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Business-Level StrategyMichael A. HittR. Duane IrelandRobert E. HoskissonChapter 4Chapter 412003 Southwestern Publishing CompanyStrategy ImplementationStrategy ImplementationChapter 11Chapter 11OrganizationalOrganizationalStructure and Structure and ControlsControlsChapter 10Chapter 10CorporateCorporateGovernanceGovernanceChapter 12Chapter 12StrategicStrategicLeadershipLeadershipStrategy FormulationStrategy FormulationChapter 4Chapter 4Business-LevelBusiness-LevelStrategyStrategyStrategicStrategicCompetitivenessCompetitivenessAbove-AverageAbove-AverageReturnsReturnsStrategic IntentStrategic IntentStrategic MissionStrategic MissionChapter 2Chapter 2The ExternalThe ExternalEnvironmentEnvironmentChapter 3Chapter 3The InternalThe InternalEnvironmentEnvironmentThe Strategic Management ProcessFeedbackFeedbackStrategic InputsStrategic InputsStrategic ActionsStrategic ActionsStrategic OutcomesStrategic OutcomesChapter 13Chapter 13StrategicStrategicEntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship2Business-Level StrategyBusiness-level strategyBusiness-level strategy: an integrated and : an integrated and coordinated set of coordinated set of commitments and actionscommitments and actions the firm uses the firm uses to gain a competitiveto gain a competitive advantageadvantage by exploiting by exploiting core competenciescore competencies in in specific product marketsspecific product markets3Core Competencies and StrategyThe resources and capabilities that have been determined to be a source of competitive advantage for a firm over its rivalsAn integrated and coordinated set of An integrated and coordinated set of actions taken to exploit core competencies actions taken to exploit core competencies and gain a competitive advantageand gain a competitive advantageActions taken to provide value to customers and gain a competitive advantage by exploiting core competencies in specific, individual product marketsBusiness-levelBusiness-levelstrategystrategyStrategyStrategyCoreCorecompetenciescompetencies4Key Issues of Business-Level Strategyl lWhat good or serviceWhat good or service to offer customers to offer customersl lHow to manufacture or createHow to manufacture or create the good or the good or serviceservicel lHow to distributeHow to distribute the good or service in the good or service in the marketplacethe marketplace5The Central Role of CustomersIn selecting a business-level strategy, the firm determines1. 1. whowho it will serve it will serve2.2. whatwhat needs those target customers needs those target customers have that it will satisfyhave that it will satisfy3.3. howhow those needs will be satisfied those needs will be satisfied 6策略事業單位的確認lStrategic business unit,SBUl事業競爭策略管理的單位事業競爭策略管理的單位l事業單位的界定事業單位的界定顧客群顧客群顧客需要顧客需要核心能力核心能力7Managing Relationships With Customersl lCustomer relationshipsCustomer relationships are strengthened are strengthened by offering them by offering them superior valuesuperior value help customers to help customers to develop a new competitive develop a new competitive advantageadvantage enhance the value of enhance the value of existing competitive existing competitive advantagesadvantages8Managing Relationships With Customersl lEstablish a competitive advantage along Establish a competitive advantage along these dimensions:these dimensions:ReachReach the firms access and connection to customersthe firms access and connection to customersRichnessRichness the the depth and detail of the two-way flow of depth and detail of the two-way flow of informationinformation between the firm and customers between the firm and customersAffiliationAffiliation facilitating useful interactions with customersfacilitating useful interactions with customers9顧客分析l企業服務的對象是誰企業服務的對象是誰? (WHO)l目標顧客想要獲得滿目標顧客想要獲得滿足是什麼足是什麼?(WHAT)l企業如何以選定的策企業如何以選定的策略滿足顧客需求略滿足顧客需求?(HOW)l不斷重新思考顧客是不斷重新思考顧客是誰誰l和顧客保持密切與經和顧客保持密切與經常的接觸常的接觸l決定如何利用對手無決定如何利用對手無法仿效的核心能力來法仿效的核心能力來創造價值創造價值l設計合宜策略設計合宜策略10CustomersCustomersMarket SegmentationConsumerMarketsIndustrialMarkets11企業服務的對象是誰? (WHO)l區隔市場區隔市場人口統計變數人口統計變數地理變數地理變數生活型態生活型態個人特質個人特質消費模式消費模式產業結構特性產業結構特性組織規模組織規模l市場區隔中的市場區隔市場區隔中的市場區隔l利用資訊科技利用資訊科技l大規模顧客化大規模顧客化(mass customerization)的效益的效益12Market Segmentation: Consumer MarketsConsumer MarketsDemographic factorsConsumerMarketsSocioeconomic factorsGeographic factorsPsychological factorsConsumption patternsPerceptual factorsDem.Soc.Geo.Psy.Con.Per.13Market Segmentation: Industrial MarketsIndustrial MarketsIndustrialMarketsEnd-use segmentsProduct segmentsGeographic segmentsCommon buying factor segmentsCustomer size segmentsEndPro.Geo.Buy.Size14目標顧客想要什麼?(WHAT)l確認與了解目標顧客的需求確認與了解目標顧客的需求l預測目標顧客未知預測目標顧客未知(發現發現)的需求的需求在顧客之前在顧客之前在對手有行動之前在對手有行動之前(第一行動者優勢第一行動者優勢)l設法利用本身之核心能力以滿足顧客的設法利用本身之核心能力以滿足顧客的需求需求15Types of Business-Level Strategiesl lBusiness-level strategies are Business-level strategies are intended to intended to create differencescreate differences between the firms between the firms position relative to those of its rivalsposition relative to those of its rivalsl lTo
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