课件:物理课件:化学课件:生物课件:地理课件:历史课件:What does he do ?He is a postman .Where does he work ?He works in a post office.What does she do ?She is a police officerWhere does She work?She works in a police station.What does he do ?He is a businessman .Where does he work ?He works in a company(公公司司).He is a fisherman .What does he do ?Where does he work ?He works at sea.She is a scientistWhere does She work?What does she do ?She works at a university.She is a pilotWhere does She work?What does she do ?She works on a plane.He is a coach .What does he do ?Where does he work ?He works in a gym.Mike:我叔叔是名渔民。Xiao Yu:他在哪儿作?Mike:他在海上工作。他每天能看见很多鱼!Xiao Yu:我明白了。他怎么去上班?乘船吗Mike:不.他在船上工作他骑自行车去上班。Xiao Yu:他有一个非常健康的生活方式。Mike:是的。他工作非常努力并且身体健康。Xiao Yu:我们也应该努力学习并保持健康stay healthy=keep healthy保持健康stay后接形容词或名词,代词.stay属系动词。根据根据Lets talk 回答问题。回答问题。1、What does Mikes uncle do ? He is a fisherman. 2、Where does Mikes uncle work ? He works at sea .3、How does Mikes uncle go to work ? He goes to work by bike .4 、Does he have a healthy life ? Yes,he does .5、What should we do ? We should study hard and stay healthy.Bye Bye
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