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本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑2022年北京市大学生入学英语分级测试 Placement Test (2022) I. Listening Comprehension 听力理解分两片面,共20题,每题1分,共20分。 第一片面:本片面为十组对话,每组对话后有一个问题。对话读两遍。问题读一遍,每听完一个问题后,从答题纸上的A),B),C),D) 四个选项中选出最适合的答案,并涂黑。 Part A 1. A) Prepare a meal. B) Wait for a friend. D) Go out to play. B) Before 5 p.m. D) In the afternoon. C) Take a walk. 2. A) At 9 p.m. C) Before 9 p.m. 3. A) Because she has got an appointment. B) Because she doesnt want to. C) Because she has to work. D) Because she wants to eat in a new restaurant. 4. A) The man would get better grades if he studied more. B) The test was based on lecture material. C) She misplaced her textbook. D) The test was harder than she had expected. 5. A) She wants the man to go with her. C) Her car is nearby. 6. A) He often complains. B) She will take a bus home. D) Her home is within walking distance. B) He is a short man. D) He is always happy. C) He is always worried. 7. A) He was deeply offended by Susan. B) He felt he could manage Susans question. C) He was worried about the answer. D) He became indifferent to Susans feelings. 8. A) He wont go because he hasnt been well. B) He wont go because he doesnt like Susan. C) He will go because that exercise might do him good. D) He will go in spite of his illness. 9. A) He was hurt in an accident. B) His bicycle got broken. C) He was run over by a lorry. D) His bicycle ran into a lorry. 10. A) They should have called earlier in the day. B) They can not reserve a table in advance that day. C) The restaurant has no room for more diners. D) The restaurant is closed on weekends. 其次片面:本片面为短文听力测试,共三篇,每篇读两遍,问题读一遍。听完后请回复问题,从答题纸上的A),B),C),D)四个选项中选出最适合的答案,并涂黑。 Part B Passage One Questions 11 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard. 11. A) For one month. C) For three months. B) For two months. D) For four months. 12. A) Tim and Dom were too careless. B) The fishing ship was moving too fast. C) Nobody on the fishing ship saw them. D) Their rowboat was not strong enough. B) He chose to stay on the boat. D) He sent radio signals. B) Their journey. D) Their future. 13. A) He jumped into the water. C) He shouted for help. 14. A) Their rowboat. Passage Two C) Their safety. Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard. 15. A) A pleasant sound. 2 B) A pilot on a boat. D) A depth of twelve feet. C) A turn in the river. 16. A) A printing manager. C) A captain. B) A newspaper boy. D) A journalist. 17. A) Because his novels are always full of humor and wit. Passage Three Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard. 18. A) A town with a university as one part of it. B) A town with more than one university in it. C) A town with the university all over it. D) A town with shops, banks and pubs in the university. 19 A)They dont like the meals in the college. B)There is not enough housing for all the students in the college. C)They want to enjoy life outside before the final year comes. D)There are not as many societies and clubs in the college. 20 A) Faculty and staff can drive cars in Cambridge. B) Most students use bicycles in Cambridge. C) Students usually go to lectures by school bus. D) The roads in Cambridge are quite confusing. B) Because Mark Twain is considered to be a gifted writer. C) Because Mark Twain stands for light on a dark night. D) Because Mark Twain is always warm-hearted. II. Reading Comprehension 阅读理解 本片面共4篇文章,20个问题,每题2分,共40分。 (A) There are some people who actually enjoy work-in fact, they love to work. They spend many extra hours on the job each week and often take work home with them. These workaholics are as addicted (上了瘾的) to their jobs as other people are to drugs or alcohol. In some city centers, workaholism is so common that people do not consider it unusual: They accept the lifestyle as normal. 3 Workaholism can be a serious problem. Because true workaholics would rather work than do anything else, they probably dont know how to relax; that is, they might not enjoy movies, sports, or other types of entertainment. Most of all, they hate to sit and do nothing. The lives of workaholics are usually stressful (慌张的,压力重的), and this stress can cause health problems. In addition, typical workaholics dont pay much attention to their families. They spend little time with th
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