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本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑六年级英语下册二单元知识汇总 (1) 第五篇:七年级下册英语短语1-5单元 Unit 1 Can you come to my party? 重点词组 1. on Saturday afternoon在星期六下午2. study for a test为了考试学习 3. go to the doctor 去看医生 4. have a piano lesson上钢琴课 5. help my parents / mom扶助我的父母/妈妈 6. visit my aunt访问我的婶婶 7. go to my guitar lesson去上我的吉他课 8. go to the movies 去看电影 9. have too much homework有太多的家庭作业 10.go to the basketball game 去加入篮球比赛 11.go to the concert去加入音乐会 12.go to the mall去商场 13.on the calendar在日历上 14.the day after tomorrow后天 15.babysit his sister临时照管他的妹妹 16.be really busy真的很忙 17.go to the dentist去看牙医 18. have tennis training with the school team和校队一起举行网球训练19. study for my chemistry test为了我的化学考试而学习 20.call me after the vacation在假期以后给我打电话 21. keep quiet保持宁静 22.do the geography project做地理课题 23.the whole day=all day一全日 e over顺便来访 come over to my house顺便到我家来 25.discuss the science report 议论科学报告 e to my party 来我的聚会 27.Thats too bad太糟糕 28.thanks for asking感谢询问(苦求) thanks for your invitation 感谢邀请29.another time另一次 30.how about doing=what about doing做某事怎么样 Unit2Im more outgoing than my sister 单词: 重要学识点 1. mean 2. both 3. hers = her+两个(都)过去式 :meant 5. make名词all 4. schoolwork 三者或三者以上(都) 不成数 ,也可用于不成数名词 7. though =although 过去式:made6. interest adj. interesting9 friendship不与but 同时展现8. beat 过去式: beat n. friend adj. friendly10 information 不成数 短语: 1.2. 4. 比。不止一个。外向一点 morea thanlittleonemore3. 我的双胞胎姐姐outgoing my twin sister 6.正如你所见到的as you can see5.在一些方面in some ways8.看起来一致9. 她最热爱的学科look the same her favorite subject7.看起来不同look different10. 有共同之物12. 和.一样as.as have some things in common14.擅长16.使.be good at=do well in 11.做make sb. Do不如 13.使我大笑.not as (so).as. make me laugh 17. 相15.她最好的挚友her best friends 19. 按对立的观点与爱好照我的观点 inmy have opposite views and interestsopinion18.在情谊方面21.大多数孩子22.在网球方面击败我most of the kids20.做.有必要its necessary to doinafriendship24.热爱讲笑话enjoy telling jokes beat me in tennis23. 对孩子好 25.有好分数be good with children26. 停27. 与止谈话have good grades 。不同stop talkingbedifferenttop doing from 中断做stop to do 停下来去做 29 2年前two years ago28.比以前than before 30.一名小学生31.照管a primary school student 学识点:好好照管.look after .= take care of. 形容词的对比级:用于两者相比 .look after. well=take good care of.对比级的构成: 1 bad/badly/ill : worse 特殊:little(少)-lessmany/much- moregood/well- better2单音节词:far- farther/further((2)1)直接加以e结尾,加er 3(3) 以两个辅音字母夹一个元音字母结尾,双写辅音字母加 r er双音节或多音节词: ( (2) 1)以辅音字母加其他一般在词前加y结尾的双音节词,变 more y为i,加er Unit Three 词组 1. pour the milk into the blender把牛奶倒入果汁机里 2. cut up an onion切碎洋葱 cut up a green onion切碎一个绿色洋葱 3. put the relish on the chicken把调味品放在鸡肉上 puta banana into a bowl把香焦放在碗里 4. turn on /turn off开启/关上 5. make a banana milk shake制作香蕉奶昔make fruit salad制作水果沙拉 6. how many + pl / how much +u多少 7. a teaspoon of yogurt一勺酸奶two teaspoonsof honey两勺蜂蜜a cup of yogurt一杯酸奶a slice of bread一片面包 another slice of bread另一片面包 8 let me see / let me think让我看看/让我想想 9 mix up the ingredients混合,搅拌材料 10 the popcorn popper爆米花机 11 super chicken sandwich极好的鸡肉三明治 12 add.to. 把。参与 add salt to the noodles把盐加到面条里 13 a recipe for a great turkey sandwich一个极好的火鸡三明治食谱14 need some help需要点扶助need to do sth需要干某事 15 hot water热水 16 for about two minutes大约两分钟 17 Beijing Duck北京烤鸭 18 roll pancake滚煎饼 20 boil the noodles煮面条 21、peel three bananas剥三根香蕉 22、put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt 放进两茶匙蜂蜜和一杯酸奶 23、write instructions写说明 Unit4 短语 1.有。There is /are/was/were。 2.去水族馆go to the aquarium 3.照相take(some)photos(take a photo) 4.和她挚友一起闲逛hang out with her friends 5.赢得那顶帽子win that hat 获奖win a prize获得一等奖 win first prize 6.其它什么事/东西what else=what other things 7.其它什么地方where else 8.得到某人的签名get ones autograph 9.在水族馆at the aquarium 10.在学校旅行当中on the school trip 11.游客中心Vsitors Center 12.13.观看海豚表演watch a dolphin show 14.之后after that午饭后after lunch 15.16.在.末,在。止境at the end of。 17.结果in the end = finally=at last 18.擦车clean the bus 19.住在加利福尼亚live in California 20.听起来很糟糕That sounds terrible. 21.睡过头sleep late 22.开车兜风go for a drive 23.上课take / have a class 24.在我下一个休息日on my next day off 25.休两天的假 have two days off 26. 27去野营go camping 28.在雨中,冒雨 in the rain 29.呆在家stay at home=stay in the house 30.把。放在外面put.out 31.在院子里 in the yard 32.举行院落出售have a yard sale 33.弄湿get wet 34.再见see you (soon/later) 35.在昨天的歌咏比赛中in yesterdays singing competition 36.吃面条作为午饭have a bowl of noodles for lunch 37.想再去want to go again 38.他们中无人(三者或三者以上)none of them 39.从。回来come back from.=be back from。 Unit5When was he born?短语 1国际体育明星an international sports star 2一个出名的中国/巴西乒乓球运鼓动a famous Chinese/Brazilian ping-pong player 3出世于。be born in/on. 4世界纪录World Record(s) 5开头做某事start doing / to do sth.=begin to do/ doing sth 开头打高尔夫球start golfing开头做运动start playing sports 开头打嗝start hiccupping 6在1999in 1999在1999年10月in October,199
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