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本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑表示时间100个英语习语(附例句) 跟胡子伯伯学英语 地道英语:表示时间100个英语习语(附例句) 100 English IDIOMS FOR TIME with Examples By Nadia Ilyas Are you looking for something to do to kill time? Well there are plenty of idiom examples here for you to learn! If you practise them regularly, soon youll be able to use them on a day to day basis and improve your English! I am a true believer that there is no time like the present. So start learning today! The “Time Idioms” image was created by Kaplan International. Click here to see the original article or to discover how you can study English abroad. 1. AROUND THE CLOCK If something is open around the clock, it means it is open 24 hours a day. ? The hotels service is great, there is always someone available to help you around the clock. 2. BEHIND THE TIMES Used to describe someone who is old-fashioned and has ideas that are regarded as out-dated. ? Its a shame his parents dont understand it from his point of view, theyre really behind the times. 3. AHEAD OF TIME If something happens ahead of time, it happens early, before the set time, or with time to spare. 攻克英语惯用词,说好地道英文。 跟胡子伯伯学英语 ? If you make the cakes ahead of time, then youll be able to focus on the decorations more. 4. CALL IT A DAY / NIGHT To stop doing something for a while, normally at least until the following day. This can also be used as slang to say something has been ended completely. ? Right guys, youve worked really hard. I think its time to call it a night, Ill see you all again tomorrow. Neither of us was happy in the relationship, so we decided to call it a day. ? 5. A MONTH OF SUNDAYS This is a very long period of time. ? Its been a month of Sundays since I last went to the theatre! 6. DWELL ON THE PAST When someone thinks too much about the past, and it becomes a problem. ? I wish youd stop dwelling on the past, shes never going to come back. You need to move on with your life! 7. AGAINST THE CLOCK Doing something against the clock means you are rushed and have very little time to do it. ? I worked day and night against the clock to get this done on time, and youre being so ungrateful! 8. CALL TIME When you call time on something, you decide it is time to end it. 攻克英语惯用词,说好地道英文。 跟胡子伯伯学英语 ? I think we should call time on this project. It is draining our resources, exhausting our manpower, and isnt making any progress. 9. AFTER THE WATERSHED In some countries, the watershed is the time limit after which, more TV programmes can be shown that include adult humour, bad language, or controversial subjects. ? Why are the children still up watching TV? They should be in bed now, its after the watershed! 10. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER This suggests that it is better to do something late than not do it at all. ? Ive finally managed to build my dream house. I know Im nearly at retirement age, but its better late than never! 11. DAYS ARE NUMBERED When someones days are numbered, they are expected to die soon. ? The doctors say his days are numbered. They dont have much hope of him surviving this illness. 12. DO TIME / SERVE TIME Used to describe someones sentence in prison. ? He is doing time for a crime he did not commit! 13. DONT KNOW WHETHER TO WIND A WATCH OR BARK AT THE MOON Used when someone just doesnt know what to do ? He has asked me to marry him and is still waiting for an answer, but I dont know whether to wind a watch or bark at the moon! 攻克英语惯用词,说好地道英文。 跟胡子伯伯学英语 14. ELEVENTH HOUR When something happens at the very last minute. ? Everyone thought he was going to lose when he had to stop to get a tyre changed, but at the eleventh hour, he came first and won the race! 15. CRUNCH TIME When someone has to make an important decision that will affect not just their future, but those of others around them too. ? As the Executive Director stepped out onto the podium, his clothes felt damp, and sweat beads were forming on his forehead. He knew it was crunch time. 16. CARRY THE DAY If something carries the day, it defines a win that felt like a long battle and could have gone either way. ? The Liverpool Football Club had carried the day well, they rejoiced as they held their prize, the League Cup, up high for all to see. 17. TIME FLIES A very common idiom that means time passes very quickly. ? I cant believe its almost time to go home. Its funny how time flies when youre having fun! 18. JUST IN TIME / IN THE NICK OF TIME This means that you get somewhere or finish something just before it is too late. At the last possible moment. ? She thought her husband was going to m
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