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本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑高中英语2022年高考英语试题分类汇编动词短语类单选 A8 动词短语 26. A82022安徽卷 Terry, please _ your cellphone when grandma is talking to you. Alook up from Blook into Clook back on Dlook through 26A 测验动词短语。look up from从?抬头往上看;look into调查;look back on回想,回头看;look through留心检查。句意:特里,祖母和你说话时,不要看着手机。应选A。 28. A82022安徽卷 When the sports hero_ at our party, he was welcomed with open arms. Aturned up Bleft off Cmoved on Dgot away 28A 测验动词短语。turn up展现,露面;leave off中断,戒掉;move on启程,离开,持续前进,对?采取行动;get away逃离,启程。句意:当那位体育明星展现在我们聚会上时,人们张开双臂接待他。应选A。 31. A82022全国大纲卷 Caroline doesnt have a gift for music, but she _ it with hard work. A. goes back on B. takes away from C. makes up for D. catches up with 31C 测验动词短语的用法。句意:卡罗琳没有音乐天赋,但她用 努力学习弥补了她的缺乏。此处make up for意为“弥补”。根据句意选C。 33A82022福建卷 As a grass-roots singer, she reads everything she can _ concerning music, and takes every opportunity to improve herself. Acatch sight of Bget hold of Ctake charge of Dmake mention of 33B 测验动词短语辨析。句意:作为一名草根歌手,她阅读她能得到的与音乐相关的全体资料,并且利用每一次机遇去提高自己。catch sight of 望见,察觉;get hold of把握,抓住,得到;take charge of负责,接纳;make mention of提到,提及。根据句意可知选择B项。 30A82022江苏卷 Dad, I dont think Oliver the right sort of person for the job. I see. Ill go right away and _ Apay him back Bpay him off Cput him away Dput him off 30B 测验动词短语辨析。句意:“爸爸,我认为Oliver不是这项工作的适合人选。”“我明白了,我现在就付清工资开除他。”pay back清偿,报答; pay off还清,付清工资予以开除;put away处理,放好;put off推迟,延期。根据语境可知B项正确。 27. A82022江西卷 Anyway, were here now, so lets _ some serious work. A. come up with B. get down to C. do away with D. live up to 27B 测验动词短语辨析。句意:不管怎么说,我们现在在这儿,因此让我们着手做一些重要的事情吧。come up with想起;get down to着手做;do away with废除;live up to实行,不辜负。 18. A82022陕西卷 Ralph W. Emerson would always _ new ideas that occurred to him. A. set off B. set about C. set up D. set down 18. D 测验动词短语。set off意为“启程,动身”;set about意为“开头,着手”,后跟动词v.-ing形式;set up意为“设立,建立”;set down意为“记录,写下,卸下”。句意:Ralph W. Emerson总是记录展现在他头脑中的新想法。应选D。 13. A82022天津卷 The two countries are going to meet to _ some barriers to trade between them. A. make up B. use up C. turn down D. break down 13. D 测验动词短语。make up 组成,构成,编造,虚构,和解; 3
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