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经济学原理-第一学期期中考试2 经济学原理I(2022年秋季学期) 期中考试2(A卷) (2022/11/30) 注意:请将所有题目的答案写在答题册上,写在本试题纸上一律无效。 1、判断题(判断并简要说明理由,必要时可以用图形。每题4分,共24分) 1.春节期间倒卖火车票导致火车票短缺,损害了效率和公平。 2.在美国销售的耐克鞋很多是在中国生产的,制造商向中国工人支付的工资比美国工人 低得多。这一做法同时损害了中国和美国的整体利益,因此不论从哪个国家的利益着想,都应该禁止耐克公司在中国开厂。 3.Consider a country that imports a good from abroad.If demand is perfectly inelastic, consumers do not benefit from trade and there are no gains from trade for this country. (Hint: Use graph.) 4. A proper corrective tax (or Pigovian tax) on a market with negative externality reduces the social welfare (or cause deadweight loss) since the reduction in consumer and producer surplus exceeds the revenue raised by the government. (Use a graph). 5.环境保护法规定:“排放污染物超过国家或者地方规定的污染物排放标准的企业事 业单位,依照国家规定缴纳超标准排污费,并负责治理。征收的超标准排污费必须用于污染的防治,不得挪作他用。”如果超标准排污费正确反映了污染的社会成本,则 这一规定必定导致污染数量少于社会有效率数量。 6.A regressive tax (a tax for which high-income taxpayers pay a smaller fraction of their income than do low-income taxpayers) must result in a vertical-inequality, because the higher income a person has, the less amount of tax he or she will pay. 二、选择题(每题3分,共27分。每题只有一个正确答案。) 1.Melissa buys an iPod for $120 and gets consumer surplus of $80. If the price of an iPod were $90, her consumer surplus would be . If the price were $250, her consumer surplus would be . A.$110; $-50 B.$110; $0 C.$0; $0 D.$0; $-50 2.Suppose an early freeze sours the apple crops. Then the producer surplus in the market for apples will . The producer surplus in the market for pears will . The consumer surplus in the market for fruits as a whole will . The social surplus in the market for fruits as a whole will . (Hint: Fruits include apples and pears. Apples and pears are substitutes.) A.decrease, increase, decrease, decrease B.decrease, increase, decrease, increase or decrease (cannot judge) C.decrease, decrease, decrease, decrease D.decrease, increase, increase, decrease 经济学原理I(2022年秋季学期) 期中考试2(A卷) (2022/11/30) 注意:请将所有题目的答案写在答题册上,写在本试题纸上一律无效。 1、判断题(判断并简要说明理由,必要时可以用图形。每题4分,共24分) 1.春节期间倒卖火车票导致火车票短缺,损害了效率和公平。 2.在美国销售的耐克鞋很多是在中国生产的,制造商向中国工人支付的工资比美国工人 低得多。这一做法同时损害了中国和美国的整体利益,因此不论从哪个国家的利益着想,都应该禁止耐克公司在中国开厂。 3.Consider a country that imports a good from abroad.If demand is perfectly inelastic, consumers do not benefit from trade and there are no gains from trade for this country. (Hint: Use graph.) 4. A proper corrective tax (or Pigovian tax) on a market with negative externality reduces the social welfare (or cause deadweight loss) since the reduction in consumer and producer surplus exceeds the revenue raised by the government. (Use a graph). 5.环境保护法规定:“排放污染物超过国家或者地方规定的污染物排放标准的企业事 业单位,依照国家规定缴纳超标准排污费,并负责治理。征收的超标准排污费必须用于污染的防治,不得挪作他用。”如果超标准排污费正确反映了污染的社会成本,则 这一规定必定导致污染数量少于社会有效率数量。 6.A regressive tax (a tax for which high-income taxpayers pay a smaller fraction of their income than do low-income taxpayers) must result in a vertical-inequality, because the higher income a person has, the less amount of tax he or she will pay. 二、选择题(每题3分,共27分。每题只有一个正确答案。) 1.Melissa buys an iPod for $120 and gets consumer surplus of $80. If the price of an iPod were $90, her consumer surplus would be . If the price were $250, her consumer surplus would be . A.$110; $-50 B.$110; $0 C.$0; $0 D.$0; $-50 2.Suppose an early freeze sours the apple crops. Then the producer surplus in the market for apples will . The producer surplus in the market for pears will . The consumer surplus in the market for fruits as a whole will . The social surplus in the market for fruits as a whole will . (Hint: Fruits include apples and pears. Apples and pears are substitutes.) A.decrease, increase, decrease, decrease B.decrease, increase, decrease, increase or decrease (cannot judge) C.decrease, decrease, decrease, decrease D.decrease, increase, increase, decrease
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